“To be promoted to captain at such a young age, the future future must be limitless!”

“I feel that we have all lived in vain in the past few years, and Wang Chen has been in the army for less than four months, right?”

“Not really! In less than four months, he was already promoted to captain, and at such a pace, the same as what he did, a miracle! ”


Ye Xinxin secretly looked at Wang Chen’s gaze, revealing a strong friendship.

After hearing the praise of the comrades around him, his heart was even more indescribably happy!

His own sweetheart, so quickly rose to captain!

She is happier than anyone!

But at the same time, I feel a huge pressure!

Wang Chen is already a captain, and he is still a small soldier!

Such a gap is also too big!

Ye Xinxin knew that Wang Chen’s footsteps would definitely not stop here!

“I’ve got to work harder!” Ye Xinxin said secretly.

Tang Xinyi’s gaze at Wang Chen was also a little strange.


After the commendation meeting, Wang Chen once again became the focus of discussion among the officers and soldiers!

Congratulations to Wang Chen.

“Congratulations!” Lei Zhan said.

“Nothing.” Wang Chen said.

Only Wang Chen can say such awesome words, and others estimate that they will have to spray a bunch of saliva.

“Still so dragging! Don’t be proud, one day, I will defeat you! Lei Zhan said.

“I’ll wait.”


The news that Wang Chen made military merits again and was promoted to captain spread in the military region like wings.

His name became more and more famous in the East China Military Region, and more people began to pay attention to Wang Chen.

People who didn’t know much about Wang Chen before, this inquiry, was really shocked!


Recruit Challenge King!

Single-handedness is better than thunder war!

One person singled out four companies of sharpshooters!

One person overturned the Thunderbolt Commando and the Wolf Tooth Special Brigade!


Are these all the things of a recruit who has been in the army for less than four months?

It can only be described as a miracle!


“Please come in!”

Tang Xinyi, who was sorting out the training plan, replied softly.

Wang Chen pushed the door and walked in.

There was only Tang Xinyi alone in the office.

Tang Xinyi is burying her head in hard work.

I heard someone push the door in, but there was no sound, and then I looked up and saw that it was Wang Chen.

“How are you?”

Tang Xinyi said suspiciously, put down the pen and paper in his hand, and stood up.

“Isn’t it strange for me to find you?” Wang Chen showed a wry smile.

“What do you say?”

Tang Xinyi walked towards Wang Chen.

“Thank you, for your dedication to the Soldier Frontier Special Warfare Brigade during this time.” Wang Chen said suddenly.

“So how are you going to thank me?” Tang Xinyi stood in front of Wang Chen.

“What kind of thanks do you want?” Wang Chen said.

At this moment, Tang Xinyi’s little heart was beating.

Thinking of the first contact with Wang Chen’s fans, in the contact with him later, this is a man full of mystery!

Never in his hands, something that can’t be done?

He has always been able to turn decay into magic.

It is not on the topic of developing laser guns that Tang Xinyi’s view of him has been subverted.

Unconsciously, Wang Chen had left a deep imprint in her heart.

When he looked at Wang Chen, he was distracted.


Wang Chen asked.

At this moment, Tang Xinyi was like a ghost making a god, and he actually kissed Wang Chen coldly.

Wang Chen hadn’t reacted yet.

Tang Xinyi threw down a sentence: “I left beforehand!” ”

Wang Chen thought for a while before reacting.

A surprised smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Shaking his head, he left Tang Xinyi’s office.


After Wang Chen left, he went directly to the brigade commander He Zhijun.


“Come in!”

Wang Chen walked into the office.

When He Zhijun saw Wang Chen, he smiled and said, “Wang Chen, why are you so free today and don’t engage in training?” ”

“It’s still going on, and there are some things I want to report to you.” Wang Chen said.

“What’s the difficulty, just say it, I fully cooperate with you!”

“The physical fitness assessment of the personnel of the Soldier Fronts is basically complete, and I want to conduct their loyalty assessment!”

“If they pass my loyalty test, they can conduct comprehensive training according to my original most scientific training plan!”


At this time, a loud voice sounded outside the door.

“Come in!”

Lei Zhan pushed the door and came in, and saw Wang Chen.

“Shall I leave first?” Lei Zhan said.

“No need. Wang Chen, you continued, you just said that the current special training of the soldier is not the strongest training? He Zhijun continued to ask.

“Yes! This is only the initial training, and the most rigorous training is later! Wang Chen said.

Lei Zhan was shocked in his heart, he knew that the current training of the Bing Feng Special Combat Team had reached a very perverted training method, but this training method was the primary training in Wang Chen’s eyes!

That means there’s stronger training, gosh.

Is there a more terrifying training than that?

“Okay, tell me about your plan, I’ll let people fully cooperate with your actions!”

So Wang Chen roughly said about this loyalty assessment project.

“This operation, I named it Operation Nightingale.” Wang Chen said.

He Zhijun hesitated for a moment and said, “When do you want to start?” ”


“Okay! I will arrange for someone to cooperate with you immediately! ”


Lei Zhan heard it clearly on the side, and said to Wang Cheng: “How many people do you think can pass such a loyalty test?” ”

This kind of similar loyalty assessment, Lei Zhan has not experienced, is very impressive, requires a strong psychological quality, can dedicate his life for the interests of the country!

“All!” Wang Chen said affirmatively.

“Is it? Shall we make a bet. Someone will definitely be eliminated if you take the exam this time! ”


Wang Chen returned to the training base and immediately assembled.

“Raise soldiers for a thousand days, in a while. I just received an order from the brigade headquarters that tomorrow there will be a covert operation on the Sino-Indian border! This mission will be very dangerous, and there is a high probability that someone will die! Everyone write their legacy! ”

Wang Chen’s icy gaze scanned everyone.

“Whoever doesn’t want to can request to quit the Battle Team now!”

So everyone was silent all of a sudden.

“I repeat, this mission will be very dangerous! What we are going to face comes from a strong enemy on the Sino-Indian border! Now it’s too late for someone to quit! ”

“Give you five minutes to think about it!”

Five minutes passed quickly, and everyone was silent.

“Very good! Since you have chosen to stay, I wish you good luck tomorrow! Disband, go back and write your will, this may be the last time you write a letter! ”


“Er Niu, did you write your book?” Wang Yibing couldn’t sleep.

“Written!” Li Erniu was also sleepless.


“He Chenguang, did you write it?” Wang Yibin asked again.


“You say, will we die on this mission?”

“Bah, can you say something nice!” Li Erniu cursed.


The same is true for girls’ dormitories.

The girls lay in bed, tossing and turning.

This is their first mission, and they will face strong enemies who may die at any time. If you’re not nervous at all, it’s.

After Ye Xinxin finished writing the suicide note, she folded it, which she wrote to her mother.

In a very simple sentence, if she can’t come back, in the next life, continue to be her daughter.

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