The Strongest System To Dominate the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1089: Sun Ce breaks through

? Zhang Yu slayed behind them, and didn't know how many troops they had.

The matter was so big that Sun Ce didn't even sleep all night.

He can't go now, otherwise this Jiang Xiakou will not be able to hold.

With Zhou Yu supporting him in Chibi, he can still hold Zhang Yu's army.

Sun Ce stayed awake all night. Jiang Qin came to him the next morning and was shocked when he saw that Sun Ce was not in good condition.

"Lord, there is no need to worry so much, it is better to let you go back and sit behind the town, here is the Governor of Zhou." Jiang Qin said.

Sun Ce came back to his senses, and he thought about it all night.

"Zhang Yu's battleship entered the rear and entered the Dongting Lake. I don't know how many troops they have or who their generals are. This makes us really passive." Sun Ce said after rubbing his brows.

"Lord, you take a break first. There will be subordinates and others in the city, so nothing will happen." Jiang Qin said.

Sun Ce did not speak, but nodded silently.

Jiang Qin withdrew, however, how could this Sun Ce sleep.

After Zhang Yu entered the Dongting Lake, he disappeared after extinguishing the tracking ships.

He did not appear in a hurry, but went to Dongting Lake.

Dongting Lake is very large, and it is easy to hide an army.

After Zhang Yu and the others arrived at Dongting Lake, it took three days to hide.

For three days, they all stopped on the lake. There were a lot of reeds here, hidden in them, and they were not found.

During the three days Zhang Yu spent most of his time fishing. Although the fish caught cannot be fired, boiled or grilled, it is not bad to have fun.

"Wu Jun, there should be a mess." Zhang Yu said after catching another fish.

At this time, Wu Jun was really nervous.

Zhang Yu was attracted but not sent, they didn't know where Zhang Yu was going to attack.

If Zhang Yu attacks and fails to defend himself, then it will be a disaster.

After another two days, Changsha City was a little messy.

The city of Changsha started to be a little messy.

Soldiers went up to the city wall to guard strictly, and at the same time martial law began in the city, and the people were not allowed to take to the streets.

There was a rumbling look in the city.

"Go, the fleet will go around and come back."

Zhang Yu ordered the fleet to come out and make a round of inspections.

When the fleet appeared, Zhang Yu made a deliberate circle around the Dongting Lake.

There were many Wu Jun’s spies and people on the shore. When they appeared, Wu Jun naturally knew.

Some cities along the coast immediately strengthened their defenses, and at the same time, Wu Jun sent a large number of spies to the shore to investigate, fearing that Zhang Yu's army would suddenly appear.

Zhang Yu ordered the fleet to appear and disappear from time to time, often appearing somewhere.

Three days later, the cities on both sides of the strait were troubled by Zhang Yu and could not be peaceful.

Wu Jun followed closely, but Zhang Yu just didn't do it.

In Jiangxiakou, Guo Jia ordered an attack.

At the same time, Xi Zhicai brought thirty thousand troops between Jiangxiakou and Chibi.

Xi Zhicai took 30,000 people, not because they did not have enough troops, but because they considered the number of troops.

Just take 30,000, which can already make the enemy jealous, but occasionally he will despise it.

Guo Jia has been attacking fiercely, attacking rhythmically, and at the same time, trying to control casualties as much as possible.

Sun Ce was under a lot of pressure, and he had lost more than 50,000 elite soldiers in the consecutive days of offensive.

"Zhang Yu hasn't appeared for several days. With our understanding of him, he may have already ran behind us." Sun Ce said.

Several generals, including Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin, dare not say anything. If they don't make a good judgment, they will easily fall into crisis.

"Lord, it's better to ask Governor Zhou, it's time for us to make a decision here." Cheng Pu said.

Cheng Pu is a veteran and can speak better.

Sun Ce shook his head first, then nodded, and then said, “It’s very particular about Xi Zhicai bringing 30,000 people across the middle. Whether it’s our breakout or Gong Jin’s support, we can not only give warnings, but also It greatly weakens our side and delays time."

"Thirty thousand people, we can pass with one effort, but we will be stripped of the skin. But if we have the opportunity to pass, we will not give up. It is really good."

Sun Ce already wanted to understand what he was going to do with only 30,000 people in the drama, which made him very uncomfortable.

In Jiang Xiakou, Zhang Yu has been blocked for a long time, but Zhang Yu's army has been strengthening reinforcements, and sooner or later the city will not be protected.

Sun Ce sent people to inform Zhou Yu that although they were besieged outside, they sent people to dive from the river, and Zhang Yu's army did not care.

It is naturally beneficial for Sun Ce to maintain external communications. Only in this way can he confuse the enemy and send the wrong message to the enemy.

Zhou Yu's letter from Sun Ce was also very bad.

"It must be a good fight, you can't break the game."

Although Zhou Yu's skills are high and strong, there are too many differences in absolute strength.

"You can only take a chance. The lord's army must be withdrawn." Zhou Yu wrote back to Sun Ce, letting him break through.

Zhou Yu began to deploy. He didn't have many troops, only more than 70,000 men, and Sun Ce had less than one hundred thousand soldiers and horses.

The besieged army numbered more than 200,000, and there was still a large army following behind.

They have little chance of winning.

Sun Ce received Zhou Yu's message and also decided to break through.

"Lord, he must be ready for the breakthrough route given to us by Governor Zhou." Jiang Qin said.

Sun Ce nodded. They must break through. After returning, there is still a lot of space according to the terrain, and there may be a chance for a turnaround.

Sun Ce is preparing to break through.

After receiving Zhou Yu's letter, Sun Ce began to prepare.

In the night after two days, Sun Ce began to break through.


Sun Ce's army slew out in large numbers, and several generals rushed out with Sun Ce.

When Guo Jia laid out the encirclement, several gaps were left. They were tangible gaps that could break through.

It's not that Guo Jia didn't understand, but deliberately.

This arrangement is to give the enemy a chance to break through, and will not let the enemy have the mentality of holding fast.

"Great, I'm afraid you won't break through."

"General Huang, General Taishi, the next step is to rely on you. Just intercept one of them. If the other troops can stay, they will stay, and if they can't, they will be let go."

Guo Jia quickly gave the order, and he has been waiting for Wu Jun to break through.

Sun Ce was worthy of being a small overlord, and rushed out from the gap with a few generals, no one could stop him.

The former army passed without much loss.

However, Huang Zhong and Tai Shici quickly rushed over from both sides, and some troops that had not had time to rush out were intercepted.

"Master, more than 30,000 people in the rear army failed to follow." Zhou Tai shouted.

"Lord, hurry up, this is a conspiracy of Datang's army." Jiang Qin said.

Sun Ce looked back and knew that things could not be changed, so he could only leave.

Guo Jia sent an army to trap these 30,000 people, and then tens of thousands of soldiers and horses were chased and killed.

The strength of the two sides is very different, and sometimes strategies are useless.

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