The Strongest System To Dominate the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1016: Cao Cao also wants to be a businessman

Chapter 1016

   Cao Cao summoned a few advisers, and did not dare to expand the situation.

   Zhang Yu gave him this sap, which is still very serious.

   Zhang Yu absorbed a lot of money, which caused them to be unable to collect enough money for a time.

   These families are profitable.

   Stocking up a large amount of goods, it is still low price, and selling it at that time will definitely make a lot of money.

   But it had a great impact on Cao Cao. A large amount of advanced people flowed to Zhang Yu, and it became difficult for him to raise money.

   Cao Cao sent someone to investigate, investigating the situation in more detail.

   After some investigation, it was discovered that Zhang Yu's movements had been going on for a long time, but they hadn't noticed it.

   After the people arrived, Cao Cao said: "Zhang Yu is like this, which adds a lot of difficulties to us, is there a way to break the game?"

   Everyone discussed it, and finally concluded that there was only one way to restrict Zhang Yu’s import of goods.

   A large number of products are dumped and a large amount of money is sucked away.

   Cao Cao does not have financial talents and does not understand so many truths.

   Zhang Yu carried out a financial attack on them, and they didn't realize it yet.

   After he realizes it, it may also be uncomfortable.

"Father, the whole big man's table salt is almost under Zhang Yu's control. They rely on the sea, and the price is cheap. They use the sun-dried salt method, which has a huge advantage. The salt merchants in the inland can only buy his table salt and sell it. Otherwise, they will not be able to. survive."

   Cao Ang's words made them realize that they really need to treat Zhang Yu's products differently.

   This increases the difficulty.

   This involves how to distribute the benefits. Those families who buy a large amount of tea and fairy brew also support Cao Cao, and restrict their purchases, I am afraid it will not work.

   While restricting those, and not restricting salt, the distribution of the family's interests will be unbalanced, and the site will be very unstable.

   Cao Cao is very worried.

   "Master, there is a way for the subordinates," Jia Xu said.

   Cao Cao looked at Jia Xu and hurriedly said, "Sir, please tell me."

Jia Xu took a breath, and then after watching the crowd, he said, "We can block other trade routes, so that Zhang Yu's goods can only be resold through us, and then we can make a difference and strengthen ourselves. "

Jia Xu’s words made everyone shine, and then Jia Xu went on to say: “Now that the road to the Yangtze River is no longer accessible, we cooperate with Sun Ce to block all the way to Jingzhou, Luoyang, Chang’an and other places. Except through us and Sun Ce, Zhang Yu’s The goods will not be sold elsewhere."

   In the past, salt and other commodities from Jingzhou and even to Shuchuan were transported to Jingzhou through the Yangtze River, and then transported by Cai Wei to various places for sale.

   is different now, Sun Ce has already fought with Cai Wei, and it is only natural that the Yangtze River has been blocked.

   Jia Xu's proposal was immediately approved by everyone.

   "This strategy is very clever, but most of it is in our hands. The original family will continue to do it, but we must do the extra." Cao Cao said.

   Cao Cao felt that he had been kidnapped by Zhang Yu, and he couldn't let Zhang Yu continue to kidnap him.

   Therefore, Cao Cao wants to control this part this time and increase his strength.

   The proposal was passed quickly.

   Cao Cao didn’t need to go through Zhang Yu either. They blocked the road, bought Zhang Yu’s products by themselves, and then shipped them to other places for sale.

   solved a problem.

   Zhang Yu didn't know this, and didn't care if he knew it. He was using commodities and money houses, slowly influencing them.

   When they have a large number of advanced exodus, they cannot raise enough money for military expenditure.

   Or the daily transactions of the people have become a problem, which will cause a big problem.

   A few days later, something happened in Jingzhou.

   Liu Bei cooperated with Sun Ce, pitted Cai Wei, annihilated his 100,000 soldiers, and Cai Wei suddenly lost his offensive ability.

   Cai Yu was unable to attack outwards, and Liu Bei had already controlled the 200,000 army at this time, and took the opportunity to attack Shuchuan.

   After some games, those aristocratic families agreed to Liu Bei's request and asked him to bring an army of 150,000 to attack Shuchuan.

   The whole pattern has undergone tremendous changes.

   Zhang Yu's side, fully recovered and mobilized the entire system.

  In New Peiping, Zhang Yu held a cabinet meeting in a few days as usual.

   Cabinet members began to report on the situation.

   "Lord, now there is another batch of gold and silver shipped back from North America. The amount is very large, which greatly eases our economic pressure." Zhang Zhao said.

   "Master, Fusang has also stabilized, and the amount of ore shipped back is increasing every month."

   "We are doing our best to operate Tianzhu Country, and the effect is also great, and the volume of trade is greatly increasing."

   After listening to various reports, Zhang Yu knew that the overseas part of the business had grown significantly, so he was relieved a lot.

   After listening to the reports from all parties, Guo Jia said: "Master, his subordinates are focusing on Ma Teng's side. Now they have contacted the Roman Empire and seem to have their support."

   Zhang Yu's greatest fear is that someone will collude with the Roman Empire. Then they can solve the logistical problems and kill them directly.

   The Roman Empire is already very powerful and has become the only super empire on this planet.

   They are on the west China is on the east. China is torn apart, otherwise it can become a great empire.

  The global population continues to increase, and the southeast area controlled by Zhang Yu also has a population of millions.

   After understanding, Zhang Yu said: "Now that Bingzhou has been defeated, I mean, to build a super city in Bingzhou, a big city comparable to our new Beiping and Wangcheng, to deal with problems that may arise in the future."

   Zhang Zhao was the first to say: "Lord, it is too difficult to build a super city on the west side. The people there are not as useful as ours. In addition, we have to transport a lot of money and food. For a while, we can't support it."

   Zhang Yu seems to have become an infrastructure madman, and wants to build a super city in a border area like Bingzhou.

   But several cabinets also know the seriousness of the matter. Not so. Once they have not completed the reunification, the Lok Horse Empire will be killed, and it will be difficult to do so by then.

   "Then what defense do we have, if we start a war in the future, if we have not formed a unity, we may be defeated by each one." Zhang Yu said.

   A few people thought, and Zhang Zhao said: "Lord, it's better for us to prepare first, wait until we digest the western turf, and then choose the time to build the city."

   It doesn’t seem to work if you don’t build a city.

   Zhang Yu nodded, and then said: "For half a year, at most half a year, it must be done as soon as possible."

  At this time, Chen Gong suggested: "Master, this Kong Ming and Yuan Zhi have not made arrangements yet, it is better to let them go to the west to serve as county guards to test them."

   "Agree, one will be arranged in Changshan County, Changshan County will arrange the second line of defense, and the other one depends on where you need it." Zhang Yu made a decision immediately.

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