The Strongest Sword King Of Online Games

Chapter 254: Destroy The Jiang Dao League

Just as Liu Ziyuan was anxiously waiting for the news, the blood butcher was also frowning. According to the time, the universe should arrive.

"Here." His subordinates suddenly pointed to Qiankun Zongheng, who was running fast in the distance, and said behind Qiankun Zongheng were a large number of players. Seeing the black mica, the blood butcher raised his hand excitedly and sent a message to all the villain valley players. "Listen to my orders, everyone is ready."

Qiankun Zongheng just took the people to the middle position, and before the blood butcher issued the order, suddenly Qiankun Zongheng stopped and looked at both sides. The scared blood butcher quickly lowered his head, but at this moment, Qiankun Zongheng Haha laughed and said, "Damn bastard, you still want to sneak attack on me, today I will show you the power of my Hundred Cities Alliance, everyone, attack~!"


"Come on~!"


At the same time, there were shouts of killing from the upper part of the mountain forest on both sides. The blood butcher looked back in horror and found that 100 meters high behind him, countless players rushed down, among them, the shooter and the mage started to attack.

"No, Qiankun Zongheng actually discovered me in advance." The blood butcher was frightened, and immediately sent a message to Liu Ziyuan.

The entrance of Green Bamboo Village.

Liu Ziyuan was looking at the great plain in the distance. Under the moonlight, the weeds on the plain in the distance moved with the wind. The green and black were already indistinguishable. Occasionally, there were shadows passing by, which were prairie wolves and prairie deer chasing.

At this time, a cloud in the sky covered the moon, making Liu Ziyuan, who was already anxious, even more gloomy.

What he didn't know was that at this moment, Wu Tian took 800 people and ran into the green bamboo forest following this dark cloud. Looking at the group of gasping players behind him, he smiled and stood tall at the crowd. At the same time, he also posted a thumbs-up emoji on the gang channel, he was afraid that everyone would not see it.

"Finally come in, everyone prepares and forms." Wu Tian said.

Just now, I got the news from the spies, Liu Ziyuan has been looking at the plain, Wu Tian did not dare to get too close, especially when the moon was bright in the sky.

It's also a loss that the distance is still a little far, and everyone is lying on the grass again, so Liu Ziyuan didn't see them, otherwise, Liu Ziyuan could see them at a glance.

But even if it was like this, Wu Tian was in a hurry. The night passed quickly. The night time in the game was only 4 hours, and more than half of it had passed.

Fortunately, this dark cloud floated past, and Wu Tian led someone to rush over. At this time, Wu Tian and the others were only about 100 meters away from the entire enemy team at the entrance of Green Bamboo Village. If Liu Zi was willing to send spies to monitor the surrounding area, Wu Tian would definitely no chance.

But the game has only started a month, and the battle has not yet developed to this stage, and no one knows that before every battle, it is necessary to send spies to investigate the situation.

On the other hand, Liu Ziyuan has never contacted Duan Yuntian. He has to plan not only Mangrove Mountain, but also the ambush situation at Tianshipo and Zilei Mountain. It can be said that he is so busy that he has no time to care about the battlefield under Tianji Mountain.

"Report to the boss, Tianshipo ambush was successful."

"Report to the boss, the ambush of Zilei Mountain was successful."

Two messages were sent to Liu Ziyuan's mailbox one after another. After reading the short words, Liu Ziyuan showed an excited look on his face.

At Tianshi Slope, the 8,000 people of the bastard scattered group successfully ambushed Duan Yuntian's men who had rushed back to the gang, and the killed Duan Yuntian and his allied gang's 5,000 main force ran in all directions.

At the foot of Zilei Mountain, another team of more than 7,000 people from the bastards' scattered group ambushed Zhang Yongnian who was anxious to return to the gang. The killed Zhang Yongnian and the Qi Alliance gang were wiped out. The mountain road was narrow and there was no place to escape. Zhang Yongnian was full of energy. Huge injury!

Wu Tian was about to make a sneak attack when Lin Zhu called and reported the news to Wu Tian, ​​saying, "It seems that there is a big hand behind the scenes controlling all this. I doubt Liu Ziyuan, only he has this ability."

Wu Tian said, "I also doubt Liu Ziyuan, but we don't have any evidence. This old boy is hiding deep enough."

There is no evidence in the previous life, which does not mean that it is still impossible to find out in this life. Wu Tian then said to Lin Zhu, "Auntie Lin, it's up to you."

Lin Zhu snorted coldly and said, "It's only interesting to play the game until now. Without this, I'm really too lazy to move my head. I like this enemy, leave it to me."

Lin Zhu just hung up the phone. On the other side, Qiankun Zongheng called and said, "The news you gave me is very prepared. I have already attacked the villain's valley army. I believe you are near Liu Ziyuan. If you want to say that this is not your boy. I can't believe it."

