There was also a major incident on Sun Ce's side.

Because the biggest peasant uprising reached more than 20,000 people.

They were mighty and mighty, smashed the Wubao of a big family and slaughtered all the people in the family.

This is a well-known local family, with more than 2,000 people in the family, who founded Wubao.

The ability to build Wubao shows how strong the family is.

It is precisely because of this that there are only more than two thousand guards from Jiading.

When the people attacked that day, someone inside responded and opened the door. Then the surging people rushed in and created a **** case that shocked Sun Ce and others.

After Sun Ce found out, he was shocked and sent an army to slaughter.

It was another massacre.

Although I know that something is not right, the impact of this matter is too great.

Even the Sun family owns a lot of land, and their people are upset.

On the third day, Sun Ce understood what was going on.

"Damn it, it turned out to be Zhang Yu."

Sun Ce couldn't think of it, this matter was related to Zhang Yu, and it was completely planned by Zhang Yu's side.

These people shouted to do things and kill people.

At first I thought who was the emperor.

Zhang Yu proclaimed himself emperor, and he had long sent an edict to the world. At that time, Sun Ce thought it would have no effect, but he did not expect that the impact would be so great.

In the past three days, I don’t know how many cases have been burnt down to the family’s house.

A large number of aristocratic families ran into the city, and they all came to Sun Ce to cry.

What can Sun Ce do, send troops.

After knowing the reason, he cannot be slaughtered. When will he be the head.

He has killed so many people, and if he continues to kill, something will happen.

People can't be killed by whatever you say.

Sun Ce couldn't help but hurriedly recruited Zhou Yu.

It won't work if you don't recruit it, something has happened.

Of course, he also suspended his attack on Jingzhou and couldn't continue.

Many aristocratic families are looking for him to solve their problems, and many people will turn back.

No one can offend this time.

Suppress the people, one day it will explode.

These aristocratic families can't offend, he still has to rely on these aristocratic families.

Sun Ce was very distressed.

"Unexpectedly, I didn't expect that Zhang Yu is thousands of miles away, how much trouble he could cause me."

In fact, Guo Bang also claimed the emperor, he had already proclaimed the emperor, he killed Liu Xie, let Liu Xie "concession" to him.

But he said that the emperor had little influence, and not many people even admitted it.

This time Sun Ce wasn't very caring, and it led to the situation today.

Sun Ce also hurriedly responded.

Not to mention Guo Bang, the public opinion is surging.

But Guo Bang didn't care about that much, he sent an army to force him down.

These days, Luoyang and Changan do not know how many people he killed.

Guo Bang now wants to defend Luoyang and Chang'an, and then enjoy a lifetime.

He understands very well that he doesn't have the ability to fight out, and it's good to be able to hold it.

Guo Bang became another Dong Zhuo, and he knew pleasure.

However, in Shuchuan, Liu received little influence.

Not because of other things, but because Zhang Yu's power is very small here and the influence is not big enough, so Zhang Yu didn't choose to do things here.

Zhang Yu's penetration into Shuchuan only started at the beginning of the year. If you want to be the same as other places, there will be at least two or three years, so Zhang Yu didn't launch it here.

Zhang Yu had the deepest penetration in Jingzhou, but he didn't do it either, because doing so would expose Zhang Yu's arrangement in advance, which would be detrimental to the back.

People everywhere were angry, and even Zhang Yu couldn't expect it.

Zhang Yu's imperial decree was so powerful that it benefited the people and gave the princes a heavy blow.

Needless to say, the autumn harvest is coming soon.

Cao Cao was all ready, sent a large number of personnel to communicate, and issued strict orders.

Cao Cao's strict order directly killed people.

But Cao Cao knew that someone would violate his orders, because these aristocratic families would use other methods.

"Zhang Yu is developing at full strength, but we are busy with these things." Cao Cao looked helplessly at the pile of memorials.

Cao Cao was very helpless. The gap was big, and he was trying his best to develop. You were held back and unable to develop.

Cao Cao has to make money everywhere to make up for the loss of taxation, and he also needs to develop business.

"I should go back to Jiangdong to take a look."

Zhang Yu became the emperor and planned to inspect his territory.

The Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Officials sent two cabinets to inspect. During the inspection, one went to Qingzhou and the other to Xuzhou.

However, Zhang Yu planned to return to Jiangdong for a major inspection by himself.

Zhang Yu was very low-key. He let Da Qiao, Xiao Qiao and Xiang Xin go back to Jiangdong by himself, while he took Wan'er all the way to the south slowly.

Zhang Yu brought dozens of people, of course Dian Wei accompanied him.

A group of people went south.

The first stop was Qingzhou. This time it was obviously much faster, because many sections of the road have been repaired.

"Husband, in the future, we will go back and forth between the north and the south. It only takes a few days." Wan'er was also very happy when walking on the wide road without any bumps.

Zhang Yu kissed her and said, "Yes, there will be a gallop in the entire Huaxia in the future. When it is unified, you can look around."

Zhang Yu has no money now, otherwise he will first build the road from Beiping to Jizhou. After all, Jizhou is very important.

Jizhou, China’s center of gravity.

Not wanting to be so far away, Zhang Yu went all the way south, and after arriving in Qingzhou, he lived in a small county.

Now Zhang Yu's identity is different. Although he travels, although he has not many guards, he has also greeted the local garrison. Some senior generals know Zhang Yu's whereabouts and will arrange for the army to patrol around.

The army patrols are very common things that the people have become accustomed to, and they won't cause any problems, and ordinary soldiers don't know what's going on.

After staying in an ordinary county town for a day, Zhang Yu went out to inquire about various news.

After staying for a day, all kinds of feedback were not bad, and Zhang Yu recorded some minor problems. When the time comes, the cabinet will promote it, that is, there is no need to come out and solve it.

Zhang Yu deliberately moved to Zibo, a city near the mouth of the Yellow River.

This is a big city, originally built by Zhang Yu is now a metropolis with a population of one million.

Entering the city, Zhang Yu and dozens of people, although they look good, but right now, they won't attract many people's attention.

Zhang Yu doesn't have so many restrictions on merchants, so many people will show off. It is normal for Zhang Yu to be regarded as a merchant.

Entering the city, Zhang Yu and the others found a big inn to stay, but they didn't attract much attention.

"Husband, this has changed so much. I didn't expect that this place is also such a prosperous city." Wan'er said in surprise.

Wan'er had also experienced the world back then and knew what the world was like.

"Haha, this is all the husband's contribution. Would you like to reward Wan'er?" Zhang Yu said triumphantly.


Having been together for several years, Wan'er still blushes because Zhang Yu is so good at playing.


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