The Strongest Sword King Of Online Games

Chapter 282 The Battle Of Deadwind Valley

West didn't think much and hung up the phone directly. In his opinion, he didn't need Liu Ziyuan's people at all. He could destroy Wu Tian by himself. The reason for this confidence is because of West's paragraph. development of time.

Although their family did not fool Cheng Dongming, they still raised billions of funds from the hands of many other rich people.

West took out 100 million of them to enter the game. The first thing he did was to acquire the shares of Blood Wave Team 51, and then he took out the funds to acquire 8 studios and 21 gangs. In just one month, His newly formed royal gang has more than 40,000 level 30 players.

In particular, these gangs used the road of private field leveling before. The gangs only recruited strong players, and they paid attention to the combination of strong and strong players. This time West merged the gangs. These masters gathered together. After many competitions, the gang There were more than 100 experts in it.

Known to the outside world as the Eight Immortals, Eight Ghosts, Eight Arhats, Eight Gods, Thirty-six Dharma Gods and Eighty-One Holy Hands, the so-called Eight Immortals, Eight Ghosts and others correspond to Xiaoyaomen, Wanguimen, Pudu Temple and Shenyin Pavilion.

The so-called thirty-six magic gods are thirty players of the natural magic department, and the eighty-one masters are all melee professions. Each of them can fight against three or even five with one. The following gang members, Most of them can do one against two, and one-on-one is even more victorious.

On the east side of Jiangling City, West conquered all the opponents. In the huge east mountain range, the players of the royal gang were rampant. It was because he had achieved this level that West dared to attack Wu Tian so arrogantly.

This time, he gathered 40,000 players who had reached level 30, and the banner was to kill people, grab equipment, and defeat the Legion of Order.

The royal family players who had hatred against the Order Legion before, just because they were bored with the upgrade, joined them one after another.

It was the first time that West had commanded so many people, and his face was full of excitement. He didn't expect that so many people would really listen to his orders. Although he didn't know how to command, he knew that he had many people and great strength. , The orders given to all teams are based on the 100-man dungeon regiment. The captain of the 100-man team is responsible for leading the team to attack.

In West's eyes, the Legion of Order would be destroyed with just one charge. In less than half a day, he would be able to wipe out the gangs of the Legion of Order before Liu Ziyuan's people arrived.

"Brothers, listen to me, whoever leads the team into the Legion of Order first, I will pack their team's level 40 Earth Rank equipment and upgrade potions from now on." West shouted.

"Whoever led the team to kill Wu Tian first, their team's level 40 Earth Rank equipment has also been upgraded, and I have also packed it." West shouted for the second time.

"Whoever smashed the teleportation formation of the Legion of Order's gangs, occupied the gang, and their team's level 40 Earth Rank equipment and upgrade potions, I have packed them." West shouted for the third time.

The more than 40,000 players who followed him showed their excited expressions. What was the purpose of joining the gang? Isn't it just for equipment and levels? Now that Weiss has made such a big commitment, everyone is extremely excited.

"For the glory of the royal family~!"

"We are the strongest gang in Gangneung City~!"

"No one can compete with us."

The leaders of the royal gang shouted one after another, which made the morale of more than 40,000 players unprecedentedly high.

"All troops advance." West shouted excitedly, waving his weapon.

More than 40,000 people marched forward in a loose formation. Along the way, the Eight Immortals, Eight Ghosts and other players gathered beside West, and everyone had a pleasing expression.

"Boss, don't worry, I will kill Wu Tian with my own hands when I see Wu Tian." One of the Eight Immortals, the wolf clan tyrant deliberately raised his eyebrows and put on a look of determination.

"Wu Tian is mine, don't grab it." One of the eight ghosts, who was haggard all night, was suddenly unhappy.

"A little guy, let you fight like this, let's all get out of the way. After a while, I will lead the team to break through the team of the Order Legion. I will be the first to rush up the mountain to kill Wu Tian, ​​and dismantle their sub-gang along the way." One of the Eight Arhats did not said madly.


