The Strongest Sword King Of Online Games

Chapter 297 Fire Qilin War Horse

Wu Tian looked at the other items and got another beast soul, this time the beast soul is a snake soul, and the accompanying skill is the resistance skin.

"Just enough to be used as a shield." Wu Tian said with a smile, if there is a blueprint for a heaven-level shield, he can definitely forge a heaven-level shield by adding this beast soul to it.

It's a pity that Wu Tian only knew how to make a Heaven-level weapon of the sword type in the last life. The rest of the weapons are at most Earth Rank or pseudo-heaven level, and this is a weapon of around 200. At Low Level, he really doesn't know how to make it. Understand.

The system prompts congratulations to the Legion of Order, the gang has been upgraded successfully!

Wu Tian's eyes lit up, his own little brothers, finally relying on the gang reputation task, the gang reached level 4.

He clicked on the gang interface and chose to upgrade each building. In the last upgraded building, there was an extra token transfer function, which cost 100 gold coins, or 10,000 yuan.

Wu Tian didn't care about the money at all, and immediately clicked to learn, the gang token in his backpack suddenly burst into light.

gang token

Level 0


Teleport can teleport the target back to the gang with a 30-minute cooldown!

The gang channel is brave in the end of the world, my boss, how come we have more skills for this gang token?

The gang channel oil-paper umbrella is powerful, give it a like.

The boss of the gang channel He Yu, the local tyrant, needs 10,000 yuan to upgrade this.


The players in the gang are sensational. With this thing, they have the ability to go further and upgrade, which is too important to them.

Wu Tian smiled and said in the gang, "In the future, there will be more and more benefits in the gang. I, the leader of the gang, cannot satisfy everyone, but I will do my best to ensure the logistics for everyone. You work hard for me, I will never I'll treat you badly."

Everyone was excited. They believed that Wu Tian's words were true. In the last battle, the more than 200,000 pieces of equipment obtained by the gang were really put into the gang warehouse by Wu Tian, ​​and players were allowed to exchange gang points.

It turned out that those players who thought Wu Tian lied and only tricked them into doing gang prestige quests regretted their bowels, because they could only watch those players who did quests exchange a lot of equipment, and some people directly exchanged them. A complete set.

They are just ordinary players, not gang elites, so they can use points to exchange, it can be seen that Wu Tian can really do what he says.

Another example is this time, Wu Tian has already decided to equip his elite group players with mounts, and now they are short of their level. If the level is reached, obviously, the elite group players can get horses worth 300 credit points for free. The good thing is beyond imagination.

For a time, everyone accelerated the upgrade speed, and more people began to look forward to the next battle. When they can also enter the elite group, they can also get various benefits given by Wu Tian.

He Yu said, "Boss, what you said made the brothers attack faster."

Tiger Soul said, "Me too, these guys are all working hard to join the elite group."

Wu Tian laughed and said, "Our next war is not far away. Everyone hurry up and upgrade. The gang will give priority to players who have risen to level 35 to join the elite group."

"Yes." Everyone nodded and said to their subordinates.

Wu Tian closed the chat channel and looked at the other items on the ground. He picked up a black necklace. He knew that this was a necessary item to fight a Top Level warhorse.

Village Chief's Daughter's Necklace

Describe the relics of the village chief's daughter. The poor child was eaten by the barbarians. This is the only thing he has left!

Wu Tian put away the black necklace, looked at the time, it was late in the night, he found a place where he didn't kill monsters and set a teleportation point, used the token to return to Tianji Mountain, and rested in the gang's wing.

In the early morning of the next day, Wu Tian took out 50 horse cards from the gang's warehouse in the wing room, and then used the magic scripture to teleport back to the level 60 area.

He turned on the water drifting and stealth skills, and ran all the way west along the wild grassland. Four hours later, he saw a small wooden village, which was a human village.

The system prompts you to discover the border village!

Wu Tian walked into the village, went straight to the largest house in the middle of the village, and found an old man in gray in the courtyard.

"My daughter's breath, young man, why do I feel my daughter's breath on your body." The gray-clothed old man looked at Wu Tian fiercely, with hope in his eyes.

Wu Tian took out the black necklace from his backpack and said, "Is it this thing?"

"That's right, this is my daughter's belongings, how could it be on you." The old man in grey asked excitedly grabbing the necklace.

Wu Tian said apologetically, "I got hit by the Savage Shaman, sorry, your daughter, I'm afraid it's more fortunate."

"Damn barbarian, I can't spare you." The gray-clothed old man fell into a rage, he stared at Wu Tian and said, "Although I feel very weak in your body, but I know you have a lot of auxiliary things, I don't care about you What is the origin, now I will give you the military supply of the open border village, if you can kill the leader of the barbarian people, I will give you the best reward."

The task prompts the gray-clothed old man's task, do you accept it?

Wu Tian chose to accept and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely help you kill them."

A key appeared in Wu Tian's backpack, it was called the Wilderness Gate Key, what Wu Tian wanted was this thing.

