The Strongest Sword King Of Online Games

Chapter 423: The Invincible Barrel Formation Of The Three Realms

The front army attacked so violently, Ren Xiaoyao on the left, Mingyue Ruxue on the right, and Heyue Xingchen in the rear were equally powerful.

Compared to Tiger Soul and the others who had fought several major battles in a row, Ye Feng, Sad Guest and Yi Nian were not rivals at all.

The commanding ability of the commander on the battlefield, the player's combat ability, the ability to obey the command, the ability to cooperate in combat, etc., are all at an absolute disadvantage.

Tianya Lonexing, Ye Feng and others have never led all the players to fight. Their development methods are all based on the most primitive part of the gang, and at most two or three thousand people have become the main force. The equipment of the rest of the players is all Second-rate, that is to say, most of the equipment used by the four of their players are still 30-level Xuan-level equipment and pseudo-Earth Rank equipment.

On the other hand, for the Legion of Order, even players with more than 30 levels must be wearing level 30 Earth Rank equipment, as well as gems and potions.

After all, Tianya Lonexing, Ye Feng and others have no fortress as a support, and there is no good way to make money. Their overall form is still 30,000 people to support the two or three thousand people, and the order Legion has a total of 300,000 people, which Wu Tian relies on. The Jianghu Restaurant and the Sanxiao Life Pharmacy are supported by life occupations such as tailoring and forging.

The equipment and status of the two players are judged above, and the commanding ability of Tiger Soul and Heyue Xingchen is far higher than that of Ye Feng and others. The next-level commanders, such as Iron Soul, Oil Paper Umbrella, Qin Feng, Wen As for Ming and other legion commanders, Ye Feng and others were thrown a hundred and eight thousand miles away. Therefore, the collision between the two sides was a one-sided massacre.

Sanjie Wudi originally thought that the four of them could entangle Wu Tian for a while, and he would be able to take the main force to kill Hanshan Tie, but after less than 20 minutes, the battle formation in front collapsed.

"This, this, these four people are trash?" Three Realms Wudi roared furiously, scolding "More than 100,000 pigs will be beaten by the Legion of Order, and it is impossible to be finished so soon, less than 20 minutes. , what are you running behind?"

Except for the players in the rear who were fighting against Heyue Xingchen, the other three army formations all began to retreat, and the direction in which they retreated was the Xuanshui Fortress.

"Boss, let the wild wind and the others order their subordinates not to rush towards us, otherwise our formation will be disrupted. When the Legion of Order rushes up, we won't be able to fight." Hun Yue said.

Three Realms Wudi also knew this, so without any further scolding, he took out the phone and called Ye Feng and Yi Nian Zhan and others.

The four people who were routing gave their orders. Whether they retreated or came out of the city, they could not disrupt the formation of the Three Realms Invincible. The players who retreated were not stunned, and most of them ran to both sides of the Xuanshui Fortress. , only a few hit the invincible formation of the Three Realms, but were ordered to kill by the cold-faced Thor.

"Damn, these rubbish." Sanjie Wudi's eyes were red with anger, and he scolded, "I can't help at all, what am I looking for them for, what's the use."

Seeing the invincible appearance of the Three Realms, Soul Moon said calmly, "Boss, there is one thing that may be good for us."

"There are still good things? What's the matter?" Three Realms Invincible asked.

Soul Moon said, "Hanshan Iron did not come."

"Hanshan Iron didn't come?" Three Realms Wudi was stunned for a moment and asked, "What do you mean by this?"

Hun Yue said, "I don't know if it was Wu Tian who took care of him, or if he and Han Shan Tie came up with some other solution. In short, Han Shan Tie's team stopped in an area an hour away from the Xuanshui Fortress, except for the most elite 10,000 people. Hanshan Iron Guard was taken by him to walk on the Xuanshui Grassland, and the rest were all responsible for controlling the surrounding cemetery and protecting the logistics of the Order Legion in a state of vigilance."

