Xiahou Dun was captured.

   This is an important thing.

   After the Cao Jun broke out, there were only more than 10,000 people, and several Cao generals were very frustrated.

   was originally expected to be able to hold on for a long time, but I didn't expect that the city would be broken all at once.

   The city was breached, and they continued to drive eastward to get back to a safe place as soon as possible.

   But they left the general behind, and Xiahou Dun will never come back.

   Cao army retreated, Zhang Liao attacked Bingzhou, as if Zhang Yu's side had won a big victory.

   But when it comes to the specific number of casualties, Zhang Yu's casualties are greater than them.

   Both sides can't fight anymore at this time. The huge casualties test both sides, and the large-scale war has to be stopped at this time.

   Zhang Yu handled a lot of military affairs after returning to Xinbeiping.

   It will take a long time for this huge casualty to eliminate the impact.

  So many people died, they are the pillars of the people's family, Zhang Yu also needs to give an explanation.

   This explanation, in addition to money, is to seek justice for them.

   A few days later, Zhang Yu received the news that Xiahou Dun had been captured.

   Zhang Yu convened the cabinet and said: "I plan to slay Xiahou Dun under the city of Lu, and avenge the dead heroic soul."

   Everyone knows that Zhang Yu is very angry, and they are also very angry.

   Everyone agreed by default, and Zhang Yu went on to say: "Taking revenge on Cao Cao, not just that, what else can you do?"

Guo Jia said: "Although it was Cao Cao who gave the order, it would be impossible without Cao Cao's order, but we can pour all the dirty water on the Han Emperor Liu Xie and force him to abdicate. In addition, the subordinates suggested offering a reward for Cao Xiu's head. "

   Zhang Yu nodded and said: "The public opinion must be grasped. Although Cao Cao also pours dirty water on us and pushes the responsibility on us, how can their intelligence system compare with ours."

   "The cabinet immediately drafted a letter and offered a reward for Cao Xiu's head. Let's not insult Cao Xiu and offer a reward of 100,000 dollars."

   Zhang Yu did not offer a copper coin to offer a reward to Cao Xiu. That was an insult. Zhang Yu would not insult a loyal and capable military commander.

Retaliation is naturally not that simple. Zhang Yu said: "From now on, all princes can receive gold, silver and copper coins, but the payment must always be the silver bill issued by the bank. This will start with us and let the intelligence system work. , Whoever dares to violate, restrict their transactions everywhere."

   If Zhang Yu wants to target someone, then they won't be able to do business.

   By doing this, Zhang Yu wanted to absorb their funds so that they could do military expenses without cash.

   This is a financial blow, financial sanctions.

   Zhang Yu said: "Our products have begun to dump them in a large amount, and they have hit their industry and commerce in an all-round way. Moreover, as long as we can produce it ourselves, even if it is more expensive, we can pay subsidies and cannot buy their things."

   Zhang Yu is going to kill a thousand enemies and hurt himself eight hundred.

   After a few people thought for a while, Zhang Zhao said: "Lord, if you count this, Cao Cao will also ban our products. At that time, our losses will be great, and these losses are sometimes difficult to make up for."

   "We can afford to lose, and the salt is always in our own control, and we will not lose the interests of the people at that time. As for many of the best-selling things, only we have, and Cao Cao can't control the families below."

   "We cooperated with their aristocratic families. Once Cao Cao controlled them, these aristocratic families were first unwilling. Cao Cao relied on the support of these aristocratic families. He could kill a group, but he could not kill many."

   Zhang Yu's many years of business is not in vain.

  Many families have exchanged real money for silver tickets. Although each family will not exchange much, the total amount will not be small.

   Zhang Yu took this opportunity to fight a cold war with Cao Cao, which made Cao Cao uncomfortable and tried to slow down Cao Cao's development.

   Zhang Yu couldn't start a big war without regaining his strength.

   Zhang Yu began to overdraft the development speed of the territory and devote himself fully to the military.

   Overseas territories, Zhang Yu also ordered them to step up to give him wealth.

   Especially in Fusang and Fusang areas, Zhang Yu asked more people to mine.

   At the same time, in the southeast and in the south, Zhang Yu also asked them to cultivate more land and cultivate more wasteland.

   Next is the Kingdom of Tianzhu, Zhang Yu transported more goods in the past, and tried to get as much wealth as possible.

   What comforted Zhang Yu was that when they were at war, a batch of gold mines were transported back there.

   There are a lot of gold mines in America. Zhang Yu sent people to dig in the past, and finally they found a lot, which can be transported slowly.

   For this reason, Zhang Yu also transferred 50,000 Fusang men and women to the past and let them mine and multiply there.

   Zhang Yu’s various movements are being formulated.

   A few days later, the secret order slowly went down, and at the same time Xiahou Dun was also taken back.

   Zhang Yu directly issued an order to ask Xi Zhicai to directly **** Xiahou Dun to Luguo County and beheaded in front of the graves of the soldiers.

   "Huh, Cao Cao still wants to redeem Xiahou Dun at this time, and don't do it for 100 million." Zhang Yu said with a cold face when he received Cao Cao's letter.

   He lost Cao Chun and Xiahou Dun, and he also lost dozens of outstanding teenagers.

   Those young generals, Zhang Yu had high hopes for them, so Cao Cao set fire to death.

   Zhang Yu ignored Cao Cao's letter, Xiahou Dun was dead, and it was useless for anyone to ask.

   While escorting Xiahou Dun to the State of Lu, ~www.readwn.com~ Zhang Yu's revenge also began.

   First of all, it is naturally a battle of public opinion.

   Zhang Yu mobilized all the intelligence systems in various places and directly said that the emperor burned hundreds of thousands of people to death and asked him to abdicate.

   Zhang Yu's remarks are rebellious remarks.

   At this time, rebellion, even if you become the emperor.

   The strength lies there, and the big man has no prestige anymore.

   Zhang Yu attacked the emperor, and the most uncomfortable was naturally Cao Cao.

   At the same time, Zhang Yu also offered a reward for the head of Cao Xiu.

   Not long after, Cao Cao received the information.

   Cao Cao was the first to spread rumors that Zhang Yu had set the fire.

  In Zhang Yu's territory, these remarks are of no use at all.

   In other places, there are still many people who believe Cao Cao's words, but what can it do? It can't have much influence on Zhang Yu.

   Besides, some smart people still don't believe it.

   Cao Cao was in the big camp. He didn't know how dark his face was when he saw the information.

   He didn't evacuate how far, because he didn't know if Zhang Yu would kill him.

   summoned his civil and military to discuss.

   "Zhang Yu's essays came out, directly asking the emperor to abdicate, and also offering a reward for Cao Xiu's head. What do you think?

   Everyone did not expect that the matter would be so serious, Zhang Yu's revenge was so cruel.

   "Lord, the emperor is on our side and directly decree Zhang Yu to rebel, and the whole world discusses it together. At least in terms of momentum, Zhang Yu cannot be given an advantage in the battle." Someone suggested.

   What Cao Cao didn't expect was that Zhang Yu's counterattack was so sharp and decisive.

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