West watched this scene proudly, he knew that these subordinates would work hard in front of him for money, he said arrogantly, "You eight lead the team to take the lead in this battle, don't let me down, win me again. reward."

"Thank you boss."

"The boss is mighty."

More than 30 people touted them one after another, making West despise them even more, saying, "Let's all go ahead and lead the team, the Eight Gods are with me, and listen to my orders at any time."

"Yes." The eight young girls showed their excited expressions. They already knew West's identity. The son of the executive director of the famous domestic bank Chansi Bank, who returned from a famous foreign university, is the second generation of wealth. The best candidates in their eyes.

Haggard all night and the wolf clan tyrant and others saw the appearance of the girls Yingying Yanyan, and they all showed a smile, no one was bothered by this scene, they thought it was a matter of course, if you have money, you should have it. More women, a group of people quickly ran forward and returned to their team.

"The brothers will attack me for a while, and if we take down Wu Tian, ​​our brothers will all have Earth Rank equipment of level 40." said Wolf Race Tyrant Zhi.

"It's definitely no problem to follow the boss of the wolf clan."

"Wu Tian is nothing, the boss will see you."


The surrounding subordinates praised him for a while, and he was haggard all night and happened to be walking by with someone. Hearing this, he sneered and said contemptuously, "You still want to kill Wu Tian, ​​don't look at yourself, you are a waste."

"What did you say?"

"Say one more word."

"Who are you referring to?"


The Wolf Race Tyrant and Yi Ye Hao have had conflicts since joining the gang. The two didn't like each other's eyes. Now the two are also the vanguard. For a while, the two sides glared at each other, and there was a big disagreement. idea.

The wolf clan tyrant was extremely angry, pointing to the haggard night and scolding, "How dare you tell me, if you don't agree with us, let's fight now, and I will kill you."

"It's up to you, the boss is watching from behind, come on." With a haggard look on his face, he summoned the ghost general.

The wolf clan tyrant was furious, but he didn't dare to attack. West paid him a salary, which was a lot for him, and he was still the team leader. If there was a fight now, he would have to be dismissed.

But it can't happen, it doesn't mean that the wolf clan tyrant can just forget it, just when he looked at him with a haggard face and mocking all night, the wolf clan tyrant quietly sent a message to his subordinates.

"Brothers, listen to my order. I will count down to three to two and one, and run with me. Let's run to the front and get the biggest battle credits. I'll go to the boss to ask for credit for everyone." The wolf clan tyrant said.

There are thousands of players under him, and when they heard the order, they all showed excited eyes, and the captains of each thousand and one hundred teams sent messages to reply.

The wolf clan tyrant showed smug eyes, mockingly looked at the haggard night, and after the countdown to three to two, he suddenly shouted, "Brothers, run."

"Come on." Thousands of people ran towards the front at the same time, frightened and haggard all night. He thought that so many people were looking for trouble for him. Furious, he shouted, "Follow me, catch up with them, don't let them take the lead."

They were all brave and ruthless, and the other Eight Immortals, Eight Ghosts and other members saw that they were all running away with people, and they couldn't sit still. Speed ​​up.

the other side.

Wu Tian was still gathering players at the foot of the ancient battlefield, and there were reports from Lin Zhu at any time in his ears. Among West's men, there were a large number of sparrows from Lin Zhu.

"West's people have already accelerated and will arrive at Deadwind Canyon in an hour at the earliest. How are your preparations?" Lin Zhu asked.

Wu Tian said with a smile, "Listen to my good news."

He turned off the intercom, and felt that the team was getting more and more chaotic under his command. He took advantage of no one to notice and got into the house next to him. Then, he turned on the stealth skill, ran out of the house, and quickly headed towards the wind. The canyon rushed over.

