Zuo Feng was stunned for a moment, then burst into laughter.

"Hahaha, haha, hiccups, cough cough..."

Zuo Feng laughed out of anger, but didn't change what he was happy about.

"Victory, victory, our family is the supervising army, it is the supervising army."

"Guangzong City was shot down by me, I shot down."

Zuo Feng was pleased to say something unclear and incoherent.

The generals who ran out with Yuan Zhan were all dumbfounded.

They will be charged with deserters.

Everyone looked at Yuan Zhan with resentment.

If he hadn't been scared and ran away, they wouldn't be like this.

At that time, if someone was sent to take a look, it would be credited, at least not as it is now, not to mention suffering, but also to be accused of deserting.

Several generals looked at Yuan Zhan and wanted to eat Yuan Zhan.

Don't let the credit go, but you want to be a criminal.

"Zhang Yu, you must have lied about your military merits. How could Guangzong City be defeated? It's impossible." Yuan Zhan cried out.

What is called heaven and hell.

Originally thought that he had escaped a catastrophe and could still blame Zhang Yu for all the guilt, but now Zhang Yu told him that he had won, captured Guangzong City, and killed Zhang Yu.

Isn't this very ironic?

Yuan Zhanshen knew his fate. After returning, even if the court didn't cut him down, he would be hidden by Yuan Jiaxue, and Yuan Zhan would never continue to reuse him.

Without the support of the Yuan family, Yuan Zhan was guilty of guilt, and his final fate was definitely not good.

"Say I lied about my military merits? Tell me if you go back to Guangzong and see if you know it, but then the military officer has the right to cut you off. I don't know if General Yuan dare to go back?" Zhang Yu said deliberately, instigating.

Yuan Zhan's neck shrank, he was really afraid that Zuo Feng would chop him off.

Zuo Feng cut him, completely reasonable, no one can say anything.

As a deserter on the battlefield and making such a big joke, it deserves to be hacked.

Zuo Feng looked at him with a very unkind look, and the suffering he suffered this time was as if he had been tortured in the palace.

"Master Jianjun, it's all the villain's fault, and the villain's fault, when you return to Luoyang, you must make good compensation to Master Jianjun." Seeing Zuo Feng's cold expression, Yuan Zhan hurriedly interceded.


Zuo Feng snorted heavily.

Yuan Zhan trembles, knowing that if Zhang Yu really wins, this matter will not be good.

It may not be so easy to settle Zuo Feng.

After resting for more than an hour, Zhang Yu bought Zuo Feng something to eat and drink, then put a cloak on him, and under the protection of a soldier, he rode home.

At dawn they returned to Guangzong City.

At this time, Zhang Yu's military flag was flying above the city.

A chapter character is so conspicuous.

There are also a few military flags with Dahan written on them.

The military flag fluttered, and everyone's mood was different.

Zuo Fengxuan let go, crying with joy.

Several others wanted to cry, but they were not happy.

How much credit is missed like this, if you miss it, you miss it, but you have to bear the blame.

How big a difference is, several people can't bear it.

Yuan Zhan's eyes went dark even more, almost fainted, and his last hope was shattered.

"Go, enter the city." Zhang Yu said happily in front of him.

A group of people entered the city, the city has been sorted out.

Except for no residents, everything else was cleaned up again.

"Okay, great. Zhang Yu, I will definitely do it for you, for sure, for sure." Zuo Feng said happily as he walked.

"General Yuan, don't go in anymore. There are many empty houses outside. Find a place by yourself. Of course, you can also live in your Chinese army camp. After all, you are still the commander of the first army and live in your own commander. The account is also good." Zhang Yu stopped Yuan Zhan and others in front of the city lord's mansion.


Yuan Zhan pointed to Zhang Yu to swear, but saw Zuo Feng looking at him coldly, Yuan Zhan's neck shrank, swallowing back what he was about to swear.

"Master Supervisor, you go to rest first, and your subordinates will retire. When you go back to Luoyang, your subordinates must make good compensation to you, and they will definitely satisfy you." Yuan Zhan said to Zuo Feng in a low voice.


With a flick of Zuo Feng's sleeve, he turned and entered the city lord's mansion.

When he arrived at the City Lord's Mansion, Zhang Yu arranged for Zuo Feng to have a big meal, and then Zuo Feng fell asleep when he was too tired.

After Zuo Feng fell asleep, Zhang Yu went directly to the barracks. At this time, his soldiers were already stationed in the city, and of course they were camping in the city.

"Ling Cao, have you arranged everything?" When he left, Zhang Yu asked Ling Cao to arrange some things.

Ling Cao clasped his fists and said, "Lord, everything is ready. The gifts for Zuo Feng, Zhang Rang and others are packed. In addition, useful things in the city are also moved to the barracks. Don't even want to interfere. There are also Yellow Turban prisoners. It's all taken care of."

Zhang Yu nodded, and he didn't bother about these things. Then he said, "I will arrange some cavalry to chase Zhicai and **** them back. I will leave everything here to you. I will go to Luoyang soon."

Luoyang and Zhang Yu must go, but soldiers and horses cannot take them there.

And I have to take the "remnant soldiers" back.

If people know that Zhang Yu still has thousands of elite soldiers, thinking that he is going to rebel.

But if Zhang Yu had only a few hundred "remnants", he would not have this concern.

The army gave Ling Cao to Ling Cao, so naturally there was nothing to worry about.

At the end of this battle, it's time for Zhang Yu to reap the benefits~www.readwn.com~ The night is still cold, but there is a room in the city lord’s mansion that burns a lot of charcoal, which is very warm.

At this time Zuo Feng had already woke up.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Supervisor, are you awake yet."

Outside Zuo Feng's room, Zhang Yu knocked on the door and said.

Hearing that it was Zhang Yu, Zuo Feng was particularly happy, and immediately said: "Our family has woken up, General Zhang please come in."

Zhang Yu pushed the door in, and saw Zuo Feng enjoying himself half-lying, with a few people waiting around him.

"Master Supervisor, his subordinates found some things in the city, and asked Master Supervisor to bring them back." Zhang Yu waved his hand and asked his subordinates to bring in a few boxes.

When Zuo Feng saw it, his eyes formed a gap with a smile.

"Haha, General Zhang is indeed a wonderful person." Zuo Feng already knew that this was a benefit, and was here to bribe him.

"Open." Zhang Yu asked the soldiers to open several boxes.


Although he was prepared, Zuo Feng was shocked by Zhang Yu's handwriting.

The few boxes in front of me are worth two hundred thousand dollars.

Zuo Feng's eyes straightened and he almost jumped up.

Quickly got up, came to a few boxes and fumbled.

"Haha, General Zhang is a talent at first sight. When I go back this time, he will definitely be promoted and made fortune."

Zuo Feng knows the rules, and when people give money, they have to do things.

Moreover, it was the first time that Zuo Feng received such a great gift.

Although he was the supervising army, he was the **** next to the emperor.

But compared to the ten permanent attendants, he is a little yellow sect, and he is not too humble.

The status in the palace is average, and the usual filial piety is incomparable to those of the eunuchs.

"Supervisor, are you satisfied?" Zhang Yu said with a smile.

"Okay, okay, we must have a few words for General Zhang in front of the father-in-law when we go back home." Zuo Feng said happily.

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