Wu Tian smiled and said, "There is something more terrifying, you know, Duan Yuntian's 5000 main force and Zhang Yongnian's more than 5000 main force were ambushed by the bastards scattered people in Tianshipo and Zilei Mountain respectively, and they were defeated. It's back, it looks like I did it all."

Qiankun Zongheng couldn't help but scolded and said, "Now I believe it's not you who did it. If you have this ability, why wait until today, besides, do you have so much money, I think you are a student."

Wu Tian laughed and said, "I really have the money, but I really didn't do this. I think we have to secretly form an alliance. To tell you the truth, I doubt Liu Ziyuan, you pay attention to him, if it's really him, Don't be fooled by him."

There is a saying that if you don't fight, you don't know each other. Qiankun Zongheng found that he really likes Wu Tian, ​​but he has a fundamental conflict of interest with Wu Tian. One represents the interests of the big gang, and the other represents the scattered group and ordinary players. The interests of the two are absolutely impossible to coexist, either, one day Wu Tian will defeat Qiankun, or one day Qiankun will defeat Wu Tian, ​​otherwise there is no possibility of reconciliation between the two.

Can you make Qiankun vertical and horizontal without private field leveling? Can Wu Tian go to the private field for leveling? Obviously impossible!

"Don't sow discord, that old boy has this ability, but he can't do this kind of thing, it's too disrespectful, a listed company boss, it's impossible to lose his own character like this." Qiankun Zongheng said angrily.

Wu Tian couldn't help rolling his eyes, thinking that Liu Ziyuan was the one you thought in your last life, and then was killed by Liu Ziyuan, this life is still like this, and you won't grow at all.

"It's up to you, it's time for me to attack." Wu Tian hung up the phone, raised his weapon and typed in the gang channel, "All follow me forward, I didn't give an order, no one is allowed to take the initiative to attack."

The crowd nodded.

Wu Tian led them towards the middle of Liu Ziyuan's team, which was already half of the entire team, where the healer and the mage were. Wu Tian hit the seven inches of his long snake formation.

On the other side, Liu Ziyuan is anxiously waiting for the last call from the Blood Butcher. The battle in the Valley of the Wicked is much more important than the battle in the other two places. There must be no losses, but the other two sides have called, and there is no phone call yet. When he came here, Liu Ziyuan was so anxious that he almost called the blood butcher, but he knew that he could not be anxious, and he must not interfere with the party who was preparing for a sneak attack because of one of his actions.

Sneak attack, maybe one action, it will be exposed!

Just when Liu Ziyuan was like ants on a hot pot, the blood butcher's phone called and said, "No, I was ambushed by Qiankun, and he already knew about my coming. It's going to be wiped out."

"What?" Liu Ziyuan stood there in shock, and at this moment, Wu Tian had come to a position 30 meters west of the middle section of Liu Ziyuan's 3,000 people, at the edge of the forest.

The system prompts dawn!

In the distance in the horizon, there was a touch of fish maw white, the sun gradually rose from the horizon, the night was driven away, and the sun shone on the leaves of the green bamboo forest.

Mottled light spots shone into the forest through the gaps in the branches and leaves, making the dark forest brighter, and at the same time, it also illuminated the silhouettes of Wu Tian and the Order Legion.

In the middle of the entire team, the players of the Star Wish Alliance suddenly felt the same thing around him. He turned his head and widened his eyes in horror, but before he could shout, Wu Tian raised the Dragon Sparrow Saber in his hand and shouted loudly.

"Order Legion, kill~!"

"Kill~!" More than 800 people shouted at the same time, crashing into the middle of Liu Ziyuan's 3,000-odd players.


"Fire Meteorite"

"Flying Rock"


A piece of skill swept past, Liu Ziyuan had few people, and the people were crowded, and more than 500 people were killed by the Order Corps.

Liu Ziyuan was in a stunned state, and was taken aback again when he heard the screams of killing. He was horrified to see that Wu Tian and his Order Corps had appeared on the side of his team at some point, and he was stunned. The team was interrupted in the middle.

"Kill them, kill them." Liu Ziyuan panicked and shouted quickly.

It can be considered that Liu Ziyuan usually has a good opponent, and some of his players collided with Wu Tian's team, but there are some people who don't want to die, just want to retreat. scene.

How could such a team have beaten a complete formation of the Order Corps? Wu Tian led the team to kill two rounds in Liu Ziyuan's crowd. More than 2,000 people were killed, while the Order Corps only killed less than 30 people. .

Liu Ziyuan looked at this scene in astonishment, he couldn't understand how Wu Tian and his Order Corps did it, and muttered to himself, "How is this possible, I have more than 3,000 elites."