With the water drifting and stealth skills, Wu Tian's movement speed is extremely fast. In just half an hour, he ran to the position of Lifeng Canyon and saw Heyue Xingchen with the bright moon like snow and chasing the wind, and 2,000 people. Players are fortifying at the entrance and exit on the north side of Deadwind Valley.

"Boss." He Yue Xingchen said respectfully when he saw Wu Tian coming.

Wu Tian looked at He Yue Xingchen's formation, and according to his request, all 50 people in the first row consisted of shield battles, holding the Insect Emperor's shield and the shield to move forward.

The players in the back are holding the Long River Shield and the top shield is slanted upward. Beside them are 50 spear players holding the Cold Rain Spear, and then the shield battle with the top shield upward, receiving protective treatment under the shield.

After that, there are axe and dagger classes, which are designed to kill players who jump over from the opponent, but normal players cannot jump, and players who know how to use triple jumps do not have the same skill set as Wu Tian. The jump skill has been increased to a distance above level 3.

Level 1 front flips, side flips, and back flips are only 1 meter away, and the distance for light-weight techniques is only 5 meters. It is more said that rival gang players who have been upgraded to level 3 can only jump to the dagger and axe players if they cross the defense line in three consecutive jumps. In the pocket array, how many people came, how many people were killed by the whirlwind, or how many people were stunned by the dagger.

"Boss, how about setting up the formation according to your requirements?" Mingyue Ruxue asked happily, several of them discovered the benefits of this formation, and their admiration for Wu Tian increased day by day.

Wu Tian said with a smile, "This is the most basic formation. You are all good. You completely understand what I mean. The arrangement is very good. I will have the opportunity to teach you new formations in the future."

Everyone nodded happily.

Everyone is very relaxed in this battle. Although the enemy is very strong, the players from the Order Legion this time are all elites. In every shield battle in the front row, the shields in their hands have been tempered to level 10, and they are all equipped to fight. Prismatic magic resist gem.

Players with the Insect King Shield have a defense power of more than 700 points. Such defense power is almost impossible to break. Only spells can hurt them. There are 144 points, which is equivalent to immunity to 144 points of spell damage.

A level 30 Earth Rank equipped mage, the magic damage is no more than 330 points, and it only loses more than 100 points of blood when hitting them. Even if there are many people attacking together, they have the skills to reduce damage in these shield battles, and there is healing protection behind them. Its own blood volume is around 3000 points, as long as it cooperates properly, it can completely resist group spell attacks.

"You guys continue to defend, I'll go see other areas." Wu Tian threw the Mojia flying rope and climbed to the top of the cliff more than 100 meters high. On top of it, there were more than 2,500 people led by He Yu and Oil Paper Umbrella. Mage and 1500 shooters.

These people are evenly distributed on both sides of the entrance and exit on the north side of the valley. He Yu said, "I use a team attack mode of five people. Each team covers an area to ensure that no dead ends are left."

Wu Tian said, "Remember, don't care about the waste of armor-piercing arrows and potions. I have these things, boss. As long as I can win this battle, I will accept it no matter how much I pay."

"Yes." He Yu and the oil-paper umbrella said together, with Wu Tian's words, the two of them had a bottom line.

"I'm going to see the lord, he is the most dangerous place." He ran at the top of the cliff and came to the position of the lord. At this time, the lord was leading people to hide at the entrance and exit on the south side of Deadwind Valley, that is, close to the location of the lord. There is an ambush on the cliffs on this side of Gangneung Fortress.

When the lord saw Wu Tian, ​​he quickly pulled Wu Tian to his side, lowered his body and said, "The enemy is here."

Wu Tian looked out of Jiangling City. In the very distance, a black shadow was approaching rapidly. He raised his eyebrows and said, "It's fast enough."

Venerable Lord said, "This should be the fastest team to run for merit. They are here, and the large team will not be too far away. It is estimated that the time between the two is only 10 minutes."

Wu Tian praised the experience of the Sovereign Lord. The image he had sent from a spy was indeed in the area 10 minutes later, but the number of spies was small and no one was in the advance army, which caused Wu Tian to not find it.