Normally, this key is the most difficult level to open the level 60 100-player dungeon. Players need to do nearly 30 tasks and it will take nearly a month to get the key to this gate.

Another way is the one that Wu Tian is using now. This is also the only task. After he does it, others will no longer be able to get the key through this task, but the village chief may also release other Top Level tasks. There is also a chance to get it.

Wu Tian tidied up his backpack. He put most of the items in the storage bag into the village warehouse. He only brought poison and came to the house next to the village chief's house.

In the yard next door to the village house, sat a blindfolded Taoist priest in yellow, with the whisk in his hand on his arm, and he was meditating cross-legged.

Huangjiao Taoist Zhao Tianshi

Level 60

Wu Tian clasped his fists at Zhao Tianshi and said, "Hello Tianshi."

Zhao Tianshi didn't open his eyes, he was still meditating, he just asked, "Why are you looking for me?"

Wu Tian smiled and said, "The village chief wants me to help eliminate demons and guard the road. I want to buy something from you."

Zhao Tianshi opened his eyes slightly and said with a smile, "The poor are sparse, I only have some means to spread beans and form an army here, but I can only slightly block the wild people, it is not very useful, if you want, I can sell it to you. ."

Wu Tian smiled and said, "Thank you so much."

A purchase frame popped up, with talismans, a bag of beans, and some weird stuff on it.

magic beans

Level 0

The skill throws beans into soldiers, throws beans on the ground, and automatically turns into a villain to fight. With the combat ability of a level 1 player, it is not very useful, just for cover.

Price 1 Gold Coin Bag

Wu Tian smiled and bought 50 bags of magic beans, each of which contained 100. Then he turned on his water drifting skills and stealth skills, and ran towards the north side of the village.

The main city of the barbarian people, the ancient city, is just two hours away from the north side of the village. Wu Tian did not rush to go, but walked while fighting monsters. By the time he got there, eight hours had passed. , but his level has also risen to level 35.

Desolate ancient city.

From a distance, the main city is built on a low mountain. From the bottom of the mountain to the top, the buildings in the main city are lined up, and every building is built of rocks, not only tall, but also magnificent.

At the gate below the mountain, there are a large number of savage warriors guarding, they are stronger than the ordinary savage.

Wu Tian walked past them stealthily, but did not arouse their idea. He walked straight ahead along the street in front of him. There were savages everywhere in the city, as well as shops of savages. It seemed that the savages were living a normal life just like humans. .

After walking for half an hour, Wu Tian came to the central area of ​​the city, in front of a gate.

The system prompts you to discover the Wilderness Hall!

Wu Tian was looking for this place. He took out the key and inserted it into the keyhole. The door opened, revealing the enchantment light film inside, and he stepped inside.

Please select the number of copies and the difficulty in the copy prompt!

"Hundreds of people copy, nightmare difficulty." After Wu Tian chose, a burst of light flashed, and he appeared in a majestic palace.

On a square paved with dark rocks, hundreds of barbarian warriors were patrolling at this time. Wu Tian ignored them, turned on stealth, quickly ran across the square, and came under the eaves of the main hall.


Wu Tian jumped high and jumped to the top of the 10-meter-high eaves. He looked left and right. The roofs here are very distinctive, and the distance between two diagonal houses is no more than 10 meters.


"Front Flip"


Wu Tian quickly jumped between the houses, and soon came to the far left of the copy, and saw a very short savage standing in front of the palace.

Shaman Doras

Level 65

Blood 300000300000

This is a monster that can't even be considered an elite. You can see from his blood volume that this monster's way of playing is the monster that was killed by countless spells in the middle of a group of monsters in Fang Zhanla.

However, his HP is higher than that of normal monsters. You say he is a savage warrior, so he has a lot of HP, but he is holding a shaman totem, which should have less HP.

You say he is a boss, because he has a name, but his suffix does not have the word boss, and his blood volume is much less than that of boss. Many people suspected that he had any special tasks at the time, but after looking for it carefully, he also Didn't find it, then gave up.

Until one time, when a gang accidentally killed him, a fire Qilin warhorse broke out, and everyone was stunned.

The gang hurriedly posted the news on the forum, which caused quite a stir, attracting everyone to come here to swipe Doras, but they swiped countless times and none of them came out.

Just when many people thought they were talking nonsense, a second person exploded. At this time, the players reacted, and the explosion rate of Huo Qilin should be extremely low.

The fire Qilin warhorse is beautiful, the movement speed is 1800 points, which is equivalent to 15 times the speed of the sweaty BMW, and it is so rare that the price of fire Qilin skyrockets for a while, and a fire Qilin war horse can be sold for 50,000 credit points at the highest point.

This war horse is no longer a symbol of the player's luck, but a symbol of whether a player has money, but it still attracts the pursuit of countless players.

However, suddenly one day, this warhorse entered the market in large quantities. Everyone was curious about where this warhorse came from. The price of Qilin also plummeted. At that time, many people thought it was a bug, but they studied it long time.