The Three Realms Invincible laughed absurdly and said, "With the current state of the Order Legion and the addition of Hanshan Iron, one wave of attacks can defeat us. What does Tian want to do? Do you look down on me?"

Soul Moon shrugged and said, "Maybe Wu Tian is showing off his strength to others, proving the strength of the Order Legion. Apart from that, I can't think of any other reason."

"Ha." Three Realms Invincible laughed mockingly and said, "Since Wu Tian is so arrogant, it just gives us a chance, everyone pay attention, follow me forward, we will fight against the Legion of Order on the plain."

"Hoo~!" More than 100,000 people shouted sparsely.

"Leng-faced Thor, you come to the head, kill the opponent's former army for me, I want you to kill the tiger's soul with your own hands." Three Realms Invincible roared.

"Don't worry, boss, watch me kill him." The cold-faced Thor finally waited for the time to show his face, shouted excitedly, turned back and grinned and shouted, "Brothers, it's time for us to play, the Thor Legion will follow me forward, I want to see, what is this called Tiger Soul, I have to hack him."

For the Hanshan Iron Guard created by Hanshan Iron, Leng-faced Thor usually showed a contemptuous attitude, but in his heart he was very eager to have such a legion that belonged to him, so he made a Thor Army himself.

The total number of players in this batch is 50,000, with 20,000 mages as the main and 30,000 other occupations as auxiliary.

Although they have not experienced actual combat, these players seem to be extremely powerful, and they have also been recognized by the Three Realms Invincible. Therefore, these players are placed under the hands of the cold-faced Thor.

There are only more than 130,000 players under the Invincible Hands of the Three Realms. The Lengmian Thor alone occupies 50,000. In the face of such a big power, the Lengmian Thor was floating at that time, and his strength did not increase much, but his temper increased. High enough, he would not accept anyone except the Invincible in the Three Realms, and would fight with Soul Moon every day.

Before the Three Realms Wudi and Hunyue negotiated to find these four gangs, the cold-faced Thor didn't like any of them because he had the Thunder God Army. In his opinion, none of these people was as good as him, but he didn't think about one thing. , On his own, what does he compare with Ye Feng and Yi Nian.

Ye Feng and the others still managed to break through to the present step by step on their own, and established a gang of 30,000 people. The cold-faced Thor all relied on the Three Realms Invincible. Without the Three Realms Invincible to support him, he was nothing.

Hun Yue stood beside the Three Realms Invincible, and looked at the Leng-faced Thor with gloomy eyes. For this battle, he already had a premonition that he would fail. In terms of commanding ability alone, Ye Feng and Yi Nian were both stronger than the Leng-faced Thor. .

Regarding the player's equipment, he has already learned from Tianya Lonely that some players in Tiger Soul's legion are wearing level 40 Earth Rank suits, as well as gems, cooking, potions, etc. In terms of individual soldier abilities, the difference between the players on both sides is not Too big, but there is a gap in equipment, a gap in player morale, and a gap in logistical supplies. The supplies of the Order Legion are all provided by Wu Tian, ​​and they are the players themselves, and the judgment is made.

In the face of the imposing order army, Soul Moon has absolutely no idea how to win this fool Lei Shen army brought by the cold-faced Thor Frontline, and then unleashing a magic attack, which is long outdated.

Not to mention Wu Tian's side for the time being, that is Tie Le Feiying coming, his cowardly Xue Jun can show a cold face Thor, not to mention that he has studied the Order Legion, the fire Qilin shooter may not have the cowardly Xue Jun's long range, but they have Armored Arrows and Prismatic Shield Armor Corps.

Compared with defense, the defense of the Prismatic Shield Armor Corps is not at all that ordinary mages can fight. Compared with the output, as long as the Prismatic Shield Armor Corps protects the professions such as hammers, axes and daggers in front of them, the armor-piercing skills hang on the Thunder God Army. On the shield battle, plus the armor-piercing damage of the fire Qilin shooter, together, the defense power of a shield battle will be greatly reduced.

