Killing the rabbit, Wang Chen rushed to the deck.

I saw a helicopter hovering in midair.

“Look over there!”

Those on guard on the back deck had also seen the helicopter in the sky.

But it had climbed to a certain height, and the Frontline did not come with heavy weapons, and there was nothing they could do to look at the helicopter.

“Your people came quite quickly, but everything is still under my control!”

The doctor in the helicopter turned on the announcer and began shouting at the people below.

He Chenguang set up the sniper rifle in his hand and aimed at the helicopter in the sky and fired several shots, but the distance was too far for the bullet to hit the helicopter in the sky.

“What to do? Can you just watch him escape? ”

A policeman stared desperately at the helicopter in the sky.

The doctor, the suspect they had been tracking for several years, could only watch as he escaped again.

“No, the instructor won’t let him escape.” He Chenguang heard the policeman’s words, answered simply, and began to sort things out on the side.

In mid-air, the doctor’s eyes stared closely at Wang Chen, who had just come out of the cabin, and knew in his heart that his younger brother was dead!

That anger was forced down by him!

“Wang Chen, even if you are the best graduate of the International Hunter School, what is it like? Didn’t you catch me today? The doctor’s announcer continued to shout at Wang Chen, as if he didn’t want to leave just like that.

Wang Chen stood below, did not respond to his shout, but just stared coldly at the helicopter in the sky.

“What if you ruin a plan for me? Why didn’t you show up during the serial bombings three years ago? Why didn’t you come to the explosion of Fuhai Kindergarten two years ago? Why didn’t you come when the central square exploded a year ago? The doctor was on the helicopter, shouting at Wang Chen like a show-off.

“You did it all?” Wang Chen suddenly asked coldly, and the voice penetrated the noise of the propeller and sounded directly in the doctor’s ears.

The doctor was slightly stunned, turned to laughter, and continued: “That’s right, it’s all me!” As you may already know, Tomikai Kindergarten was done by me to take revenge on a subordinate who betrayed me and killed his daughter. And the central square is just to shut up the person who gossips me. ”

The doctor admitted everything he had done before, but these two things surprised the police on the side.

The kindergarten exploded two years ago, killing forty-five, thirty of them under five years old bait. The explosion in the central square two years ago killed 73 people, seriously injured 122, and suffered countless minor injuries, but in these two cases, the police investigated from all sides, but they had no clue.

“It turns out that this bastard did it!” An old policeman gritted his teeth, his fists almost bloody.

He participated in both cases, and the fact that such a major case did not result has always made him linger.

The people of the Soldier Strike Team had also heard a little about those two cases, and now when they heard the doctor say it, they also gritted their teeth.


However, unlike the desperation of those policemen, the faces of the soldiers seemed to have a kind of confidence.

He Chenguang on the side was still sorting things into a box.

“What about robbing Wang’s jewelry? Are you too? Wang Chen’s voice sounded in the doctor’s ears again.

“Of course that’s me, too? What do you think? My plan is okay, use the tunnel to dig directly into the ground of Wang’s jewelry, take things away by surprise, and you watch me leave, but you don’t know the situation! Ha ha! The doctor laughed a little crazy, and these things seemed to become medals on him.

“As the best graduate of the Hunter School, you really have a little strength, much stronger than those policemen. I was able to find this place through such a little clue. But so what? Don’t you still not catch me? The doctor remembered Wang Chen’s fierce strength, but his face was still smiling maniacally.

The doctor knew that he couldn’t beat Wang Chen, but he couldn’t, and he didn’t have to fight Wang Chen now.

At this time, a person suddenly rushed out of the cabin, raised the AK47 in his hand, and shot wildly at the sky.

However, at this distance, sniper rifles can’t hurt helicopters in the sky, and how can AK47, an assault rifle with a much shorter range, hit?

A policeman standing on the commanding height of the ship recognized the person at a glance, it was Li Jie, a demolition expert who thwarted the doctor’s conspiracy many times for three years, and his wife also died under the doctor’s bomb.

Unexpectedly, in the past three years of Li Jie’s disappearance, he was actually undercover here.

“It’s useless, at this distance, no one will want to touch me unless you Stinger missiles!” Look at the young man next to your voice, how knowledgeable people are, standing there is no longer ready to strike. Ha ha! The doctor laughed maniacally in mid-air.

Li Jie looked at Wang Chen on the side, and sure enough, Wang Chen didn’t hold any weapons in his hand.

However, Li Jie did not feel that Wang Chen had any feeling of giving up, and the confidence on his face made Li Jie couldn’t help but be a little moved.

Li Jie didn’t know what cards Wang Chen had, but looking at Wang Chen’s calm and relaxed appearance, his heart was also a lot calmer, as if with him, this matter could be solved.

At this time, He Chenguang boarded the boat from the front deck with a motorboat and ran all the way to Wang Chen with a box.

“Instructor, everything is ready.” He Chenguang saluted, and then directly handed over the box he had just sorted out to Wang Chen.

Wang Chen took the box, opened it, and there was a rare smile on his face, the soldiers he brought out really knew what he needed now, and he didn’t need to remind himself at all.

“Li Jie, you want to find a way to drag him, I will help you fight down that plane and avenge your wife’s murder.” Wang Chen’s voice was a little cold, but it revealed infinite firmness.

Li Jie looked at Wang Chen blankly, he knew Wang Chen’s strength.

In the cabin, Wang Chen’s strong appearance gave him a very shocking impact, but now it was not hand-to-hand combat.

This distance is not something that can be crossed by manpower at all.

There was no heavy firepower on the ship, and the police and special forces did not bring any anti-air weapons, not even an RPG, and wanted to shoot down the helicopter in the sky, Li Jie felt that Wang Chen was joking.

However, for Wang Chen, this is not a joke at all.

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