It was not until this group of people who promoted Qilin that the internal distribution was uneven and the news was leaked, the players knew that there was a way to fire Qilin, which was called giving away the head.

To talk about giving people heads, we have to start with the history of the wild people. The wild shamans have always been the guides of the wild people.

In the last generation of savage shaman leaders, one shaman successfully defeated another, and the other was this Doras.

Doras was deprived of 90% of his ability, and only a little witchcraft remained. He was arranged in the palace as an ordinary shaman prophet, responsible for preaching.

Doras conceded defeat on the surface, but he was not convinced in his heart. He kept looking at the notes of the shaman kings of the past dynasties, looking for ways to restore his strength and defeat the current shaman king.

Later, in his diary in a corner, he found a stone tablet full of ancient and barbaric characters. After he deciphered the contents of the stone tablet, he found a way to restore his strength, which was to use a live sacrifice to gain power.

In other words, if Doras kills people, his strength will increase. If he kills 100 people, his strength will increase to the level of a shaman king, and the items that explode will explode. Qilin war horse.

This is an obvious method, but for players, almost no one can find it, because the novice group of 100 must be careful to play this dungeon. Pulling two monsters at a time will lead to too many commands. I can't beat them, I can't wait to pull them over and kill them one by one, there is no chance for Doras to kill at all.

If it was here all the year round, it must be that the equipment has reached a certain level, like a wave, a large number of players swarmed, relying on the shield battle equipment, Doras can't kill anyone at all, and it will not be discovered.

The reason why they were able to find out is that the team of players who found this method accidentally capsized in the gutter. The shield battle wore the wrong equipment and led to the destruction of the group. Before the gang commander died, he discovered that Doras was abnormal, and then he started. After researching what happened to Doras, I found out how to obtain Qilin.

But it’s not enough to always fill in with human heads. They found that the soldiers made with magic beans, a special item of Taoist Huangjiao, can also be counted as human heads.

Doras kills 100 small bean soldiers, and his strength will also increase to the state of the shaman king. After killing it, Qilin will explode.

Wu Tian originally had the idea to use Qilin to make money, but he is not short of money now. The studio is operating well, enough for him to support the operation of the gang. Another, use this method to make money. After the method that Qilin created in Late Stage was known to others , the gang's name definitely stinks.

Wu Tian's ambition is to unify the entire national uniform, so he will not use this method to make money unless it is a last resort. Thinking of this, Wu Tian came to Doras and slashed him with a knife.


The shaman king whose strength has been reduced by 90 is not as good as the ordinary shaman lord. The ability to ask God's upper body is gone. In this way, even the most basic resistance skin does not exist, and Wu Tian is easy to kill.

After slashing dozens of knives in a row, and spraying a few more insidious techniques, Doras' health was only over 200 points left. At this time, he couldn't continue to kill. He took a step back and avoided Doras's blood. Skill, a bag appeared in his hand, and his left hand reached in and grabbed a handful of magic beans and sprinkled it on the ground.





The beans hit the stone ground with a crisp sound, and in the next second, the little magic beans all transformed into 1.5-meter-high Minions.





Wu Tian pointed at Doras with his right hand, and a bunch of little bean soldiers rushed towards Doras, but these little bean soldiers were only level 1, and Doras was all dead with one range attack.

Wu Tian continued to summon, and when he scatters all the little bean soldiers in this package, and then look at Doras, his upper limit of qi and blood is already more than 8 million, but his lower limit of qi and blood is still 200 points, which is The remaining blood was beaten by Wu Tian, ​​and because the previous evil spirits had accumulated so much, Wu Tian went up and chopped it down.


Although it was still limited to the highest value, it was still a matter of a knife, a golden light flashed, and a fiery Qilin warhorse burst out in front of Wu Tian.

Fire Qilin War Horse

Blood 3000030000

Defense 0

Magic Resist 0

attack 0

Movement speed 1800 points

Wu Tian nodded with satisfaction, took out a horse card in his backpack, and put the fire Qilin war horse in. With this war horse, Wu Tian will no longer need to run on water and stealth skills in the future, even if there are these two A skill bonus, the movement speed is not enough to 900 points, and even half the movement speed of the Qilin warhorse is not enough.

When Wu Tian is happy, there will be wars in the future. Wu Tian brings the Qilin war horse team with him, and can run other players using ordinary war horses for 3 hours in one hour, which can play an unexpected role on the battlefield.

He put the horse badge in his backpack, and named his fire Qilin war horse Huo'er, so as not to give it wrong when giving it to others in the future.

He looked at the items on the ground, and another beast soul burst out.

Beast Soul - Lion

Description Deals an extra 80 damage to the warhorse!

Wu Tian clenched his fists hard. The lion battle spirit is the most useful battle spirit at level 40. If he can get the blueprint of the heaven-level battle sword, the blueprint of Mo Dao, he can build a team of Mo Dao, specializing in beating them. Melee on horseback.

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