The Strongest System To Dominate the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1033: 2 battalion was broken

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  ? Chapter 1033

   Cao Ren is a very capable general. Zhang Liao couldn't break through his defense several times with fierce attacks.

   In the end, the two sides were shopping there, continuously putting in more troops.

   About three hours or so, all the more than 20,000 troops that were besieged were wiped out.

   During these three hours, there were a lot of casualties both inside and outside.

   Both sides suffered huge casualties, but Zhang Liao and the others still didn't give up, wave after wave of attacks, which made Cao Ren very helpless and had to stay with him to the end.

   The **** battle continued, and casualties continued to rise.

   On the other side, Zhao Yun suddenly joined the battlefield and won a big victory.

   His attack was very effective, and Cao Jun couldn't evacuate immediately.

   Huang Zhong and others were killed, causing a huge blow to them.

   Under the double blow, Cao Jun was in a dilemma. They were only five miles away from the city, but it was difficult for them to retreat.

   Xia Houyuan led the army and went back, trying to rescue the trapped army.

   But Zhang Yu's army is too tough, and they will never retreat.

   Xia Houyuan attacked several times without any effect.

   The two armies fought like this, and the besieged Cao army suffered heavy casualties.

   Most of the more than 10,000 infantrymen that Zhang Xiu brought were killed in battle. He grabbed the horse and became the commander of the cavalry.

   Under the leadership of Zhang Xiu, they still can't come back, and they are still fighting hard.

   Army casualties are getting more and more serious.

   Zhang embroidery chooses to break through.

   He broke through from the side, but he was watched by Huang Xu, who led an army to pursue.

   The two sides are fighting outside the city.

   Xia Houyuan saw Zhang Yu's army split out a soldier to outflank him.


   did not dare to delay, the army inside could no longer be rescued, so he had to go first by himself.

   Not long after Xia Houyuan left, Zhang Xiu took dozens of people and broke through and chased him up.

   Zhang Xiu originally brought thousands of people to break through, but only a few dozen people were able to break out.

   Seeing them running towards the city, none of them pursued them, but concentrated on destroying the Cao army inside.

   After some battle, Huang Zhong and the others wiped out the army inside, taking more than 8,000 prisoners and more than 20,000 horses.

   won. Cao Jun’s camp was occupied. Only then did Xi Zhi let someone reorganize the barracks and prepare to be stationed here.

   "The strategy of the military division really worked, and finally the Cao Ying was taken down, and then he can attack the city wall directly." Huang Zhong said.

   Xi Zhicai looked at Cao Ying with satisfaction and nodded and said: "We will reinforce Cao Ying, and a strong attack can be launched in about two days."

  Xi Zhicai thought again: "Fusang's army will be able to join the war by then."

   Cao Ren fought for a long time, and finally retreated.

   In this battle, on the side of Xi Zhicai, Cao Jun lost more than 80,000 people, and Zhang Yu's army lost about 30,000.

   On Cao Ren's side, Cao Jun lost more than 40,000 people, while Zhang Yu's army lost 60,000 people.

   Generally speaking, Zhang Yu won. After all, he wiped out a barracks, but he was only 20,000 people besieged and finally wiped out.

   Cao Jun retreated, and the two barracks outside the city were lost.

   On another battlefield, in the battle between Tai Shici and Cao Ang, both sides lost hundreds of thousands of people, and neither had the power to attack.

   Cao Jun lost more than 100,000 people and had to transfer more than 30,000 people from other places to prevent Tai Shici from suddenly attacking.

   So, Cao Cao's forces are even more tight.

   After this battle, Zhang Yu and the others also stopped for a while. They occupied the two large camps of the Cao Army and began to strengthen the camp and prepare to station there.

   The troops were temporarily suspended. The next day, 100,000 Fusang troops came to support, and at the same time a large number of grain, grass and siege equipment were brought in.

   Zhang Yu called Xi Zhicai to discuss with Guo Jia, and several general Zhang Yu did not dare to let them over, lest the camp was suddenly attacked and there was no host.

   "Despite the victory, the city of Ye is still very strong, but what can be done?" Zhang Yu asked.

   Zhang Yu was a little anxious at this time. If he didn't break Yecheng as soon as possible, he would not be able to use troops on the Yangzhou side. On the Yangzhou side, Cheng Yu was ready and was about to attack again.

   "Master, Cao Cao is well prepared, there is no good way, only shopping." Guo Jia said.

  Xi Zhicai couldn't think of a good way. Although the two had a plan, Cao Jun's clever man was also a big group.

   Zhang Yu has already gained a strategic advantage, as long as he doesn't make a big mistake, he is desperate.

   Zhang Yu sighed and said, "Okay, two days later, he will start to attack the city, and he will not stop the attack until he takes the city."

   Zhang Yu still has more than 600,000 soldiers and horses, and the rear is still replenishing from time to time.

   New Beiping City, Zhang Zhao and others are gathering food and payment everywhere, and training horses in various counties.

   There may be three to five thousand soldiers in each county. These three to five thousand people do not put much pressure on a county, but the total strength is more.

   A total of 200,000 soldiers and horses were recruited and trained this time.

   After training, they will be sent to the front line to replenish the main combat force.

   Then continue training.

   In Jiangdong, Ling Cao has been training more than a thousand officers.

   This established military academy is not very well-known, because there are no high-ranking officials here, and only middle-level and lower-level officials are trained.

   There were no middle-level officers before. Later, the young generals Zhang Yu wanted to train also came here to train, and only a group of excellent middle-level officers came out.

   Ling Cao is very aware of the role of this military academy.

  The army It is these middle and lower-level officers who can truly reflect the combat effectiveness.

   High-ranking generals can only grasp the general direction, lead troops, train the army, and these are usually completed by these people.

   General, the commander generally can only pay attention to the big aspects.

   Zhang Yu's war machine was all running, and the development of the entire site inevitably slowed down, or even stopped.

   At this time, Zhang Yu did not carry out any major projects except that the road was still being built.

   Two days passed quickly.

   Zhang Yu’s support has also arrived, it is time to start the war again.

   "Burn all the city gates to me, we can't get in, don't even think of this Cao Jun." Zhang Yu ordered.

After    burned down the city gate, Cao Jun would have to block it with stones. Then they would not be able to get out, and there would be no way to attack the camp.

   The best way to burn down the city gate is to use alcohol to smash a few more alcohol clay pots, and a rocket can be solved.

   The city gate was burnt down, if Cao Jun immediately blocked the city gate with a stone.

   "It seems that I can only smash to the end." Cao Cao said in a daze.

   The city gate was blocked, and they couldn't use many of their tactics. Whatever night attack, what caused the cavalry to attack out of the city, none of this could be done.

   Zhang Yu’s army began to attack, the north and the east on three sides attacked at the same time.

   Zhang Yu threw two-thirds of his troops into the offensive, and another part of the cavalry was wandering around, as well as coping with all emergencies.

   Cao Cao took the initiative to cut off Yecheng's support, preventing Zhao Yun from having a chance to attack.

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