The 100,000 new players in the gang are short of equipment and skill books. If the first batch of 30,000 people were not selected to upgrade, they would all want to do prestige quests to get gang points to exchange for skill books.

World Channel Wutian is now on the forum and many players in Jiangling City are worried that the Legion of Order will become the next gang for leveling. .

As for where we are upgrading, I also announced it again to tell everyone that our Legion of Order does not need to be upgraded on low-level maps. I found an ancient battlefield dungeon in the 35-level area. We have our own way of brushing dungeons. 100,000 players will all enter the copy upgrade.


The same message, Wu Tian sent it three times in a row, when asking whether the Legion of Order might become another Star Wish Alliance and another Hundred Cities Alliance on the World Channel and on the forum, Wu Tian used the facts to make everyone doubt the Order. Legion players shut up.

"Idiots, now you know how strong the Legion of Order is, and you still suspect that the Legion of Order will compete with ordinary players for an upgrade location. You are absolutely stupid."

"A group of frogs sit in the well and watch the sky. The strength of Wu Tian and the Order Legion is far from what you can imagine. You thought that the Order Legion grabbed the upgrade map between levels 20 and 30, haha, it's ridiculous, the family has already leapfrogged in the level 35 nightmare copy. Fighting monsters has been upgraded."

"The Legion of Order is really a conscience gang in Jiangling City. Anyone with a rhythm can get out. It's ridiculous to say that the Legion of Order will bully ordinary players, but you can't go to the place where the family is upgraded, haha."


There is no need for Wu Tian to hire the forum navy. The players on the World Channel who believe in the Legion of Order will not dare to say a word to the rhythmic players hired by Liu Ziyuan and Qiankun Zongheng.

the other side.

Liu Ziyuan and Qiankun Zongheng, who were secretly observing the situation of the Order Corps, suddenly felt a burning pain in their cheeks, as if they had been slapped dozens of times.

"Bastard, so you really have a gang."

"I thought I couldn't get out of Tianji Mountain by surrounding you."

"I'm a joke, the biggest joke in the world."

Qiankun Zongheng has been mad, and everything that can be shattered has been shattered. Without him, it is really shameful.

The last incident of Jiangling City's siege and suppression of the Order Legion was disturbed by the bastards' scattered group and the villain's Valley army.

Although he learned from the mouths of other people that the players of the Order Legion are very strong and well equipped, although he suspected that Wu Tian had a gang, Wu Tian helped him escape, and the riots of the scattered group made the world go all out. It was too late to think about how Wu Tian's subordinate players became stronger.

But now Wu Tian has openly exposed the way he became stronger to everyone, which is nothing to others, but it is a slap in the face to Qiankun Zongheng, and it is to tell the players in Jiangling City that Qiankun Zongheng is an idiot.

With hundreds of gangs and hundreds of thousands of people besieged in Tianji Mountain, and interviewed by various media, Qiankun Zongheng thought of the scene when he said in front of dozens of anchors that Wu Tian had been trapped and could not get out. , he can think of how all Jiangling City and the domestic players who watched the video are laughing at him now.

"I want to kill Wu Tian, ​​I must kill Wu Tian, ​​tell the spies in the gang, contact me with Tiger Soul, and I will dismantle the Legion of Order." Qiankun was furious.

He couldn't care about anything else. The King of the Underworld, Gunfight Bafang and others in the gang never dared to anger Qiankun Zongheng. Now seeing his boss's expression like this, he was too scared to speak. He quickly called and contacted the spy in the gang. wind.

Inside the copy of the ancient battlefield.

Wufeng is next to Tiger Soul at this time. He is a deeply hidden spy. From the beginning of the game, he has been disguised as a defeated ordinary player.

Being assigned to Tiger Soul made him extremely excited. This morning, Wufeng was in friendship with Tiger Soul. He found that Tiger Soul was very loyal and easy to talk. He was ordered by Qiankun Zongheng to rebel, Wufeng asked. "How much are you going to give?"

Qiankun sneered and said, "The monthly salary is 5,000 yuan, and he comes to the gang and directly promotes it to the main team leader. In addition, this money is not given to him for nothing, let him take away the elite."

Wufeng smiled and said, "This is enough money, he will definitely agree."

Qiankun Zongheng thought proudly, Wu Tian would never give money to his subordinates, but he was willing to give it, and he was not as inauthentic as Liu Ziyuan, the prodigal son of Goes Against The Heavens is now notorious, others do not know, they Such a gang boss who doesn't know that this is what Liu Ziwan did. This is forcing the prodigal son of Goes Against The Heavens to leave his job.

Qiankun Zongheng felt that he was a very interesting person at this time. A game player can give 5,000 yuan, which is already a lot. If you change it outside, no one will give them this money.

