"Congratulations to the host for killing Zhang Bao, rewards 200,000 points, a life-renewing pill, a blueprint for equipment creation, 100 reputation and 20 strength."

"Ding~ Congratulations to the host for killing General Zhang Bao, and he won a random reward from the court."

"Ding~Congratulations to the host, kill the general Zhang Bao, the reward is exchanged for the basic population once."

Is this the big explosion after killing the boss? The rewards of the system must be broadcasted several times.

Zhang Yu didn't have time to find out what the rewards were. After killing Zhang Bao, the morale of the Yellow Turban was shocked.

At this time, one's morale skyrocketed, and it was the time to take advantage of the victory and pursue it.

"Kill, crush the yellow scarf in front of you."

Zhang Yu threw away the enemy's body and shouted.

Zhang Yu continued to rush people crazy.

When Zhang Bao died, the Yellow Turban was in a mess, and the officers and soldiers took the opportunity to press up.

The two sides continued to go shopping. At this time, there were only more than 8,000 officers and soldiers, and there were more than 20,000 people in the Yellow Turban.

They were all elite soldiers, and the Yellow Turbans also took drugs.

But at this time, under the chaos of the Yellow Turban, it was broken everywhere, which was very dangerous.

"Kill, kill me all."

"Rush up and bargain for revenge for the public."

Zhang Liang behind was also frantic and took over the command.

"Quickly, rush up and kill me."

Zhang Liang was behind, commanding the yellow turban all the time, letting them rush to the officer army.

Under Zhang Liang's command, the Yellow Turban temporarily stabilized the situation.

However, the continuous failure of the efficacy of the drug has appeared, making the situation of the Yellow Turban precarious again.

"Tata, Tata..."

Sounds that shouldn't have been heard from the battlefield.

That is the sound of the cavalry charging.

This sound was like a reminder, beating in the heart of the Yellow Turban.

The sound of cavalry at this time must not be a good thing, because the Yellow Turbans do not have cavalry.

Huang Zhong led people to kill.

"Kill, the enemy in front of Tu Guang."

Huang Zhong shouted, cutting in from the side of the yellow scarf.

"It's over, it's over, more than a dozen plans, after all, it is no match for the destiny." Zhang Jiao knew the ending the moment he saw the cavalry appear on the city.

Zhang Jiao has been paying attention to the situation of the battle, success or failure is not important to him, because he clearly knows that he has little time.

But watching everything I created by myself turned into ruins, I was naturally full of emotion in my heart.

Huang Zhong led the cavalry easily into the Yellow Turban formation.

The front line that the Yellow Turban had just stabilized was smashed by the cavalry.

"Don't worry about the cavalry, rush up and strangle with them."

"All charge me forward, charge, charge."

Zhang Liang commanded frantically.

He also knew that he would lose today, but he still did the final madness.

If you want to escape the slaughter of the cavalry, you can't run. The only way is to rush up and fight with the army.

Under Zhang Liang's command, the yellow turban frantically rushed towards the yellow turban on the front.

And Huang Zhong naturally led the officers and soldiers to massacre easily.

"Puff, puff, puff~"

The cavalry's swords smashed people's heads.

But at this time, the Yellow Turban did not collapse.

After the Yellow Turban took the medicine, everyone was very excited and furiously killed the officers and soldiers.


"call out!"

Huang Zhong on horseback picked up a bow and arrow, and raised his hand to an arrow.

With a distance of more than 30 meters, Huang Zhong didn't need to aim, raising his hand with an arrow and killing Zhang Liang.


The arrow easily penetrated into Zhang Liang's chest.

Zhang Liang was full of pain and covered his chest with one hand.

The blood soon filled his hands.

Power is losing rapidly.

This also means that the Yellow Turban's life is quickly lost.

There is Zhang Bao first, then Zhang Liang.

"Ding~ System reminder: Congratulations to the host for killing the Yellow Turban General Zhang Liang. The rewards are as follows:"

Zhang Yu didn't expect that Dianwei's reward for killing Zhang Bao would be counted on himself, and even Huang Zhong's killing could be counted on himself.

Congratulations to the host for killing Zhang Liang, rewards 200,000 points, 100 prestige, and 20 strength. "

"Ding~ Congratulations to the host, kill General Zhang Liang, and exchange the reward for the basic population once."

"Ding~ Congratulations to the host for killing General Zhang Liang, a copy of brewing skills."

The rewards for killing Zhang Liang and Zhang Bao have changed.

There is no change in points, prestige, and force values, and the same is true for the exchange base population.

However, there is no royal reward and life continuation pill, but Zhang Yu has acquired winemaking skills.

You know, this winemaking technology is a complete set, including high-quality wine after distillation.

Zhang Yu still remembered that if he exchanged points, it would be 300,000 points.

"Sure enough, there are more rewards for killing BOSS." Zhang Yu was secretly happy.

Once Zhang Liang died, the Yellow Turban completely lost control and immediately collapsed.


The official army was crushed and beaten before, and finally turned over at this time, and they became very crazy.

Zhang Yu didn't participate anymore, such a chaotic battle, plus only more than 10,000 yellow turbans, there was no need for this.

However, Huang Zhong continued to lead people to slaughter the Yellow Turban.

"Lord, why don't we take the opportunity to capture Guangzong City and kill Zhang Jiao, this is a great contribution." Ling Cao said to Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu shook his head and said, "Don't worry, I'll let Han Sheng stop the whole team later. Let the officers and soldiers find the way for us in front."

Zhang Jiao was not dead yet, Zhang Yu did not dare to move lightly, although there were not many yellow scarfs in the city at this time.

Zhang Yu continued: "We are familiar with the city, and with the cavalry in our hands, it is not impossible to win the first victory by then."

Huang Zhong and the others were quickly called back ~www.readwn.com~ and began to form a formation.

After the officers and soldiers slaughtered most of the Yellow Turbans, they took advantage of the situation and began to attack the city.


"Kill Zhang Jiao."

"Chong, kill Zhang Jiao, you will surely be able to seal him."


All the officers and soldiers went crazy. Even though the casualties were huge, they were about to win.

As long as the victory is won, the living can obtain great benefits.

Feng Hou worships generals, and seals his wife Yinzi.

"Oh, lord, they all climbed up the city wall, and they didn't see a yellow scarf." Dian Wei said anxiously.

At this time, there didn't seem to be a yellow scarf in the city.

Huangfusong also secretly breathed a sigh of relief behind him. This battle had several twists and turns, and finally he was victorious.

Although at this time there are definitely less than six thousand people left in the official army.

Zhang Liang's final madness still eliminated more than two thousand soldiers and horses.

There were less than 6,000 officers left to attack the city, and some of them had already climbed to the top of the city.


Suddenly, there were shouts of killing all over the city, and then there were many figures.

A large number of yellow scarfs were ambushed on the head of the city.

Huangfu Song's heart in the distance was tight, and it was the last juncture that even a moth came out.

There were many people on the top of the city, all ambushes came out, and none of the officers and soldiers who climbed to the top of the city were wiped out.

Then the Yellow Turban began to attack with rolling wood and stones, and the officers and soldiers who were climbing the city head for a while were also killed and injured.

The matter did not stop there. Many archers appeared in the yellow scarf and began to attack.

Huangfusong's heart was dark, and for a while, he was killed and injured more than half of his time.

It was too late for Huangfusong to order the retreat. So many people were simply dead, and the officers and soldiers also realized the danger and hurriedly retreated.

Zhang Yu and his party were dumbfounded, and in just a short while, Zhang Jiao had pitted more than 3,000 officers and soldiers.

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