Borrowed one hundred thousand, that is one hundred thousand silver coins, a huge fortune.

Zhang Yu just lost in the casino.

"Hehe, go back, can you go back? Where is home, we will send someone to pick it up."

When Zhang Yu said that he wanted to go back, they showed their fangs.

Originally Zhang Yu made up a name casually, but they didn't even verify it, so they didn't plan to let them go back.

In this way, no matter Zhang Yu wins or loses, there is no possibility of going back. Zhang Yu has long known that this bet is tricky, but he doesn't care.

"Why don't you let me go back? After I go back, I will definitely pay." Zhang Yu said.

"Give it money? One hundred thousand silver coins, not one hundred thousand big coins."

Zhang Yu insisted on leaving.

"Come here, grab me. If you don't pay the money today, he chopped a finger, and then chopped one a day." The face of the person who just gambled with him and Yan Yueshen finally changed.

Zhang Yu pretended to be scared, so he said, "Master Shan, you must give me money if you let me go back."

There was a scar on Shan Ye's face. Obviously, he had done a lot of this matter. He had made a lot of money before, but one hundred thousand silver coins were the first to be encountered by a rich like Zhang Yu.

He dared to ask for one hundred thousand, because Zhang Yu went out with a silver ticket of ten thousand silver coins, so it shouldn't be difficult to get one hundred thousand silver coins from their home.

"Okay, I'll give money, give money, tell me to come in, let him go back and get the money, my family is very rich, don't chop my fingers." Zhang Yu said.

Shan Ye laughed, and then said: "Little Si, go and call people in."

Zhang Yu's entourage came in, and Zhang Yu explained it before they came.

Zhang Yu's entourage, but with credentials, can mobilize the army at any time.

"You go back quickly and ask your family to rescue me. Bring enough money. Be fast, otherwise they will chop off my fingers." Zhang Yu said deliberately in fear.

Shan Ye was very happy when he heard it, and then said, "Little Si, go with him."

Zhang Yu was trapped in a small room with four people taking care of him. Shan Ye moved a chair, then sat, drinking tea, and looked up and down Zhang Yu, as if looking at a fat sheep.

Xiao Si followed Zhang Yu's entourage. In fact, he was a young general in the army and Zhang Yu's personal bodyguard.

"Hey, what is your Young Master's status? He is so rich, and he brings 10,000 banknotes with him when he goes out."

The teenager named Chen Wu sneered and said, "My young master is the richest in the world."

Xiao Si smiled contemptuously and said, "Unfortunately, he is a fool."

Chen Wu didn't answer, and took him on.

"Hey, did you go wrong? This is a military camp."

Chen Wu did not answer him, but grabbed him with one hand and walked towards the barracks.

"Let go of me, what are you going to do, your Young Master is still in our hands." Xiao Si wanted to break free but couldn't.

"What are you doing?"

At the gate of the barracks, two people were stopped.

Chen Wu took out the tiger charm and said to the token: "One hundred thousand in a hurry, I want to see your chief."

The soldier did not dare to neglect, and led the two people in.

After the officer guarding the city heard this, he hurried out.

"Detain him." Chen Wu handed Xiao Si to other soldiers to watch.

"Under Li Yan, dare to ask the general what's the matter?"

Chen Wu held the token in one hand and the tiger charm in the other and said, "General Li, this is a tiger charm for mobilizing soldiers. Please check it immediately."

After the inspection, Li Yan determined that the tiger charm was okay.

"His Majesty General Li is under control. He wants you to take your troops there immediately. In addition, send an army to seal up all the casinos and arrest them all."

Li Yan was shocked and said: "Whoever is so bold, the general will immediately send troops there."

"Your Majesty is fine, we must act immediately."

The small four on the other side almost fainted, they actually arrested him as the Emperor of the Taurus and even blackmailed him.

Chen Wu immediately rushed to the casino with 300 people, while the other troops also went to several casinos that had already been investigated separately.

On Zhang Yu's side, a few people didn't do anything, but they looked eagerly.

"Boy, what's your background? It's really generous." Shan Ye drank tea for a while and said jokingly.

"Master Shan, how long have you been in this line of business, no one is covering, are you afraid that someone will make trouble?" Zhang Yu said.

"Haha, trouble? It's always that we make trouble for others, and others dare to make trouble for us."

Shan Ye was very proud, he didn't even know Zhang Yu's identity before daring to set the game.

There is cheating in the casino, and if there is no cheating, how can you win stably.

Zhang Yu shook his head. He decided to intervene personally. There must be officials secretly covering them. If it were a normal casino, it would be nothing more than to slaughter guests like this, and to slaughter the wealthy. There is no certain influence, I am afraid it is necessary. No money back.

Suddenly, some people rushed into it and it was very noisy. Zhang Yu knew that his people were coming.

"Master Shan, next time I meet, I hope you can explain everything clearly to avoid suffering."

The mountain master still didn't understand what was going on, and the soldiers rushed into the pile to knock them all down.

Chen Wu wanted to come up and salute, Zhang Yu stopped him with one hand.

"Put all the people in custody, separate them, and take them directly back to the barracks. Don't detain them in the prison," Zhang Yu said.

There may be officials involved, so Zhang Yu does not plan to detain them in the prison.

There was chaos in the casino, and Zhang Yu and Chen Wu went directly out of the casino.

"Immediately pass the decree so that all the guards of the city will seal up the casino and bring all the persons involved back to the military camp for custody." Zhang Yu said.

There must be more than just casinos here, there may be casinos in many places.

As for brothels, Zhang Yu has not banned them until now. He has only imposed heavy taxes on brothels, but has not prohibited them.

Casinos are different and must be banned.

The people were all taken back and taken directly to the barracks.

Originally, Lord Shan was not very scared, but when they were caught in the barracks, they were scared.

Zhang Yu also moved directly into the barracks.

On the day of, the defending army Thunder shot and raided several casinos in the city.

Local officials are also very scared. Generally speaking, the local army never interferes in these matters, and very few can mobilize the army.

This must be a big deal.

Zhang Yu arrested a group of people, and that night guard Li Yan arrested more than a hundred people back, and then reported to Zhang Yu.

"Send someone to copy their home and pay special attention to the documents." Zhang Yu ordered.

After the curfew, every family, no matter who’s home, controls everyone after entering, then the army guards them, and then slowly searches.

All of a sudden, people panic.

Another day passed, except for some related people in the city, and the rest of the people were not affected much.

The people in the city live as usual, with little influence.


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