Wufeng nodded, and felt that the money was a lot. There were only more than a thousand elites under Hu Soul, and there were not necessarily many people who could follow him. It was estimated that there were only one or two hundred people at most. With the Hundred Cities Alliance, not only can you be the main team leader, but you can also have a monthly salary of 3,000. This kind of good thing, any person will agree to it.

He looked at the players who were fighting monsters in the distance, and then looked at the players who were resting around him. Wufeng came to Hushou's side and said with a wink, "Boss Hushou, come with me over there, I have something to do with you."

"What's the matter?" Tiger Soul just came back after pulling the blame, and was about to rest.

"You'll know when you go." Wufeng's face was full of enthusiasm.

Tiger Soul didn't take it seriously, he felt that Wufeng was a good boy, with good skills, smart mind, and strong ability to complete tasks. He was usually enthusiastic, and he was a good brother. He followed Wufeng and asked, "What's the matter, talk about it?" , make it mysterious."

Wufeng raised his eyebrows and asked, "Boss Tiger Soul, good things are happening to you, someone wants to hire you."

"Hire me?!" Tiger Soul didn't react immediately, but in the next second, he suddenly realized that this was a spy, and he turned his back on himself as predicted by his boss.

"Who do you represent? What treatment can you give me?" Hu Soul turned on the video recording function while talking cliché.

This is what Tiger Soul's father taught him, and he didn't expect to use it.

Wufeng still didn't know what Tiger Soul did, and still said proudly, "On behalf of the boss of Qiankun Zongheng of the Hundred Cities Alliance, I officially invite you to join the club. At the same time, the boss of Qiankun Zongheng said that as long as you agree, he will give you 5,000 yuan. monthly salary.”

Tiger Soul raised his eyebrows and said subconsciously, "So few?"

"Not a lot!" Wu Feng was a little surprised and said, "As long as you leave the gang with your main force, go to the Hundred Cities Alliance to be the main force leader, and a monthly salary of 5,000 yuan, what a fitting thing."

Hu Po secretly scolded himself for lack of heart, and subconsciously compared it with the money his boss gave him, he thought about it, and said, "Look at this, can you do it? You tell Qiankun, I want 8,000 for the salary, but I It’s not for nothing, I can take 5,000 to 10,000 people with my main force, give me a period of time, and after I bring them equipment, I will join the Hundred Cities Alliance, which is more suitable for him.”

"I'll report." Wufeng didn't expect the tiger soul lion to open his mouth, and called Qiankun Zongheng to explain the situation.

Qiankun Zongheng was also taken aback by the asking price of Tiger Soul, and scolded, "He wants an annual salary of 100,000 yuan? He asks me for 100,000 yuan for a year of playing games. He thinks I am a Kaishantang? Force me to learn. Liu Zi would like it, okay, give it to him."

Qiankun Zongheng felt that this was not enough. He opened a special space and invited Tiger Soul to enter the special space through Wufeng.

The light flickered.

Tiger Soul looked at Qiankun Zongheng in front of him and started video sharing with Wu Tian. He smiled and said to Qiankun Zongheng, "Hello, boss."

Qiankun looked at Tiger Soul with a kindly face, and said, "Brother, I really miss you so late, have you really decided to come to my gang?"

Tiger Soul pretended to be angry and said, "Wu Tian just took us as coolies, so many more people came out all of a sudden, it's all up to us, and he doesn't give us wages, I'm just too lazy to do it, just in time for you to find I, as long as you give me money, I will take someone with you."

Qiankun asked, "How many people can you take away?"

Tiger Soul said, "In one month, I can bring out 10,000 players with level 30 mysterious equipment."

Qiankun laughed violently. If this is the case, his strength can increase by a large amount, and he said, "Okay, the monthly salary is 8,000, we have agreed, I will wait for you for a month."

Hu Soul said with a "grateful" expression, "Thank you boss, I will do my best to repay your trust in me."

"The salary starts from this month. When you bring someone, the salary will be paid to you." The special space where Qiankun left with a big laugh.

Tiger Soul also withdrew. On the surface, he continued to take Wufeng and the others to fight monsters. He secretly sent a message to Wu Tian and said, "Boss, I did as you said."

When Tiger Soul and Qiankun Zongheng were talking, this month, Wu Tian asked Qiankun Zongheng to say so.

Wu Tian sneered and said, "The idiot of Qiankun Zongheng, he gave us a one-month buffer period, I thank him."

A month later, the Legion of Order has added at least 60,000 level 30 players. He still wants to take away the Tiger Soul, which is simply wishful thinking. Not only will he not be able to take the Soul of the Tiger, but he will see that the Legion of Order has become an existence that he cannot afford to offend.

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