Zhang Yu ordered an attack, and a dozen people threw their weapons over.

Numerous spears flew towards Cao Cao.

Cao Cao and his soldiers were shocked.

"Puff puff puff~"

The spear attack passed, several Cao Jun soldiers were pierced on the spot, and Cao Cao's horses were also pierced.

However, Cao Cao was still fateful and survived a catastrophe. He was pulled off his horse by the soldiers and protected.

But this time Cao Cao was not so lucky. He fell heavily and was badly injured and couldn't get up.

"Cao Cao is dead, break the battle with me." Zhang Yu roared.

Cao Cao's soldiers hurriedly guarded Cao Cao and left. At this time, Cao Cao was unconscious, unable to command the army at all.

This loud shout did not receive a response from Cao Cao. Many people watched the soldiers carry Cao Cao out again, and the life and death were unknown.

This cast a shadow over Cao Jun.

Zhang Yu and Zhao Yun continued to attack.

Cao Jun's formation was penetrated by two people.


After the meeting, Zhao Yun called out.

"Kill me back."

Zhang Yu and the others had already breached the formation of Cao Jun, and it was time to take advantage of the victory and pursue the attack.

The two men joined forces in one place, the occupation was stronger, and they attacked everywhere.

Cao Cao was injured and unable to command, but Cao Jun did not immediately collapse.

But morale plummeted, causing Cao Jun to resist passively, and Zhang Yu regained control of the battlefield.

The news of Cao Cao's death continued to spread, which dealt a great blow to Cao Jun, and the surrounding Cao Jun was also affected.

Tai Shici was the first to make a breakthrough and slammed in.

After a while, Huang Xu cooperated with Huang Zhong and made great progress, breaking through the blockade of Cao Jun.

Soldiers and horses attacked from the periphery, cooperating with Zhang Yu to attack their side.

Cao Jun quickly collapsed.

The collapse of one Cao army greatly affected Cao army in other places.

Several Cao army generals ordered to retreat.

Cao Jun was defeated and gradually collapsed.

Zhang Yu will not let go of this opportunity and will start chasing afterwards.

More and more soldiers and horses gathered, Zhang Yu led several generals to chase Cao Jun.

Cao Jun's defeat was a direct collapse.

This made several Cao army generals unable to control the army, so they could only retreat with some troops.

Zhang Yu and the others have been chasing along the road.

Pursuing, chasing, Zhang Yu was not afraid of their ambush, so he bit and attacked.

The Cao Jun on the road was broken by Zhang Yu, and they continued to escape from the small roads on both sides.

Regardless of the escaped army Zhang Yu, he didn't think Cao Jun had a chance to gather them again, as long as they dispersed.

Chase all the way up.

"Let's go west, hurry up."

Cao Ren also brought more than 10,000 soldiers and horses, and several generals.

Cao Ren knew that he could not stop Zhang Yu's soldiers by staying.

Zhang Yu and the others chased them into the night, and they continued to chase for two hours in the night, and in the end they couldn't run.

Zhang Yu and the others camped on the side of the road to rest.

Everyone was very tired, fighting for more than half a day, and then chasing and killing them for about half a day.

Many soldiers were still hungry, and generally only stuffed a few bites of dry food on the road.

Tired, hungry, and thirsty.

As soon as it stopped, many soldiers fell directly to the ground and fell asleep.

Zhang Yu asked people to boil water to cook, and let everyone drink water first.

Many soldiers slept directly, and few were able to get up to eat or drink.

Zhang Yu's powerful body was a bit tired, and many soldiers struggled in one breath, and when they slackened, they all collapsed.

After resting all night, many soldiers just lay on the ground at dawn the next day, without camping at all, and fell asleep directly.

At that time, many people had no strength to set up camp.

Zhang Yu and the others camped here, but Cao Jun was not so comfortable anymore.

After Zhang Yu and the others stopped chasing, they still rushed overnight, waiting until dawn before daring to rest.

Cao Ren clicked on the soldiers and horses, and more than 40,000 people returned, and half of them lost their weapons and armor.

With weapons and armors, they couldn't run away, so they all discarded them.

How can such an army fight?

There is not much food and grass in the army, and it will not last long.

What made Cao Ren upset was that they had no news of Cao Cao at this time.

Cao Cao rushed out under the guard of his own soldiers. After he came out, he was still unconscious, so his personal guards led him to run.

This time Cao Jun was defeated. The defeat was not terribly miserable, because Zhang Yu’s army had agreed to lose a lot. By Zhang Yu’s side, there were only more than 40,000 soldiers and horses, plus those who were missing and did not keep up. , It is estimated that it will not be too much.

In this battle, Zhang Yu and the others killed an estimated hundreds of thousands of enemy troops, plus hundreds of thousands of them ran away, and in the end, not many could follow Cao Ren's army.

A big defeat here, Zhang Liao and Gao Shun will definitely go well.

At dawn, Zhang Yu woke up and recruited several generals.

"The most important thing for us now is not chasing Cao Jun. Cao Jun is no longer a threat. The most important thing now is to win the entire territory of Yanzhou and Yuzhou.

By annexing these two places, our strength has greatly increased, and there is no need for garrisons in Qingzhou and Xuzhou. "

Zhang Yu gave another order: "Contact the rear immediately and send tens of thousands of soldiers to come immediately. Zilong brought more than 10,000 soldiers and horses to gather the broken Cao army around."

These are all trained, and they cannot be allowed to run around, which will endanger the people.

Zhang Yu simply assigned the task, sorted out the army, sorted out 30,000 soldiers and horses, and moved forward slowly.

They are not in good condition, and it is impossible for them to march in a hurry to make an assault.

This is Yingchuan, where Cao Jun was defeated, and almost all of Yanzhou and Zhang Yu fell into the hands of Zhang Yu.

It will not be very far from Yingchuan to Luoyang, it is already in the west of Yanzhou, and the place to the east will be quickly lost.

Zhang Yu went directly to the county town of Yanzhou, where the Cao army had retreated, and the materials in the city were also taken away.

In the Yingchuan area, many people were directly moved to Luoyang.

After knowing that Cao Jun was defeated, Cao Jun had stopped moving to other places to migrate people and hurriedly entered Luoyang.

The remaining Cao Jun didn't dare to stay in Yanzhou, and it didn't make much sense. It was the best choice to go back and defend Luoyang quickly.

Luoyang is not so defensive~www.readwn.com~ Although the city is tall, there are several places that may be attacked.

Now Zhang Yu is strong and can attack along the Yellow River.

Cao Jun had hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses in Luoyang, but they did not dare to leave. Once they came out, it was not so easy to defend.

At Hulao Pass, some defenses were re-established at this time.

It was destroyed that year, and I wanted to rebuild the way it was before, but in a few years, it couldn’t be built.

After Zhang Yu entered the county town, he ordered, "Go and ask for food from those families who don't obey. Write down their names. Once our people arrive, we will check them directly."

Zhang Yu's temper is not so good. Now he has won Yanzhou and Yuzhou. More than half of China is in his own hands. Jizhou, Yuzhou, Xuzhou and Yanzhou are all in his own hands. The situation is so clear and there is no eye-opener. Yes, you don't have to be polite with them at all.

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