The Strongest Sword King Of Online Games

Chapter 218 Unintentional Taoism

This is a skill book, and it is a very common skill book after level 30, but it is a skill book for Wu Tian.

"Four Elephants and Baguazhang"

Type Mind


Consumes 100 internal energy

Limit nameless mind to level 10, mind magic specialization to level 3, internal strength value greater than 100 points

Describes the Taoist palm technique, which instantly hits the target with a palm wind, causing 32 damage, each damage being 10 points.

Starting from level 30, players can rely on the mind to learn new skills, among which there are more than ten kinds of palm, finger, claw, boxing and leg.

In general, palms and fists are strong, fingering control, claw techniques are cunning, and the rest also have their own strengths. Learning these skills can allow players to choose one more way and cooperate with the routine when outputting.

The damage of the skill book "Bagua Zhang" itself is not high. The only thing that is rare is the number of damages caused by this attack, which is too high.

If it is reasonable for ordinary players, they will not pay too much attention to this skill, because it actually causes 320 points, and it does not come with deceleration or other control effects. It is far less practical than fingering and claw methods, but no one I know, this skill can be attached to the evil spirit.

Once this move is used against the monster, 32 layers of Shaqi Jue can be stacked in one second, which means an additional 960 points of damage. These 32 attacks are equivalent to dealing about 150,000 damage.

The reason why Wu Tian is so excited is because with this skill, and with the stealth skill, he can go to a map that he wanted to play a long time ago. He put the skill in the backpack and clicked to learn, and more skills appeared in the skill bar. up a palm law icon.

There is also an item in the treasure chest, the blood spirit boots, the attributes are the same as the blood spirit helmet, he put it in the backpack, turned around and left the copy according to the original way.

Bai Lixi was waiting at the door, saw Wu Tian coming out, just about to speak, Wu Tian threw the blood spirit boots and the ancient jade scepter to him and said, "You contact Ding Yujia to play the copy together, remember not to touch the city lord. , I'll go out temporarily."

"Oh, okay." Bai Lixi nodded.

Wu Tian activated the flying on grass and stealth skills, and ran towards the Wuxin Taoist Temple on the level 30 map near the Jiangling City area.

According to the official records, Wuxin Taoist Temple was founded by the Yao Taoist Huai Shu. This is a failed immortal cultivation. He cheated many people out of money by relying on some advanced lightning and wood spells. Moreover, the Yao Taoist also made money. It was fatal, but the people of Gangneung City had no doubts about it.

Normally, this Taoist temple has no weirdness to fight. Huai Shu stood at the door of the Taoist temple with a sane face and greeted him. Players came here only as an official scenic spot or a mission point. Unexpectedly, this entire mountain gate can be killed, but it is not easy to kill them, not to mention the demon Daoist Huai Shu, his direct disciples are all masters of thunder and earth spells, and it is extremely difficult to kill. , If Wu Tian didn't have the Four Elephant Baguazhang, he really wouldn't dare to come here.

Twenty minutes later, Wu Tian came to the door of a Taoist temple. There was no player nearby. A large number of players were still fighting monsters in the 20-level area. The attack and defense of monsters in the 30-level area were not comparable to the level 20 monsters. Not suitable for ordinary players to leapfrog monsters.

Wu Tian walked to the door and saw Huai Shu was sending out the two rich people in Jiangling City.

"Immortal, please stay." After the two rich men clasped their fists, they both left.

Huai Shu smiled and watched the two move away, then turned and went back.

Wu Tian followed Huai Shu and entered the Taoist temple. The whole Taoist temple was very large. After entering the door and going down the stairs, there was a large square. Near a huge incense burner in the middle of the square, many people in Jiangling City were offering incense.

On the opposite side of the square is the Sanqing Hall, with a side hall on each side. Passing through the small door next to the side hall on the right side is the wing of the Taoist Temple. At this time, someone was watching at the door of the wing room, and Wu Tian started to stealth. Skill, walked past him.

Normally, to trigger the monster-killing quest here, you need to go through a long quest process, called Wang Yue'er's bloody state. Only through step-by-step understanding can you know that his husband died in the prison of Wuxin Taoist. Only then did it lead to the fact that Huai Shu and others were demons.

Wu Tian is a reincarnator. He knew that Huai Shu was a demon Taoist in his last life. Therefore, he skipped all the tasks in the middle and found the firewood room. Behind a haystack, he saw the secret door leading to the prison.

"Open it for me." Wu Tian pulled hard, the entire Taoist temple rumbling, and he jumped out of the dungeon.

The system prompts you to find a dungeon!

Wu Tian looked around. This dungeon was made of solid bricks. The dungeon was very dark. Although there was a chandelier every few meters on the ceiling, it was still unable to illuminate most of the area, and could only vaguely see a group of The shadow ran towards the door.

When they came to the light 10 meters away, a group of Taoist priests wearing bright yellow Taoist robes surrounded Wu Tian in a half circle, the Taoist priest standing in the middle pointed at Wu Tian and scolded, "Dare to break into the death row, you will die here. Bar!"

direct disciple

Level 35

Blood 4500045000

These Taoists all know thunder and wood spells, and they are still group spells. The magic damage is around 1000. Wu Tian's magic resistance is only over 200 points in total, and his blood volume is only over 2000. How can he dare to let these people give him a group attack .


Wu Tian disappeared in place in an instant, and quickly ran past them, which made all the direct disciples frown. Just when they were curious about where Wu Tian went, Huai Shu jumped in with dozens of disciples. , asked, "Where are the people?"

"Disappeared." The direct disciple quickly explained the matter.

Huai Shu said angrily, "If you don't find it for me, I will stand at the door, and you can find him for me."

"Yes." The disciples nodded and searched around the prison.

The scope of the prison is not large. On average, a group of 5 people can control all areas. Wu Tian follows behind one of the groups. His stealth time is 30 seconds. Clothes people.

"Four Elephants and Baguazhang"

A white light penetrated into the back of the yellow-robed Taoist, and he suddenly shook in place 32 times. At the same time, his HP dropped by a third.

"Blue Light"

"Blue Light"


The 4 Taoists in yellow clothes found Wu Tian and used their skills at the same time, but Wu Tian flew back first, and then used his stealth skills to hide his figure.

The four yellow-clothed Taoists have no way to do this, they can't find Wu Tian, ​​they can only start a search in the vicinity, this is the place where Wu Tian relies the most, in the situation of stealth volume, slaughter volume and heart-destroying palm Next, he came here to kill difficult bosses, as simple as killing mobs.

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