When the caravan set off, Zhang Yu also started to move.

This caravan was planned to go for about six days, and Zhang Yu started to act as soon as he received the news on the first day.

Unlike protecting them last time, Zhang Yu was going to eat this batch of goods worth tens of millions.

"Spread the news to me so that the yellow turbans around will know that a big fat sheep has come out." Zhang Yu said to his scout.

In fact, Zhang Yu didn't need to spread the news, and many Yellow Turbans received news.

This blames them for being too arrogant.

These aristocratic families are indeed too arrogant, thinking that if they succeed once, they are swollen and start to act with great fanfare.

How many troops Zhang Yu had to **** how many goods, even though the Yellow Turban did not come to their troubles, Zhang Yu would not be overwhelmed, let alone the potential danger.

This huge caravan swaggered forward, unscrupulously, as if the bandit Yellow Turban was about to retreat as soon as they appeared.

They didn't know that the big and small yellow turbans nearby, big and small bandits had long been eyeing them.

Big Sheep, Big Sheep.

Both the bandit and the Yellow Turban use the big fat sheep to call this caravan.

Even Zhang Yu recognized them as big fat sheep.

Can it not be fat, but can a caravan worth tens of millions of goods not be fat?

"Commander, there are cloth and salt we continue in this caravan. Qu Shuai has been here several times to urge us to send us to Guangzong City, so this time we have to grab it." A little yellow scarf leader Said to their big boss.

"Of course they will be robbed, but they are crowded, so you immediately contact the leaders of all parties, and they will hunt together in three days." said the big leader.

The same thing was happening in many places, and now the Yellow Turban needed supplies, and at this time such a huge caravan appeared.

Will hunt!

Yes, they were treated as prey.

This caravan did not receive any harassment along the way.

"Haha, sure enough, our team is huge, and these Yellow Turbans dare not do anything to us."

After walking for two days, the leader said very happily.

"Just that bunch of mud legs are just bullying and bullying ordinary people." said the leader of another family.

"Yes, but that's okay, this time the task will be easy. When we go back this time, we have money, everyone will go to the brothel and play hard."

"Must, my Xiaohong has been waiting for me for a long time."

Everyone chatted and talked about the good life back home.

They don't know what dangers are hidden under the calm.

The yellow turbans are gathering, and the bandits are also gathering, and the bandits quietly unite together.

"It seems that this is a storm. I originally planned to only catch the cicadas by the mantis, and I am the oriole behind, but now it has clearly formed a big storm." As the news continued to spread, Zhang Yu knew this. Has greatly exceeded his expectations.

"Immediately send someone to recruit Dianwei and Ling Cao back." Zhang Yu ordered.

He had more than 6,000 soldiers and horses, which was a huge force, but Zhang Yu felt that it was not enough, so he ordered Dian Wei and Ling Cao to be recruited.

With this caravan as the center, a large number of troops began to gather.

"Lord, why did you call us back in a hurry? Seeing that the city is about to be breached, I was called back all of a sudden." Dian Wei complained very uncomfortably when he came back.

Zhang Yu wanted to laugh when Dian Wei looked upset.

"It's evil, this time I'm calling you back to fight a war. If you don't want to fight, just go back and continue the siege." Zhang Yu said deliberately.

"What, what, fight a big battle, I like it the most." Dian Wei immediately forgot all the unhappiness, only fighting a big battle in his mind.

Zhang Yu called several generals to a big account, and then told them about the situation.

Just after speaking, Dian Wei's eyes flashed with blue light, gearing up.

Zhang Yu saw his hopelessness and kicked him with anger and said, "Look at your prosperity, you were the one who fought the battle."

"Hehe..." Dian Wei was not angry at all, he laughed.

Zhang Yu pays close attention to changes in the situation.

"Master, the scouts have discovered the news that there are already more than 30,000 Yellow Turbans, more than 20,000 bandits have begun to gather, and many Yellow Turbans and bandits are gathering." Ling Cao summarized the news and reported.

Zhang Yu nodded and asked the scouts to investigate again, and then he said to everyone: "Look, the mountains here are more dangerous. The enemy is likely to start a move here, and we will lie in ambush nearby."

Zhang Yu pointed to a marked place on the map and said.

The map is marked clearly, and everyone can understand it at a glance.

"Brother Zhang, your heart is not small, you want to serve them in one pot." Huang Zhong said.

"No, we are here to suppress the bandits. We found that there were a large number of Yellow Turbans and bandits, so we wiped them out. As for whether they can be captured, it depends on God's will."


Speaking of the last few people laughed, Zhang Yu also laughed.

This is Zhang Yu's plan, not only to beat these aristocratic families, but also to regain his own business.

And by the way, you can also destroy the Yellow Turban and the bandits, and give yourself credits~www.readwn.com~ for credit.

On the fourth day of the caravan leaving the city, Zhang Yu quietly sneaked into the mountains in the middle of the night.

"Evil Lai and Ling Cao led the cavalry to block in the rear, and Han Sheng and I each took 3,000 men and horses to ambush on both sides. We are five miles away, and we will wait until they fight."

At night, Zhang Yu led people to set off and gave orders.

Zhang Yu and the others quietly lie in wait, but they are far away.

Early the next morning, the caravan continued to set off.

These caravans are composed of those family care homes, and they don't even know how to march, and they don't even set up many pathfinders.

There are many yellow turbans and bandits hidden on both sides of the mountain. They all know their existence, but they don't know how many people each have. In order not to disturb the caravan, they also acquiesce in each other's existence.

The caravan moved on without knowing it, and then entered the ambush.


"Come on."

Suddenly there was a large group of people rushing out from both sides of the mountain.

These caravans were still dreaming about the benefits of going back, but in a blink of an eye, the mountains and plains were full of enemies.

Everyone was dumbfounded, and a large number of enemies rushed out from both sides of the mountain.

Looking around, it adds up to tens of thousands.

No one knows how many people there are, nor does Zhang Yu.

Listening to the call to kill, Zhang Yu was excited.

Soon after, the scout sent more detailed information.

"The Yellow Turban is about 60,000, and the bandits are about 50,000. This caravan is really powerful. It attracted hundreds of thousands of people at once." Zhang Yu said excitedly.

"Order the whole army to approach quietly." Zhang Yu said with a big wave of his hand.

The hunting began, the Yellow Turban and the bandits regarded the caravan as their prey, and Zhang Yu regarded them all as their prey.

Now that the prey has entered the net, it is time to close the net.

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