In the shield battle under the cold-faced Thor, only a small number of people gave gems to the shield. After reducing the defense in this way, he felt that the defeat of the war was only in seconds.

"Kill." Tiger Soul was already red-eyed. After destroying the 30,000 people who were alone in Tianya, he quickly rescued the dead players and replenished equipment, and immediately rushed to the Thunder God Army with the main force. .

But Tiger Soul frowned when he saw the state of the Thunder God's army rushing over. The Thunder God's Army did not rush over as a whole, but instead formed a wooden barrel formation.

The first group rushed over like dozens of wooden barrels, and several shield battles rushed over in a circle, and the people protected in the middle seemed to be wizards.

"Where's the idiot, fight with this formation, isn't this looking for death?" Hu Soul waved his hand and ordered, "Keep the formation in the shield battle, hide the axe, hammer, and dagger under the shield, and the shooter will break the armor and hit me from the front. Break this barrel array."

"Shooter, launch." The flying rabbit roared, and thousands of shooters aimed at the enemy 50 meters away.


A rain of arrows fell on the wooden barrel formation of the Thunder God Army, and the defense of the anti-war players was reduced by more than 200 points. Following the shield battle of the two sides, the axe player, hammer player and dagger player hidden behind the shield battle followed suit. attack.


"Shatter Axe"

"Blade Breaker"

The three armor-piercing combos each had more than 100 armor-piercing points. The armor of Thor's Shield Battle dropped by more than 500 points. In an instant, their defense power was no more than 300 points.

"No, the enemy's armor-piercing ability is too strong."

"I'm out of armor."

"I don't have much."

"Stop it, resist it."

In the midst of the noise, the axe and hammer players launched attacks in turn. Before the three mages in the barrel formation of the Thor Army broke the shield battle formation of the Order Legion, they were killed by the Order Legion with a higher level of battle. After the defense, the mage inside was suddenly exposed.

"Let's die." After Qin Mu's big axe killed a mage, he jumped into the opponent's barrel formation in an instant.


The Whirlwind Slash that Qin Mu launched inside, instantly shattered the barrel formation. The player carrying the shield didn't know whether to defend the inside or the outside. It instantly turned into a pile of broken wood and fled everywhere in pieces.

The cold-faced Thor is looking at his barrel formation proudly. Because it is difficult to form the formation, he is sent out in batches. According to his expectation, the Legion of Order must have no power to fight back against this formation, because this formation He has experimented with many small gangs and loose people.

In the face of such an iron barrel formation, scattered players and small gang players have absolutely no way to solve it. I remember that at the beginning, he also used this formation to break through a small gang cottage. At that time, the Three Realms Invincible was in the team. The formation was praised by everyone, which is why he later became the coach of the Thor Army.

But the cold-faced Thor forgot one thing. At that time, Soul Moon said a question next to him. This style of play is effective against small gangs, but once he encounters a well-organized player, this formation is a death sentence.

He is well organized on the battlefield and can cooperate with perfect players. He has never seen a cold-faced Thor. Even the subordinates of Tie Le Feiying, who are marching like clouds and water, can't do alternate attacks between different professions, and they are like machines on the battlefield. His style of play, so he scolded Hunyue at the time, thinking that he was jealous that he was being taken seriously.

Soul Moon was also watching the battle between the barrel formation and the Order Legion from a distance. He never thought that the barrel formation was useful. Sure enough, when the Order Legion easily broke the barrel formation, he felt bad in his heart and cursed inwardly. "Idiot, I knew you had to die."


"This formation is useless."

"The Legion of Order is too strong."

As the barrels were easily smashed one by one, the cold-faced Thor was stunned. He didn't know where the problem was, and looked at the scene blankly and said, "Why not."

"Order Legion, keep the formation, and keep moving forward." Tiger Soul rode on the warhorse. So far, he had not dismounted from the horse. He carried the red dragon battle flag in one hand and the axe in the other.

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