Blood Blade, the number one strong in this group of Japanese special forces, Blood Shinobu was killed by Wang Chen.

Blood Shinobi comes from the ancient ninja family of small Japan, and although he has no special forces training, he is a professional killer.

All the training he has undergone is not weaker than the training of special forces, and it is even more cruel.

Blood Shinobi’s reputation is well known throughout the underground world, and he was once invited by the CIA to work with Navy SEALs to carry out decapitation operations that overthrew the regimes in Libya, Afghanistan, and Syria.

Unexpectedly, in the Celestial Empire, facing a group of backwardly equipped policemen, they were killed by the other party.

And the way of death is so weird and terrifying, the head smokes, a hole appears in the forehead, and not even a trace of blood comes out.

It’s terrifying!

The 11 Japanese special forces left behind instantly understood that they were not facing the police, but the special forces of Huaxia.

But just now, two of the dead policemen were killed by the blood blade, and with a headshot, one person could suppress the policeman and dare not take the head, so he was killed by the inexplicable Huaxia special forces… The state of death is miserable.

One of the Japanese snipers, who was better at Blood Blade, was furious and prepared to snipe and shoot the murderer of Blood Blade, Wang Chen.

Just when he aimed at Wang Chen and his index finger was about to pull the trigger, suddenly, he felt a ray of light shooting.

With a muffled snort, he was pierced through his chest by the light that was shooting, he was stunned for a moment, and finally glanced at the chest that was smoking, his body fell limply, and he didn’t understand until he died, how he died.

Is this a new bullet? With the last question, and the eyes of death prominent, he died unwillingly in the land of China.

“Ding! The host kills a terrorist, gains 100 XP, and earns a medal. “The system prompts immediately.

Wang Chen smiled coldly, his heat energy locked laser gun, there is no need to emerge at all, as long as the barrel is out, it can completely lock the other party, which is terrifying.

Two companions died, and the remaining Japanese were shocked, and their faces were extremely solemn.

“This time, we have met a master!” The Japanese couldn’t help but break out in a lot of cold sweat on his forehead.

“Good terrifying master, what kind of weapon is this, has Huaxia’s technology developed to this point?”

“Incredible, how could Huaxia have such a deadly weapon.”

“Pay attention to secrecy and don’t attack rashly again.”

Thermal energy weapons are not only being studied in China, but also developed countries such as Europe, the United States and Japan.

It’s just that thermal energy weapons still exist in the theoretical stage, and if they want to really enter the battlefield, they also need scientific and technological research and new research results.

Two of the Japanese did not believe in this evil, how could Huaxia develop such a strange weapon, this is just a semi-finished product.

And they are born not to see the Chinese people powerful, the Japanese will nod their heads and bow when they see the whites, but in the face of the Chinese people always have a natural sense of superiority, many people are more proud of the ancestors invading China.

“Ueda, let’s kill this Celestial Empire man!”

“Okay, strike at the same time!”




Two Japanese jumped up at the same time, aimed, shot, in one go. No wonder you can suppress a group of SWAT officers can’t lift their heads, these Japanese snipers do have two brushes.

This skill, that is, compared with the special forces of the lightning commando, is not too much.

The fire attacked, Wang Chen’s position was suppressed, and the other eight Japanese special forces also cooperated, and the fire was woven into a net, to suppress Wang Chen in his position, once they approached, the other party had no chance to escape.

This method can indeed suppress ordinary snipers.

But the Wang Chen they were facing, Wang Chen himself was a terrifying soldier king with all 7 attributes.

Wang Chen rolled out, from the hidden position, and then moved like a rabbit, extremely fast, and ran wildly with his legs.

The bullets that came failed to hit Wang Chen at all, that is, even passing by was a luxury.

Wang Chen on the run used the Bing Feng Gun Pulling Technique, looking back is a shot, from the shot to the shooting, between the electric flint, the heat energy light has been shot.

The two Japanese snipers faced the sudden burst of heat energy rays, and did not even have the slightest time to react, and a headshot was shot, and a puff of white smoke appeared on their heads.

“Ding! The host kills two terrorists, earns 200 XP, and earns medals. ”

The remaining eight Japanese snipers couldn’t keep up with Wang Chen’s running speed at all, they couldn’t imagine that someone’s speed could be as fast as a bolt of lightning, and even bullets seemed to be unable to keep up with the speed of the other party’s running.

The most terrifying thing was that the other party was running at high speed, looking back and throwing the gun, extremely accurate, and killed one of their companions.

“Hide now and wait patiently for the opportunity.”

“Yaga, don’t send it to death again.”

Facing the sharpshooter-like Wang Chen, the remaining 6 Japanese snipers were too scared to emerge again.

These Japanese people are not too stupid, Wang Chen’s strength, is indeed not what they can fight hard, if they continue to catch up and fight hard with Wang Chen, they will definitely be killed by Wang Chen one by one and slaughtered.

The seven Japanese who were hiding, hearing the constant sound of footsteps, tightly held the sniper rifle in their hands, cold sweat was dripping from their foreheads little by little, sweat soaked into their eyes, blurred their vision, and were so frightened that they immediately dried them quickly, for fear that their opponents would suddenly appear in front of them.

Seeing this group of little Japanese hiding, Wang Chen scolded: “Come out, prey, do you know what prey is?” A herd of Japanese pigs waiting to be slaughtered. ”

“The Japanese people are waste, just like your ancestors, just with your three-legged cat kung fu, you dare to set foot on the land of China!”

“Now you don’t even have the qualifications to return to Japan, and you are all slaughtered in the land of China, just like your ancestors who were inferior to pigs and dogs back then.”

Wang Chen’s scolding made the remaining 6 Japanese snipers, all red-faced, angry but did not dare to argue with words, holding back and only gritting their teeth, tightly holding the sniper rifle in their hands, and cursing fiercely in their hearts: Baga.

Originally, they were proud of their outstanding skills, raided the Huaxia police, and quickly evacuated after winning without alarming the Huaxia military.

This was originally an easy task, but now because of the appearance of this Chinese special forces, they have fallen into despair.

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