"The Yellow Turban is about to launch a very violent offensive. This is a rare opportunity to do meritorious service. We want to participate deeply and we must prepare for it these days." Zhang Yu first gave some heavy news to several generals to prepare them.

Several people did not ask Zhang Yu why he knew, nor why Zhang Yu was released.

In shock, Zhang Yu began to make specific arrangements.

"Going out hunting, the infantry fighting against the Yellow Turban was suspended and fully prepared. The cavalry will continue to hunt in groups of 1,000, but the target must be selective."

"In addition to training, infantrymen need to prepare various consumables and arrows..."

Zhang Yu first arranged the battle.

"Lord, why should we participate in the battle of hundreds of thousands of troops, when the time comes, the loss will be too great." Ling Cao said.

Their army is different from the army of the official army. The official army is raised by the court, while their army is raised by themselves.

Zhang Yu knew that they couldn't understand, so he said: "We want to develop. Preserving our strength is one way. It is also a way to let the army experience the test of blood and fire. In addition, we also need military exploits. Not only I need it, but you all need it. "

To retain talents, we must give them good treatment. Although they will not necessarily betray Zhang Yu because of this, we must also work hard to help them seek benefits so that they can all be honored.

The thinking of the ancients Guangzong Yaozu is very deep, not to mention the ancients, the modern people's psychology is also particularly strong.

Giving them a few official positions in the imperial court will not only make things easier in the future, but they will also be able to honor their ancestors, and more importantly, there will be more talents willing to belong to Zhang Yu.

Sure enough, several people were very excited after understanding Zhang Yu's meaning.

Even Huang Zhong was not at peace.

Although Huang Zhong is an official, he is a very small official. Zhang Yu can do this for his subordinates and it is indeed worth following.

Then Zhang Yu will talk about the cooperation with Zhang Jiao.

The loyalty of the few people present is not a problem, even if Huang Zhong is not his own, Zhang Yu did not shy away.

"Lord, this horn is really going to be frantic. In order to reduce food consumption, he has to send hundreds of thousands of troops to death in vain." After listening to Zhang Jiao's plan, Ling Cao couldn't help taking a breath.

"From Zhang Jiao's point of view, this is nothing. Not only can he consume his own troops, he can also take advantage of the opportunity to consume a part of the military's troops, and he can also give himself enough time."

For the others, Dian Wei was a little excited, as long as he had a battle to fight, he wouldn't think so much.

And Zhou Cang was at a loss, because the yellow turban he used to play was like this.

Huang Zhong is much calmer. He is the oldest here, and he has seen many things in the world.

After allocating tasks, go to work separately.

Zhang Yu is also not busy, and has to coordinate many things by himself, because Zhang Yu can't let ordinary soldiers know too much.

"A logistics base close to the battlefield must be established." Zhang Yu thought of Xi Zhicai, and wanted to transfer Xi Zhicai to his side, at least as close as possible, and let him take care of the logistics.

Just do what he said, Zhang Yu found many places around Guangzong, and finally confirmed that a small town more than 30 miles outside Guangzong city was used as a logistics base for Xizhi to bring people over.

Let's talk about Zhang Jiao's side. After three days of preparation, Zhang Jiao also began to arrange.

Three days after Zhang Yu left the city, Zhang Jiao finally launched an attack.

At the beginning, a large army of 100,000 was dispatched, of which 80,000 were these yellow turbans without much training, while the other 20,000 were elites led by Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang.

These elites have two functions. One is to stabilize the military's mind. If they fall to one side, then these yellow scarfs will be easily slaughtered and have little value.

The second is to prepare for a sneak attack on the official army. Once the official army cannot support it, there is a gap, or underestimate the enemy, they can hide in one of them and attack suddenly.



Suddenly, the four gates of Guangzong City opened, and a hundred thousand troops came out.

The officers and soldiers who had been watching closely were shocked and hurriedly mobilized all the troops to strengthen the camp and prepare for the enemy's attack.

The Yellow Turban came suddenly, and Huang Fusong was completely unprepared.

But fortunately, Huangfu Song's army is very strict, even if there is no war, the defense of the big camp is also very good.

"General Huangfu, are these yellow turbans crazy?" A general said after seeing the yellow turban offensive.

"Look at them, they don't want their lives at all. They rushed to the gate of the camp and let us kill them." Another general who was watching the battle said.

"I just observed it. Ten or so yellow turbans were replaced by one of our soldiers. They are all willing to do this."

Several generals were watching the battle, and Huangfusong kept his face calm, without joy or sorrow.

Huangfusong didn't know the intention of the Yellow Turban, so he never made a decision.

After the Yellow Turban went out of the city, he began to attack frantically.

"No, you immediately give orders separately, order the soldiers to stick to the camp, defense is the main thing, this is the Yellow Turban use these not much combat power to consume our troops~www.readwn.com~Finally, use elite soldiers to fight us decisively."

After half an hour, Huangfusong finally gave his first order.

Several generals around him immediately separated to execute the order.

Zhang Yu also went to a hillside, looking at the battlefield from a distance.

"Lord, why don't we kill it, attack from the side, yes, we can kill the Yellow Turban all the way to a big defeat." Dian Wei said.

Indeed, at this time the Yellow Turban had already fought against the officers and the army. These were all recruits, and some had only been trained for a few days. If Zhang Yu attacked the Yellow Turban as before, he would surely be able to severely damage the Yellow Turban.

But Zhang Yu didn't want to be like this, because it couldn't reflect his own value.

When they are tired from fighting with the official army, or Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang's armies are also thrown into the battlefield, they will fight again by themselves.

Only the army that has been severely injured can show Zhang Yu's value.

This is not only for credit, but also for the later plans to take the initiative. Zhang Yu didn't want Huangfusong to completely dominate the battlefield, at least he also had a large weight.

And by then, Zhang Yu can also reduce losses.

During the two hours of the war, the Yellow Turban was madly impacted, and Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang, who were hidden inside, found a chance to attack, and suffered a heavy blow to the officers and soldiers before they blocked them back.

"It's time, the whole army will attack and eat the enemy all the way."

Seeing that the Yellow Turban was exhausted, the offensive was weakened, and Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang's army were also entangled in it, Zhang Yu chose to attack at this time.

Three thousand cavalrymen are in front, and six thousand infantrymen are behind.

Zhang Yu left Ling Cao to command the infantry, and he, Dian Wei, Huang Zhong, and Zhou Cang directly led the cavalry forward.

"Put through the middle, surrounded by infantry." Zhang Yu shouted, the Overlord Halberd had already attacked.

This arrangement is to completely eat the yellow towel.

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