"Third brother, let's go." Bi Li Wanren did not know when he appeared beside Liu Ziyuan and said, "We can't win, Wu Tian is going to rush over."

Liu Ziyuan suddenly realized that he knew that he couldn't die, and would rather run away than die. As the leader of a gang, if the leader was killed, the gang would feel less meaningful.

"Come on, let's go together." Liu Ziyuan turned around and ran.

Wu Tian was chasing the players of the Galaxy Alliance, but his eyes were always on Liu Ziyuan. When he saw Liu Ziyuan running away with someone, he motioned everyone to stop, bought a reel of amplification in the system, and shouted

"Brother Liu Ziyuan, I'll pay you for helping me in Maple Leaf Forest, walk slowly, I won't chase."

When Liu Ziyuan heard Wu Tian's words, he was instantly furious, gritted his teeth and led people away. At the same time, he scolded in his heart that the **** wolf cub was so strong and miscalculated.

Bi Li Wanren, who was running next to him, asked, "Third brother, what should I do now?"

Liu Ziyuan stopped, since Wu Tian said that he would not chase, then he must not chase, he snorted coldly, pretending to be still graceful, and said, "I can't spare him."

This time, although Liu Ziyuan severely damaged Duan Yuntian and Zhang Yongnian, the most important Qiankun Zongheng and Wu Tian were not killed. It felt like he had lost the watermelon and picked up the sesame seeds.

He opened the special space, pulled Blood Butcher and Wu Wu Yue in, and after inquiring, said, "You two contact Wu Tian immediately, saying that this time they came to help on purpose, I asked Shui Jun to say Wu Tian The two of you are in the same group, if Wu Tian denies it, you will post the screenshot of the chat, then frame Wu Tian after using the person and then abandon it, scold him for treason."

Blood Butcher and Wu Wuxue both laughed. If he did this, Wu Tian would not be able to gain a foothold in Jiangling City in the future. No matter how strong he was, no master would be willing to join his gang.

"Okay, let's contact him now," said the blood butcher.

Every gang has a gang liaison officer, mainly for recruiting players, but also for contacting other gangs.

The liaison officer of the Legion of Order was Ding Yujia. She received the friend request from Blood Butcher and Wu Wuyue, and immediately felt that something was wrong. There must be something wrong with adding friends at this time. He turned on the video and chose to agree.

"Who are the two?" Ding Yujia asked.

"I am the eldest blood butcher of the Wicked Valley Legion."

"It's the only remaining leader of the detached regiment I have at present, Irrelevant Fengyue."

Ding Yujia was glad that he chose the right video. He patted Wu Tian on the shoulder quickly, turned on the public key and asked, "We Order Legion, the Valley of the Wicked, and the Sanren Group don't know each other. Why did you two call us here?"

Wu Wuxue said with a smile, "Tell Wu Tian, ​​please, we want to make friends with him, and our help today is our sincerity."

Wu Tian laughed, he guessed right, someone really wanted to put the blame on him, saying, "I am Wu Tian, ​​here I solemnly explain to the two of you that no matter who the boss behind your scenes is, you want to put the blame on This trick of mine is not good, you guys remember, I will free up my space, and I will be the first to clean up you, not to kill the players under the hands of you two bastards from this game, I am sorry for the name of the gang of the Order Legion ."

The blood butcher and the unrelated Fengyue were said to be blinded by Wu Tian, ​​and the two have prepared any method to deal with Wu Tian, ​​especially when the two saw that Wu Tian was a student who did not graduate, they thought that Wu Tian was easy to deal with, and could be dealt with by Wu Tian. After chatting with each other like this, the two looked at each other and didn't know what to do.

Liu Ziyuan was beside the two of them. He was stunned when he heard this. He typed and said to Wu Wuyue, "Say ambiguous words, lead him to speak, and if there is a wrong sentence, it will be fine."

Even if there is a sentence that is not explained clearly, Liu Ziyuan can ask the water army to translate this sentence into other words, the two were just about to speak, but Wu Tian continued, "I ask, is the master behind the two of you Liu Ziyuan? If so, I guess I am with you now and tell him for me, if he really did it, I will kill him sooner or later."

After speaking, Wu Tian hung up the phone. On the other side, the three of Liu Ziyuan were dumbfounded. No one thought that Wu Tian even guessed him, the master behind the scenes.

"How does he know it's mine? It's impossible." Liu Ziyuan said excitedly, he absolutely couldn't accept that someone knew that this matter had something to do with him, otherwise, he wouldn't be able to gain a foothold in Jiangling City.

"I didn't say it."

"I didn't say it either."

The two quickly denied it. Liu Ziyuan also knew that it wasn't them who said it, and recalled his side, but he and the two were in one-line contact. It was absolutely impossible for such a thing to happen. For a while, Liu Ziyuan didn't know what to do.

the other side.

