The Strongest System To Dominate the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 167: Stimulate the development system

Zhang Yu also went shirtless.

"Wan'er, let your husband love you well." Zhang Yu said while pressing Xiang Xin.

"Yeah." Wan'er responded with a blushing face.

Zhang Yu attacked directly without a prelude.

The two fought together, the voice was loud.

"Is it so good to do that? Why do my husband and sister Wan'er like it so much?" Xiang Xin returned to eavesdrop out of curiosity after running away.

Hearing the sound of the two fighting, high, low, and joy, all kinds of emotions are contained in it.

"But I actually like being'bully' by my husband, but every time it feels weird, comfortable and uncomfortable." Xiang Xin thought.

The two have entered a state of selflessness, and they don't know that someone is eavesdropping outside.

Soon the two entered a decisive battle, Zhang Yu attacked with all his strength, Wan'er responded loudly.


With a loud cry, the battle between the two ended, and it ended like this for the first time.

"Wan'er's cry is so strange, is it comfortable or something?"

Xiang Xin, who had never experienced it, guessed outside the door.

"Ah, Husband and Wan'er are starting again." Hearing a strange noise in the room, Xiang Xin knew that they were starting again.

"My husband can toss so much that Sister Wan'er screams so loudly. I don't know if my husband will toss me like this in the future." Xiang Xin thought stupidly outside again.

"Sister Wan'er's cry is so shameful." Xiang Xin blushed at hearing, and then thought: "Will I make such a shameful voice in the future?"

Zhang Yu and Xiang Xin continued to fight, and both of them cooperated with each other to release their longing for the past year.

Two quarters later, the two mingled with Yin and Yang.

Zhang Yu hugged Wan'er and said, "Wan'er, my husband is not that good."

Facing Zhang Yu's molesting, Wan'er was a little shy, gave him a blank look, and then buried her head in Zhang Yu's arms.

Xiaojiao's wife sticks to Zhang Yu, which makes Zhang Yu feel very happy.

I thought of Liu Hong for a while, this kind of feeling is really fascinating, and I don't even think about the world's major events.

"Wan'er, let's continue." After resting for about half an hour, Zhang Yu's hands began to move again.

Wan'er did not hypocritically kissed Zhang Yu directly, responding to him with actions.

The two began another fight.

Xiang Xin outside the door couldn't bear it, so he ran away.

After a few battles, the two went to sleep.

Early the next morning, Zhang Yu could still get up early.

There is no way, after the system transformation, Zhang Yu's ability in certain aspects is extremely powerful, although the battle was one night, but the next day was not affected.

"Xin'er, so early." Zhang Yu saw Xiang Xin as soon as he went out.

In fact, Zhang Yu was a bit more finished than usual, so I saw Xiang Xin.

"Husband early, has Sister Wan'er got up?" Xiang Xin asked.

Zhang Yu looked at Xiang Xin with a weird look, and wanted to be tossed all night by himself, and didn't know if he could get up at noon.

"Wan'er has been tiring these few days. I can't get up before noon today. Do you have anything to do with her?" Zhang Yu asked.

Although Xiang Xin was inexperienced, she was still very clever. He immediately understood what was going on, and his face blushed after a brush.

"My husband is good or bad, Wan'er was fine yesterday, but I have been more tired these days." Xiang Xin gave Zhang Yu a white look and stomped his feet.

"Haha" Zhang Yu laughed and said: "Xin'er, good husband, if your husband is busy, I will come back at night to help you wipe the medicine."

Xiang Xin naturally knew what Zhang Yu was going to do, saying that it was to wipe medicine just to take advantage.

She hadn't reacted to it last night, but now she knew Zhang Yu's thoughts.


Xiang Xin said and ran away quickly.

Xiang Xin thought on the way: "My husband is really bad, and I want to bully others at night. I wanted to go to Sister Wan'er and ask her how she felt about doing that with her husband, and how did she know that she would run into it."

Xiang Xin didn't know why she suddenly wanted to know what it was like to do that. Maybe she listened to them for too long last night, so she couldn't calm down for a long time.

Zhang Yu went to practice Bawang Ji for a while, and then went to the prefectural palace to handle government affairs.

While learning about the situation in the county, the craftsmen were summoned to prepare to start winemaking.

Zhang Yu delineated a large area outside the city, planning to build various workshops there.

The workshop is preparing to build, but the brewing business cannot stop for a moment.

Zhang Yu first asked people to find a house in the city to start making wine.

"Brewing wine, building workshops, and setting up the county, these are almost all used up talents." Zhang Yu thought in his heart. Several of his plans need to be implemented. At this time, there are not enough people to use.

"Spring plowing will begin soon, and a lot of people are needed to organize it. Corn and sweet potatoes are not busy because it is not the season for planting, but arrangements will be made soon. Especially these two crops are definitely not acceptable to the people at first, and they need to be implemented strongly "Zhang Yu thought.

The various plans were too complicated, and Zhang Yu spent a day without clearing it out.

Write down what you think, or send someone to prepare, there are still many projects that no one can go ahead with.

For example, shipbuilding requires a huge amount of capital and a large number of workers.

"Quyuanli needs to arrange for someone to do it right Can not delay the spring ploughing, and there are waterwheels, and we must send someone to experiment immediately." Zhang Yu calculated.

The Quyuanli was exchanged by Zhang Yu with points in the system, and the waterwheel was prepared by the Yellow Turban.

Zhang Yu not only exchanged Quyuanli, but also sweet potatoes.

In order to exchange sweet potatoes, Zhang Yu spent a whole hundred points.

Zhang Yu has been giving orders in the Taishou Mansion, sorting out each policy by himself, and then making arrangements.

"Ding~ System reminder: Congratulations to the host for inspiring the territory development system, developing the territory, and rewarding points. The points are automatically evaluated by the system every month."

Zhang Yu was busy, and suddenly received a prompt from the system.

"Develop the system? What are the specific requirements, and what are the other factors that affect the points?" Zhang Yu asked.

The system responded: "The host is required to spend half of the time in his territory, or 80% of the participation in important decisions of the territory. As for points, like war points, the two are common, and there are many influencing factors. Everything in the territory can be affected."

"The system will give corresponding points according to the development of the territory every month, and the point host can exchange items and upgrades."

The systematic answer gave Zhang Yu a sigh of relief.

He is worrying about points, the Yellow Turban Rebellion is over, there is no battle, and there is no source of points.

Unexpectedly, the system also has a development system to develop territory, and then exchange points.

Originally, Zhang Yu spent more than one million points in exchange for items and was depressed. Now that he has a development system, Zhang Yu can earn points again.

"Very well, with points, many things can be solved." Zhang Yu said with great joy.

There are still a lot of things that have not been dealt with, but it is getting dark, and Zhang Yu of the Gu family plans to "off work" to accompany his wife and then help them apply cosmetics.

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