Zhang Yu's words were not in vain. After a quarter of an hour, they still did not leave alone.

"This is your choice. Besiege my family tonight, don't even want to run."

"This surname Xu, since it is the leader, then use him to sacrifice the flag." Zhang Yu pointed at the Xu family master with the overlord halberd.

The person on the opposite side looked at Zhang Yu blankly, not knowing what Zhang Yu meant.

But soon they understood.

Zhang Yu's hand rose and fell, and his head rolled off.

In front of them

Cut off the Patriarch of a large family.

The person opposite was stunned for a long time.

They still couldn't believe it.

Zhang Yu dare to do this?



"Zhang Yu, you must die."

It took a long time for them to react, and then the Xu family began to scream in despair.

No one thought that Zhang Yu really dared to do it.

Moreover, it was the Patriarch of the great family in Yecheng who was killed.

"Rush in and kill them all."

"Smash Zhang Yu's body into thousands of pieces."

Hundreds of people from the Xu family also came, and the Patriarch of the Xu family was killed. What else did they care about?

The Xu family rushed up to kill Zhang Yu.

Other people saw this scene and rushed forward.

Zhang Yu was not afraid, holding the Overlord Halberd firmly with both hands.


Zhang Yu yelled and waved the Overlord Halberd, and he pushed back several people who were about to rush up.

You Zhang Yu guarded the gate of the courtyard. They attacked several times, but they were unable to break through the gate of the courtyard.

"Tata, Tata."

There was a rumble of horse hooves in the distance.

Zhang Yu knew that their nightmare was coming.

"Kill them all."


Zhang Yu heard Dian Wei's roar and knew that reinforcements were coming.

After Dianwei left the city, he rushed in with the cavalry. The barracks were originally not far away from the city, and the cavalry quickly arrived.


The cavalry smashed into the ranks of those aristocratic families.



"Oh my God, they want to massacre the city."

"too frightening."

The scene immediately turned into a hell. Dian Wei never knew what it meant to keep his hands, and as soon as he came up he used the most violent way to kill.

A charge, the family's team immediately collapsed.

They belonged to different families, and these people had never been on the battlefield, had never seen **** scenes, and collapsed all at once.

Dian Wei brought the cavalry back and forth to kill, the family could not resist, and lost more than a thousand people at once.

"Evil comes, don't chase it." Zhang Yu stopped Dian Wei who was going to chase and kill these people.

"Lord, these people are damned, let me unscrew their heads one by one." Dian Wei said angrily.

"The monk who ran away can't run to the temple." Zhang Yu looked at the headless Xu family master and said: "Follow me and check the Xu family for me. The charge is for committing a yellow scarf. Be careful not to kill innocent people."


When Dian Wei heard this, he almost jumped up with joy. He thought that Zhang Yu was going to let them go, but the boss was upset. He didn't expect Zhang Yu to take them directly to dig out their nest.

The cavalry rumbled through the city.

The defenders in the city did not dare to control them.

I dare not care about them except that this army is too cruel, that is, Ling Cao directly confronted them with the infantry. If they dare to move, Ling Cao will definitely dare to go to war.

No one interferes, Zhang Yu's world is in the city.

"Ah, they are here to kill."

"What to do, the Patriarch is also dead, what shall we do?"

"They are too scary, there is blood everywhere, and they kill people like a numb."

Those who besieged Zhang Yu had just escaped, but Zhang Yu and the others would also be killed right away.

The Xu family was surrounded.

"Patriarch Xu has committed the Yellow Turban for the first time, and he has already been shown to the public by my owl. If you dare to resist, you can kill it!"

Zhang Yu shouted at the door.

Once upon a time, when they surrounded Zhang Yu, they also clamored to kill him.

But Zhang Yu quickly returned their words to them.

The difference is that they can't do it if they want to kill Zhang Yu, and Zhang Yu can do it easily if they want to kill them.

"Anyone who has a weapon in his hand will be killed."

Zhang Yu gave orders to Dian Wei.

Dian Wei dismounted the soldiers and rushed in.

Inside, they jumped quickly and cried.

The Xu family is a big family with many women and children.

After a while, the inside was controlled.

"Lord, haha, this time it's made, it's made, there are a lot of treasures in it." Not long after, Dian Wei came out, and the two soldiers behind were still carrying a box of jewels.

Zhang Yu also slapped his tongue, and as soon as Dian Wei entered, he would gain something.

Dian Wei didn't have much interest in copying homes. He was only interested in killing people, but the people inside obviously couldn't resist. Naturally, Dian Wei couldn't let Dian Wei be addicted to killing, so he came out first.

"We have also lost a lot of money, so let these family's property pay for compensation." Zhang Yu was also happy. Although the family was so angry at night, there was no compensation at this time.

Zhang Yu saw that the Xu family had no resistance, so he said, "The evil is coming, take some people with me and copy the Huang family."

Dian Wei nodded, and immediately divided half of them to kill Huang's family.

The Huang family was also one of the participants, and the approach to the Xu family was one of the masterminds, Zhang Yu didn't plan to let it go.

At the door of Huang's house.

"Brother Yuan~www.readwn.com~ Must help me, definitely." Huang Patriarch was pleading for a middle-aged man.

"Patriarch Huang don't worry, this Zhang Yu dare not mess around in front of our Yuan family."

"Okay, okay, okay, as long as Brother Yuan helps me through this stage, I must thank you very much. Tomorrow I will send someone to donate 30 acres of farmland outside the city to Brother Yuan."

Hearing the words of this surnamed Yuan, Patriarch Huang felt quite relieved.

The Yuan family is the overlord, and the noble families in the world, including the royal family, must give them face.

The cavalry rumbled from a distance.

Although the head of the Huang family invited the Yuan family to move, he was still worried.

"Call the Huang Family Patriarch to come out and die." At the door of Huang's house, Zhang Yu shouted inside.

The head of the Huang family was at the door, his face pale in fright, his legs trembling.

"Zhang, Zhang Yu, don't be arrogant, this, this is not a place for you to be free and presumptuous." The Huang Family Patriarch reluctantly took two steps and said, pointing to Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu's sharp gaze projected over, and the Huang family Patriarch couldn't help but back up two steps in fright.

"You are the Patriarch of the Huang Family?" Zhang Yu said in an unquestionable tone: "Since you dare to do something to me, you have to pay the price."

"Brother Yuan, save me." Huang Patriarch did not doubt that Zhang Yu would dare to kill him. He even the Xu family Patriarch personally cut it down, so he hurriedly asked the surnamed Yuan for help.

The member of the Yuan family is called Yuan De, who is of the same generation as the head of the family, Yuan Kui.

The status in the family is not the highest, but it is not low.

Yuan De frowned and stood up and said: "Zhang Yu, you are too much. Go back and return their goods, and then compensate the Xu family for the loss. I can still help you deal with this matter."

"Zhang Yu, this is a member of the Yuan family, and you can't offend it." After Yuan De came out, the head of the Huang family seemed to have confidence and quickly reminded Zhang Yu.

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