After Wu Tian hung up the phone, he did not return to Yunwu Village, but brought his main force to the south of the Green Bamboo Forest. In the level 20 map, there was a place called Cuiyun Mountain.

This mountain belongs to no one else, it is the residence of Jiang Daomeng Alliance Master Liu Fei and his gang Jiang Xinge, and it is also Liu Fei's only sub-gang.

The battle at the foot of Tianji Mountain has ended. Duan Yuntian and Zhang Yongnian were ambushed by the bastard scattered group and forced to withdraw from the battle. Now they don't know where to lick their wounds.

The rest of Liu Qingshan's confidence was broken by Wu Tian, ​​and 15,000 people couldn't gather together. Liu Ziyuan was also repelled. Qiankun fled back to the Xifengshan rescue gang. This time they attacked Wu. Seven of Tian's eight alliances left, and the only one left was Liu Fei's Jiang Dao alliance.

Wu Tian looked at Liu Fei, who was hiding in the crowd at the entrance of Cuiyun Mountain, with a sneer expression on his face, and roared after the system purchased the amplification reel, "Liu Fei, Tiandao Zhaozhao is not happy, Liu Fei, I said, whoever dares to occupy the green bamboo forest and cut off the life of the life player, I will destroy the gang and destroy the faction, and today, it is time for me to fulfill my promise."

"Misunderstanding, President Wu Tian, ​​this is all a misunderstanding, brother, I apologize to you, I don't dare anymore, please don't destroy my gang." Liu Fei almost cried.

"If I knew why today, I can spare you. You can ask the living players in the green bamboo forest if they will spare you. All the players of the Order Legion are ready to attack freely and destroy Jiang Daomeng and Jiangxin Pavilion for me. Player, my Order Legion will hunt down forever, and the whole army will attack~!"

Wu Tian pointed forward with a long knife, and was the first to charge towards the gate of Cuiyun Mountain. The players of the Eight Hundred Order Legion roared and followed Wu Tian.

In one day, they fought four battles in a row, which made them have extremely strong self-confidence in themselves. Moreover, the total number of Jiang Dao League was less than 3,000 now.

The reason why there are still 3,000 people is that Liu Fei knows that if the battle fails, Wu Tian will not spare him. He specially assembled it. His Jiang Dao Alliance is a big alliance of more than a dozen gangs. The total number of people There are more than 10,000 people long ago, but at this critical moment, only these 3,000 people are willing to come.

Liu Fei knew that it was over when he saw such a few people. He led people to block the mountain gate and fantasized that Wu Tian might not have time to find him trouble, but how could Wu Tian forget this matter, this is the time since Wu Tian was reborn. The most hated thing, he must destroy Jiang Dao League and Jiang Xin Pavilion, and Wu Tian will not let go of any player in this gang.

"Prepare to shoot, quickly prepare to shoot." Liu Fei couldn't understand Wu Tian's anger, and when he saw Wu Tian charged with someone like a lunatic, he shouted desperately.

The 3,000 people were stunned when they saw the rushing Order Legion. The gate of Cuiyun Mountain was very large, and it could accommodate the next 50 people advancing side by side, which happened to be the formation of the Order Legion.

The fireworks shine in the sky and hide in the middle of the team to command. At this time, he is the most fearful, because he scolded Wu Tian on the World Channel for one afternoon, and he led the people to kill the green bamboo forest. life player.

He knew that Wu Tian couldn't spare him, this account might not be used anymore, but he was not reconciled, he just wasn't reconciled, seeing Wu Tian leading the team getting closer and closer, it was already 30 meters away, and the fireworks shouted in the sky. Said, "Let the skills, put the skills, kill them, kill them."

Countless arrows and spells smashed towards Wu Tian, ​​but at this moment, Wu Tian jumped and launched the light-weight technique, not only him, but also the Order Legion in this row. Sword team.


50 people landed in front of the first row of enemies at the entrance of Cuiyun Mountain almost at the same time, and at this moment, they were spinning at high speed at the same time.

"Fire Meteorite"

"Fire Meteorite"


After the wizard's skills were nearly perfect, Wu Tian took the lead in rushing into the enemy's formation. He stared at the hysterical fireworks and shouted, "I'll kill you first."

"Front Flip"


Wu Tian jumped in the air twice in a row and came to the front of the fireworks light, his eyes widened in fright, and at this moment, Wu Tian slashed his face with a knife.


The fireworks illuminated the sky and died on the spot!

"Fighting Intent"

Wu Tian was worried about being controlled, a white light appeared from his body, immune to all control skills, he activated the Tiger Roaring Saber Skill, swept four people to death with one slash, swept away one step at a time, and chased towards Liu Fei's position.

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