The surrender of Sun Ce is of great significance. Only a small part of the south of the Yangtze River is outside of Zhang Yu's control.

Based in Changsha City, Dongting Lake area, plus Jiangxia area, Zhang Yu can attack Cai Tao.

This time the loss was not large. Zhang Yu lost tens of thousands of people before and after. Although a large amount of food was lost, Zhang Yu was able to sustain it.

Zhou Yu came out holding the seal, and there was a person next to him. This was the famous Sun Quan in history.

Sun Ce did not come, Zhou Yu and Sun Quan came out.

Zhang Yu took a group of generals outside the city, ready to be surrendered.

Zhou Yu and Sun Quan came out and knelt on one knee. Zhou Yu held up the seal and said, "All the soldiers and civilians of Changsha City beg for surrender."

Zhang Yu was a little excited. After so many battles, he didn't win so beautifully.

Zhang Yu walked over and took over the jade seal, which was just a jade seal made by Sun Ce himself. Although it was very advanced, it was not as good as his own inherited jade seal.

"Please," Zhang Yu said, handing Yuxi to the soldier next to her.

Zhou Yu stood up with Sun Quan, and then Zhou Yu clasped his fists and said, "Sun Ce is dead. Please also your Majesty Datang to let the Sun family continue to live in Changsha."

Sun Quan on the side was stunned for a moment. He didn't know the news of Sun Ce's death.

Zhang Yu calmly looked at Zhou Yu. This was a genius, but he was pitted by the Romance of the Three Kingdoms and became Zhuge Liang's stepping stone.

In fact, it was him who burned Cao Cao in the Battle of Chibi, just to set off Zhuge Liang, so that Zhuge Liang borrowed the Dongfeng and put all the credit on Zhuge Liang.

The literati are powerful. A military genius like Zhou Yu has become a villain who is jealous and capable.

"The Sun family must move to Jiangdong, either in their hometown of Wujun or Kuaiji, or even to Peiping." Zhang Yu said, "I will give them 5,000 mu of fertile land, and I will not move the Sun family's property. ."

Zhou Yu sighed, the Sun family still had to move.

In Zhang Yu's lifetime, this Sun family should be fine, but who knows later, maybe Zhang Yu's successor will destroy the Sun family.

However, Zhou Yu had no choice. He hoped that the Sun family would not seek death on their own. He also hoped that when the Tang Dynasty was so strong, he would not put the Sun family in his eyes.

"Enter the city."

After receiving the jade seal and opening the city gate, Zhang Yu ordered Dian Wei to bring one hundred thousand people into the city.

The army opened several city gates, Zhang Liao led a hundred thousand people to the top of the city, and other troops continued to encircle the city.

There are still hundreds of thousands of troops who have not disarmed, and Zhang Yu cannot just go in like this.

Dianwei slowly took in the army from camp to camp.

He wants to take in their weapons little by little.

All weapons and armors are collected, and this is a group of people who are not threatening.

The city was still taking in the army, and Zhang Yu called several generals.

"Fengxiao, Cao Cao and Cai Hao had changed a few days ago. Cai Hao even wanted to send a navy army to threaten us. Please report on their movements."

Everyone knew that Zhang Yu was about to attack Cai Hao.

As for the Cai Yuan Group, there are no secrets at all.

This Cai Hao has a large number of Zhang Yu people in the army or in the government affairs of various places.

After several years of lurking, Cai Hao was arranged when Cai Hao needed it most, and a large number of talents were reused by Cai Hao.

Cai Hao would not have imagined that most of them were dug up by him himself or by sending someone, but Zhang Yu arranged for these people.

Zhang Yu knows some spy war knowledge.

He wanted to arrange who would go in, instead of using someone who was already lurking in, but through Cai Hao's own people or Cai Hao's own arrangements.

Such a person will not be suspected of entering, and the effect will be great. Once exposed, it will not involve other people.

It is also very simple to arrange it in.

First of all, these people do have the ability. Zhang Yu only needs to spread some remarks in Jingzhou area to praise these people and praise them.

Zhang Yu was only responsible for letting some unrelated people spread some news on some occasions. At that time, Cai Hao was short of people. After hearing the wind, naturally someone came to the door.

Then, a large number of people arranged by Zhang Yu naturally entered the Cai Tao Group smoothly.

Cai Tao didn't reuse them at first, just let them hold some subordinate positions.

They are generally county-level officials, but these people are capable, and they start to be promoted after a period of time. After a few years, some people are already in the posts of county guards.

In Cai Hao's group, this county guard was equivalent to the existence of an official in Xinjiang.

The situation in the army is the same. Zhang Yu secretly trained some grass-roots officers. These officers arrived at Cai Hao, starting with a soldier.

Some people were promoted by Cai Hao personally, and naturally they trusted them very much.

However, these people, those whom Cai Hao trusted, were spies that Zhang Yu had already ambushed in several years ago.

Many people have studied in Jiangdong Academy since they were young. Later Zhang Yu arranged for them to create an identity. After they arrived in Jingzhou, they became active after a few months of living.

These people are very capable, and the more capable they are, the faster they can upgrade.

Guo Jia explained to everyone Cai Hao's movements and his cooperation with Cao Cao.

When Guo Jia finished the introduction, it was already more than an hour.

"Cai Hao is already in action, the navy has tried several times, and the army has also taken action. Now we are going to continue to block Changsha, create illusions, and cheat them." Zhang Yu said with a tone.

Now that Sun Ce surrendered and Zhang Yu still surrounded Changsha City, no one knew that Changsha City had been defeated.

In this way, Cai Hao and Cao Cao will definitely continue to act, Zhang Yu will find Cai Hao's trouble first.

Zhang Yu began to make arrangements, but he had to solve the current problems first. He sent Tai Shi Ci to prepare first.

Zhang Yu planned to collect some troops after the settlement of Changsha City, and let them serve as a cover for his main force to quietly lay out an ambush.

"Okay, all parties make arrangements immediately. We now activate all valuable spies in Jingzhou, and all intelligence bases are also activated."

Zhang Yu ordered to start preparations, but there are many strongholds in Jingzhou.

For many valuable intelligence personnel, one person has a team service, and intelligence transmission is not that simple.

Shao Tong, a spy who has been lurking for several years, is a senior general of the Jingzhou fleet.

As early as half a month ago, he had been awakened.

Shao Tong didn't wear a military uniform. He went to the county town of Jiangxia County.

"Boss, a catty of beef, half of the beef braised half of the sauce, and a half pot of Dukang wine, which will cost more than three years, and a plate of peanuts, half boiled and half fried."

Shao Tongyi said that the shopkeeper's heart was tight, and the person who had been waiting for several years finally came.

"Okay, listening to the big voice, it seems to be from Jiangdong, right?"

"The great grandfather was from Jiangdong, so my grandfather moved to Jingzhou."

That's right, the two people's codes matched up.

After Shao Tong ate and drank, he secretly gave a note from the shopkeeper at the checkout.

The paper was the size of a palm, but it was densely packed with many words.

The above is information about the route personnel, ships, etc. of the voyage, as well as their ultimate purpose.

The shopkeeper took a deep breath and immediately sent this information out through a proprietary channel.

(End of this chapter)


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