Zhang Yu put tremendous pressure on the princes, but several princes now have enemies with each other, so they can't cooperate very well, but when Zhang Yu really takes action, they may cooperate.

Although the princes did not cooperate, they restrained each other and did not attack each other.

Zhang Yu is formulating policies, and the entire territory must develop well. At the same time, he must also formulate strategies for several princes.

There are not many now.

One day, Zhang Yu convened a cabinet meeting, and then said: "I intend to sever business dealings with several princes, especially their business dealings with salt, liquor, and tea."

Several cabinets were stunned for a while, and then after thinking about it, Zhang Zhao said, "Master, in this way, our income will also be greatly reduced."

"We have control of most of China's population, and it doesn't matter if we lose these. We are not uncomfortable, but a lot of income is reduced, but a few princes are uncomfortable.

Several princes were not financially strong, especially Cai Hao. Although Zhang Yu has a large family and business, Zhang Yu suddenly cut off his business relations with him, and his large group of workers will be greatly affected.

The number of people he keeps is 100,000 porters alone. These people move goods on the docks and commercial roads on the land.

At the same time, the goods that Zhang Yu transported in the past were distributed by Cai Wei, including the area around Jingzhou. Now Zhang Yu wants to cut off all of them.

At that time, Cai Tao will be very uncomfortable, and his hundreds of thousands of troops will not be able to maintain.

Although Sun Ce did not have such a situation, the salt was directly traded with them.

Zhang Yu added: "It's not all broken. There are no normal channels. There are smuggling channels. When smuggling, the money is not in the hands of a few princes, but in the hands of some aristocratic families. Some elbow control."

Several people nodded, indicating that they understood Zhang Yu's thoughts.

Zhang Yu said to Guo Jia: "Feng Xiao, you can arrange this matter. It is best to cultivate some of our own families, support them on the surface, and secretly win over them. You can also arrange some people to go inside them through these families. ."

Zhang Yu has many spies everywhere, let them enter the upper level and slowly penetrate.

Even if it penetrates some counties, it will have a huge effect in the future.

"Understand, Lord, are there any other plans?"

Zhang Yu thought for a while and said, "Suppress their industry as much as possible. If they make money, we will sell to them in large quantities as long as they keep their profits."

This is dumping. Zhang Yu and the others have economies of scale, and they will definitely be cheap. When a large number of cheap goods are sold to their territory, they will suddenly be unable to sell their own industries.

The Cabinet has formulated more detailed and actionable plans.

It took Zhang Yu a month to carefully formulate various plans with the cabinet.

Various policies have been implemented, and Zhang Yu has been building roads in Yanzhou, Jizhou, and Yuzhou.

The road construction does not have the level of driving, but it is also very open. Very quickly, the road is 30 or 40 meters wide, the road surface is compacted, and the certificate will be arranged for some people to maintain it for a certain distance in the future to ensure that the road surface is not bumpy and can be fast Passable.

After formulating the policy, Zhang Yu ignored it.

When the New Year was approaching, Zhang Yu went to find Zhang Chi.

After Zhang Jai was captured, he has been placed under house arrest in New Peiping City.

In fact, it is not considered house arrest, that is, he cannot leave the city. Someone will follow him when he goes out. As long as he does not leave the city, everything else is arbitrary.

Zhang Jai went to the Academy in Peking the most, and he also took many courses in it.

Because of Zhang Yu's preferential treatment, he can enter and leave the academy casually.

"General Junyi, long time no see." Zhang Yu met him in the courtyard where Zhang Jaw lived.

With a bow with both hands, he opened his jaw and said, "Congratulations to Emperor Datang for smashing the two states."

Zhang Yu smiled and waved his hand, then sat down.

Zhang Yu said to himself: "I dominate the world without any suspense, but what will be the fate of China in the future after the unification."

Zhang Jai smirked and said, "Emperor Tang has always been so confident. This is not what Tang Emperor should have said."

Zhang Yu didn't care, there was nothing to care about.

"I'm not kidding. My China's destiny is not good. In the extreme west, there is a huge empire with a vast territory and strong national power. Now it has colluded with Ma Teng and others. It is likely to attack China, and we China It's still unified, I'm afraid it's not an opponent." Zhang Yu said.

This jaw has also studied some geography courses, knowing that Zhang Yu's geography class said that the place where they live is a sphere, but he didn't study it in depth.

Zhang Jaw was extremely surprised, and said with some shock: "This is true."

Zhang Yu nodded and said, "Naturally, I didn't mean to lie to you. If not, Xun Yu and Xun Wen would be willing to be an official, let alone help me take charge of Jizhou."

Zhang Jai believed it.

"Junyi, you are a talent, you shouldn't be buried here, just do it with me."

Hesitated while sitting with his jaw open.

It wasn't that he hadn't thought about it, and he knew that Zhang Yu was going to recruit him.

In fact, he had a very good time in Beiping. Zhang Yu gave him a lot of freedom and was not locked up like a general.

Zhang Jai asked himself, if he really wanted to escape, he would have a chance to succeed, but he didn't.

After he was captured, he also wanted to go back, but instead of fleeing by himself, he waited for Cao Cao to send someone to rescue him.

It was not difficult to rescue him. Peiping did not defend closely, but Cao Cao did not contact him in the end.

"Think about it, and if you have any questions, just come to me."

Zhang Yu saw that he was still hesitating, so he said something and got up.

Zhang Yu walked to the door, and Zhang Jay knelt on the ground and said loudly: "The subordinates open their jaws, pay respect to the lord, and Zhang jaws are willing to descend."

Zhang Yu smiled and turned around, and then said: "Okay~www.readwn.com~ From tomorrow, you will go to the barracks to report, first follow the training for three months, and then lead the army alone."

After talking about Zhang Yu, he left. He didn't go up to help Zhang Jaw up, and didn't say anything to open his jaw like a tiger. He didn't need it at this time.

When he went out, Zhang Yu evacuated all the soldiers, and all those who watched him evacuated.

You can't be suspicious when employing people, and be bold to believe.

Zhang Yu's military system is different from other military systems. Other troops and generals who want to defect can take all the troops away, but Zhang Yu's army cannot.

Zhang Yu was very happy in his heart, opening his jaw is a rare wise general, and being able to subdue him has a great effect.

After Zhang Yu left, this jaw was also very emotional. This Zhang Yu even removed the person who was monitoring him, really trusting him.

This year, Zhang Jai has been living in Beiping. Knowing Zhang Yu's strength and peace here, he just wanted to live his life peacefully, but he didn't expect him to go to war again. The strongest system to dominate the Three Kingdoms

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