The Strongest Sword King Of Online Games

Chapter 230 Pretend To Be New

At the entrance of Zichan Cave, many players are gathering together. From a distance, there are gangs, loose people and small studios. There are about two hundred people. Two of them are fighting with swords, like quarreling.

"Isn't Jiang Daomen shameless, grabbing equipment and grabbing the head of our Feifei studio?" A female player sharply pointed at a male player opposite and scolded.

"Hey." The male player was wearing the badge of the Jiang Xinge gang. He looked at the female player indifferently, and said sarcastically, "Who knows who you are, what if you robbed them, you still want to take them back?"

The female player was about to make a move, but was stopped by a male player next to her. He frowned at Jiang Xinge's group and said, "The equipment is worthless, so I'll give it to you. Let's uncover this matter. I suggest that we should form a team to open up wasteland. The map, there are too many monsters in it, not one that can be beaten by one family, what do you think, Jiang Xinge?"

Jiang Xinge is one of the six allied gangs of the Jiang Dao League. They are not a big gang, only 1,800 people. Although this area belongs to their gang, they cannot control such a large area, and it is inevitable to cooperate with other guild players.

The ten of them thought for a while, and the leading player smiled and said to the people in Feifei Studio, "Yes, my name is Fireworks Zhaozhangkong, I hope we can have a good cooperation."

There are more than 10 people in Feifei Studio, and there are more than 10 people in Jiang Xinge. There are more than 20 people on both sides, forming a small alliance.

A few gangs next to them saw this scene, and they all joined together. In a blink of an eye, another 4 small alliances were formed, each with 20 people.

The remaining 100 or so people are all loose players. Facing the alliances that have been formed around them, they all feel that something is wrong.

If they go in alone, they are bound to be hunted down by these alliance players. For the time being, let's not talk about whether they can hit the equipment. If they don't explode out, they are lucky. Can they form a team? These people around...

"The scattered people have opened a group, you can join the group at will if you are above level 20." A male player with a shield suddenly shouted loudly.

In an instant, he became the focus of everyone. This man was not young, he looked like he was in his 20s. He found that everyone was looking at him and had some stage fright. Retreat, counterattack together when attacked, and share evenly when we hit something, I only have 20 people.”

This sentence made the 4 players who had already formed a team regarded him as a thorn in their side, and the atmosphere was a little frozen for a moment, but the next second, a laughing voice shouted, "I'm in the group, I'm in the group, add me."

Wu Tian, ​​who was dressed in elegant and elegant brocade clothes, held up a green bamboo stick and came to Shield Zhan with a happy face, and said, "I'll go first, but my attack power is not high, so don't dislike it."

"Don't dislike it, my name is Meteor Eternal, welcome to join." Shield Zhan said firmly.

"I will join too."

"I will join too."

"I'm opening a team, come to me when it's full."


In the blink of an eye, the scattered players applied to join the team one after another, and they all discovered it by accident. No one could bear to leave like this. For a time, more than 100 scattered players were divided into 5 teams and the five teams with gangs formed. confrontation.

Jiang Xinge's fireworks illuminated the sky with a cold snort, and said, "Let's talk about it first, there are 10 intersections, and 10 teams go to one each. Don't grab anyone, don't blame our swords and eyes if we go wrong."

After speaking, Fireworks Zhao Zhangkong was the first to lead the team into the cave, and the other 4 teams with gangs looked at each other and went in as well.

The rest of the scattered teams also followed, but Meteor Eternal did not rush in, but waited for the other teams to enter. He looked at the teammates around him and said, "Everyone, listen to me, those who have gangs will definitely It will come to trouble us, if anyone wants to quit, our team will be disbanded now, I have no opinion."

Wu Tian smiled, he was a little surprised that Meteor Eternal's reaction was able to accurately understand the thoughts of the five alliances.

A group of scattered people around looked at each other with different expressions.

"Everyone, my name is Broken Mountain." A man with an axe scratched his head and asked, "No, there is one road for one person, this place is so big, can you touch it?"

"My name is the fallen wolf." said a player with a sword. "Who knows if these roads will converge into one?"

Everyone was silent.

Meteor Eternal went on to say, "What we need to guard against the most is the people from Jiang Xinge and Feifei Studio. The leader of Feifei Studio is called Sad Wind, and his equipment is all level 20 Earth Rank equipment, which is much stronger than ours. As for Jiang Xinge, most of them are pseudo-Earth Rank equipment, if we are against them, if we don't unite, the odds of winning are not great."

Their equipment is mainly based on Xuan rank, supplemented by pseudo-Earth rank. If they cooperate well, there is a chance to grab the equipment dropped by the boss in the melee, or even retreat completely, but if they want to cooperate, they don't know each other. For a time, everyone hesitated.

A female player with a pair of short swords looked at the crowd with a hint of anger on her face and said, "They are all casual players, all you are afraid of is to hit the equipment and someone will grab it and run away. We agreed in advance that everything we hit will be Average points, losses are shared equally by everyone, if someone hits us, we will fight back together, everyone agrees or disagrees."

The female player said what everyone was thinking, but everyone didn't feel embarrassed. This kind of agreement can be signed in the game. The standard contract signature is enough. After everyone picks up the exploded items, players cannot Transactions can only be sold after obtaining the consent of everyone, and after selling, the money will automatically go into everyone's backpack.

They looked at each other, their worries were resolved, and they had nothing to fear, and nodded.




18 people agreed, the only one who didn't speak was Wu Tian. The female player glanced around with satisfaction, and finally looked at Wu Tian and asked, "Are you going?"

Wu Tian smiled, looked at the familiar face, and said, "Go, follow Her Lady Queen's instructions."

He has already recognized this female player, the blood moon setting sun, a violent girl. Wu Tian owed her favor in his previous life, and he never paid it back. He never thought that he would meet him in this life, and he felt that it was time to repay the favor.

The blood moon setting sun glanced at Wu Tian, ​​reported his name, and said, "Go in together and see which way you haven't entered. We have a good configuration. Meteor Eternal chose 2 shield battles, 6 melee battles, and 3 long-range battles. , 7 mages and 2 healers, please report the data, I will see how to cooperate with monsters."

"Attack 272 points."

"The spell damage is 238 points."


Everyone reported the numbers one by one, and when they were all finished, Wu Tian raised his hand and randomly said a number, saying, "Physical attack 182 points."

"I'll go." Meteor Eternal is happy that everyone's attributes are good. Hearing Wu Tian's words, his eyes widened, and he stared at Wu Tian in disbelief and said, "How much attack power do you have?"

"182, high." Wu Tian had a funny expression on his face.

"Where did you come from, this damage is still high?" The fallen wolf was anxious, and this damage was not easy to break against level 25 elite monsters.

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