"The enemy's formation is so wide open, it seems that I was deceived by my deception tactics. We will win this battle, but in the same way, you will have a heavy burden here, old man, keep it up, do you want us? Change the two." Wu Tian asked with a smile.

"Fuck off." The Honored Lord snorted coldly and said, "Today, I will show you how I got the title of Honored Lord. This is not a false name."

Wu Tian smiled and said, "Okay, then let's work together to block West's people from beginning to end, and completely wipe out his 40,000 people."

"That's it." The lord was full of excitement.

Wu Tian bowed his hands to the Lord, turned on his stealth skills, quickly ran back to the entrance, and said to Mingyue Ruxue and Heyue Xingchen, "The enemy is here."

"All preparations." He Yue Xingchen raised his voice sharply.

Thousands of players in the entrance area also showed bright lights in their eyes. For Wu Tian, ​​this battle was to defend the Legion of Order, but for them, it was more than just that.

This battle was a battle of shame and revenge for them. When they were driven to Tianji Mountain by the three major gangs, this humiliation has left them unforgettable to this day.

Especially the chase, ridicule, betrayal and abuse along the way, although they are very weak and helpless, but this also makes them develop mutual help, support and mutual trust.

"Brothers, the opportunity for revenge is here, don't be shy." A shield battle shouted.

"I believe in the teammates around us. We have helped us all the way to this day. The boss gave us the best equipment and gems. Let's cooperate together." Another shield battle shouted.

"Brothers, don't worry, we are here for the treatment," a healer shouted.

"Show those who have betrayed us and those who look down on us, who needs to be afraid of who now." The axe player behind roared.

"Hoo~!" Hundreds of people roared in unison.

The voice suddenly resounded throughout the valley, which made the first wolf tyrant who led the charge in showed an excited expression and said, "It seems that there is an enemy in front of Taniguchi, everyone charge with me, and the opportunity to seize the equipment has come."

Hundreds of royal family players showed excited expressions one after another, as the wolf king rushed towards the north entrance and exit of Deadwind Valley.

In the same way, the haggard night who was only a few dozen meters behind the wolf clan tyrant also rushed with people. For a time, the royal clan players rushed into the valley more quickly, causing the entire army to accelerate under their leadership. Run into the headwind canyon.

"It's weird, they didn't ask, they all ran along." Through the synchronous video sent by the lord, Wu Tian, ​​He Yue Xingchen and others could clearly see the enemy rushing in in large numbers, but the tiger's soul Don't understand why they charge.

He Yue Xingchen, Mingyue Ruxue and the others were also puzzled, Wu Tian stood in the middle of them, looked at everyone with a smile, and said, "Have you heard of such a thing? A dog in the village barked, the others The dogs also barked, although they didn't know why."

He Yuexingchen, Mingyue Ruxue and the others looked at Wu Tian in surprise. They could hear the deep meaning in this sentence, but they didn't know what the deep meaning was. After all, they were still a group of high school students and students who had just entered the university, unlike Wu Tian, ​​the soul has been beaten and tested by society.

"What do you mean?" Tiger Soul asked.

Wu Tian said with a smile, "Emotional rendering, the dog doesn't understand why the dog barks, but it can understand the emotion of the first dog barking. The stupid dogs on the opposite side only saw the wolf clan tyrants rush in with people. I don't know the reason, but when someone rushes, they rush subconsciously, which is also called herd mentality."

"So it is." Everyone nodded in understanding.

Wu Tian clapped his hands and said, "One last confirmation, everyone is ready, the enemy is coming."

"Roar~!" Hundreds of people roared at the same time, giving themselves firm confidence. At the same time, at this time, the Wolf Race Tyrant had already appeared in the distance with his players.

"Kill me, break the enemy's defensive position." The wolf clan tyrant roared and rushed up first, but at this moment, Wu Tian jumped out of the crowd, facing the wolf clan tyrant with a slash in the head. come down!

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