The soldiers rushed through the area, and the feeling of suffocation made people feel desperate.

   But, they are warriors.

   an invincible warrior.

   Even if it was a sea of ​​flames, they rushed through it.

   Cao Jun is still busy, the soldiers are scattered, busy carrying things, busy putting out the fire.

   Such a big fire scene, they never thought that anyone could come over.

   They are inevitably looser. In fact, they like Jiangdong’s army to set fire, because they don’t have to go shopping and they can take a break.

   Putting out a fire is better than fighting the enemy with a weapon.


   Warriors, rushed out of the fire, many people were burned, but when they rushed out of the fire, they killed Cao Jun, at this time they were still fierce tigers.

   A group of warriors, returning from hell, killed the enemy.

   Cao Jun was stunned, killed by the army that suddenly appeared.

   At this time, they didn't have any formation, they were very confused. Some were putting out fires, some were moving supplies, and some were just taking a break.

   But at this time, Jiangdong's army came over.


   More and more warriors came out of hell, taking advantage of the enemy's unpreparedness, rushing into the barracks.

The formation behind    had changed, Huang Zhong and others led the cavalry to kill.


   "Destroyed Cao Jun."

   Zhang Xiu and Xia Houyuan were still observing the battlefield, but after the fire ignited, they went in to rest.

   This big fire will burn for a long time. They checked the arson measures and then left.

   Xizhi just wanted to seize this opportunity. After he saw the fire burn up last time, the enemy even moved all the horses away.

  Jima is made of wood, so it burns easily.

   Moreover, the horses are three-dimensional, and the sand cannot be covered to extinguish the fire, so they simply remove it to facilitate the fire without getting in the way.

   It does not hinder the trouble, not only does it not hinder them, but also does not hinder Huang Zhong and their horses.

   The enemy never expected that they thought that the enemy would not be able to get past the fire and neglected to take precautions. As a result, Xi Zhi just took advantage of this opportunity.

   Huang Zhong began to sprint. This is a challenge for the war horses, but they are war horses. After professional training, they dare to break into the fire.

   At this time, the fire scene was a little smaller, and it was no longer able to cover up the immediate presence.

   The forward infantry has reopened the road inside.

   At this time, the cavalry brazenly entered.

   The cavalry began to charge, rushing over, and stamping out the fire.

   Tens of thousands of cavalry rushed over and put out the fire.


   "One side, break."

   Huang Zhong led some people to kill in, and then shouted, Huang Xu separated a part of the soldiers and horses and went out from the right, while another kid would be separated from the left, and Huang Zhong continued to kill in the right direction.

   Zhang Xiu and Xiahou Dun didn't even understand what was going on.

   There was a big fire just now, how come the enemy came in at this time.

   The two hurriedly led their troops to resist.

   But the heavy cavalry has been crushed over, and the dense barracks have become the target of their wanton slaughter.

   Huang Zhong rushed past in a straight line, and when he encountered the camp, he also straightened down.

   A group of soldiers, like demon gods out of the region, kill without mercy.

   Xizhi saw that the strategy had been completed, and ordered the infantry to encircle him from both sides.

   heavy cavalry rampaged with hard armor.

   Cao Jun in the barracks was unprepared and was shocked.

   At this time, Xiahou Dun and Zhang Xiu led their troops to resist.

   But they were able to resist there, and they couldn't even deploy their troops, they had been compressed together.

   "Quickly, back, retreat to the city."

   Xiahou Dun shouted to the soldiers next to him, asking them to organize the army to withdraw from behind.

   It’s not that easy to withdraw. At this time, they can’t be fast. If one is attacked, they will become chaotic. When the army loses order and crowded together, it will be a disaster.

   Huang Zhong has been rushing in the middle, no one can resist.

   Xia Houyuan rushed up several times, but was quickly beaten back, and could only continue to retreat.

   But it was a great price to be slaughtered by Huang Zhong's soldiers.

   And Huang Xu on the other side is a lot more flexible. In any direction, he will hit where there are more people, and the killers are also rolling.

   The entire barracks were in chaos, and the troops were massively damaged.

   Xi Zhicai has commanded soldiers and horses to surround him from both sides.

  Only a small part of them rushed out of the barracks, and the others were killed and wounded in large numbers.

   When Huang Zhong and the others launched an attack, Cao Ren also acted on the other side of the barracks.

   When Zhang Liao attacked their barracks, Cao Jun pretended to be defeated and let Zhang Yu's army invade the barracks, then ambush them all and kill them out.

   Cao Jun’s strategy succeeded.

   Zhang Liao was attacked and more than 20,000 troops were surrounded.

   "General Zhang, go to a **** battle with the enemy, and you can't let the 20,000 army die in vain." Guo Jia said to Zhang Liao.

   "Okay, I will kill you, and you will organize an army to support me."

   After Zhang Liao finished speaking, he rushed up with the army.

   Tens of thousands of troops rushed up and the two sides fought together.

   The army that rushed into the enemy's barracks was surrounded, but they were not afraid, and the military was not disturbed. Under the leadership of the general, they began to defend.

   Cao Ren personally led the army out to fight against Zhang Liao.

   Cao Cao has been watching the battle on the front of the city. He planned this battle with a few counsellors. At present, it seems that the effect is not bad.

   "That's surrounded an enemy army. As long as they are destroyed, the morale of our army can be boosted." Cao Cao said with satisfaction.

   Several counsellors are also paying attention here, this battle is very crucial.

If    wins, it will be easier to fight a lot in the subsequent battles. If you lose, it may be difficult to fight.

   And Zhang Yu also received a report, but he received a report from both sides, knowing the situation in detail on both sides.

   "Very well, we can't fall behind, we don't need to divide our troops, leave some troops and horses to maneuver, and others rush into the city." Zhang Yu ordered after receiving the news.

   And Cao Cao on the front of the city was a bit slower to receive the news, at this time the messenger hurried over.

  Because they want to pass the news in, they have to open the city gate. Although they are opening a small gate, they cannot be opened easily. They need to be prepared.

   Chuan Lingbing hurried up to the city, and after asking where Cao Cao was, he ran over.

   Xun You on the side saw the anxious messenger soldier, and felt bad in his heart.

   Cao Cao also noticed this messenger coming, his face changed slightly, but he didn't have much reaction.

   The soldier ran to five meters out and knelt and said, "Report to the lord that the army barracks of General Xiahou was broken and the enemy invaded into the barracks, which is very dangerous."

   Cao Cao's face changed sharply, but he was shocked soon.

   "Come over and see with me." He said to several counsellors.

   A group of people hurried over, and on the way, another soldier came up and reported more details.

   When Cao Cao reached the wall of the East Gate, he basically knew what was going on.

   "I never thought that the advantage over there is, but the crisis here." Cao Cao sighed, a little helpless.

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