Zhang Yu invited Cai Yong into the house, and then asked the soldiers to bring out the best fairy brew to entertain Cai Yong.

Cai Yong drank a few sips of wine and chatted with Zhang Yu for a while.

But Cai Yongzhi is not here, he has always been worried.

"Master Cai, it seems that something is going on, so I might as well speak up." Zhang Yu said straightforwardly.

Cai Yong frowned and hesitated for a long time before saying: "Zhang Zifan, my family and I will go to Kuaiji County with you. I wonder if it is convenient?"

"What!" Zhang Yu suspected that he had misheard, Cai Yong wanted to go back with him with his family?

"You heard me right. I'm going to take my little girl to live in Kuaiji County. Is it convenient?" Cai Yong said again.

This time Zhang Yu had no doubts, and said with a little excitement: "Of course it's convenient, Master Cai is willing to go to the younger generation as a very welcome."

Zhang Yu hesitated for a while and asked, "Master Cai is fine, why should I go to my place to suffer? My place is remote, not like Luoyang."

Cai Yong shook his head first, then sighed and said: "I have a wish now, that is to re-edit the history of the Han Dynasty. Now you move back the books of the Luoyang court and the royal family. I want to repair the history, so naturally I will go to you, but Suffering Yan'er, go there and suffer with me."

Zhang Yu secretly cursed in his heart, what happened to them in Huiji County, he was just polite, this Cai Yong really regarded Huiji County as a poor place.

This Huiji County will be greatly changed in a short time, and it will be more prosperous than Luoyang in the future.

And you went, but the fate of two people was saved.

Needless to say, Cai Yan's tragic experience, Cai Yong was not much better, after Dong Zhuo's death, Cai Yong was also killed by Wang Yun.

After Cai Yong finished speaking, Zhang Yu fully understood that Cai Yong would go with him.

In history, Cai Yong did not hesitate to follow Dong Zhuo in order to study history. Many people did not accept the official posts appointed by Dong Zhuo, but Cai Yong accepted it, and he died because of it. This Han history was not completed.

"Well, in that case, I Zhang Yu will surely protect your father and daughter, so that you can study history in Kuaiji County with peace of mind." Zhang Yu said.

Zhang Yu's promise was not light, because he knew that this trip back home was not so peaceful.

Because Cai Yong was going to follow, Zhang Yu could only postpone his departure for another two days, but Zhang Yu was not in a hurry.

Two days later, Zhang Yu set off with a large team.

The team transported tens of thousands of books. These books were not easy to transport. Zhang Yu moved them for more than ten days before finishing them, and then put them on the car.

At this time, Zhang Yu's team had nearly five thousand people.

However, the army he led was still only five hundred people, and the others were all local civil servants.

"Next time I return to Luoyang, it will definitely be another scene."

Zhang Yu came to Luoyang several times, every time he had to do something big, and this time was no exception.

This time he stirred up the nerves of all the family.

On the road, several carriages were guarded by the team.

"Daddy, is this Zhang Yu a good person or a bad person?" Cai Yan asked quietly in the carriage.

Cai Yong glanced at Zhang Yu with a complicated eye, and then said: "Daddy is not good at judging now, Yan'er can judge for himself, this person is too complicated, and there seems to be no taboo in what he does."

Before coming, Cai Yong had exchanged views with Zhu Jun and Huang Fusong, and all three of them felt that Zhang Yu should be re-evaluated.

Not to mention the past credits, Zhang Yu’s proposal of building roads, and his real dedication, was of great benefit to the entire court. After that, the production of paper and the printing of books was a great deed for the generations to come.

So their previous judgment on Zhang Yu was completely untenable.

Just bribing the **** and bewitching the emperor can no longer deny Zhang Yu.

No matter who Zhang Yu is, Cai Yong has to go because all the books have been taken away by Zhang Yu.

Cai Yong can even accept Dong Zhuo, not to mention Zhang Yu.

Three days later, Zhang Yu and the others had already gone very far.

On this day, Zhang Yu and the others still set up their camp before dark.

After the camp was set up, Zhang Yu and the others began to camp.

It's just that the camp is strange this time. It was built in a circle, and Cai Yong and others were arranged in the middle.

And this ring-shaped resident is divided into two parts, an inner ring and an outer ring.

Zhang Yu's army patrolled the inner ring, separating the outer ring.

In the camp, Zhang Yu's five hundred soldiers were constantly patrolling.

"I'm afraid this road will not be peaceful anymore." Cai Yong sighed outside his account.

After sighing, Cai Yong looked at Cai Yan's tent again, feeling very bitter in his heart.

He has realized that he has put his daughter into danger for his own ideals.

However, Cai Yong did not hesitate to hesitate, and repairing the history of the Han Dynasty was his biggest wish in his life.

Cai Yong didn't sleep well this night, and in the middle of the night, people could hear people moving outside.

This made Cai Yong very nervous, but finally calmed down in the middle of the night, and even Zhang Yu and his 500 soldiers did not continue to patrol.

"My lord, the two thousand five hundred people in the periphery have been replaced by us."

In Zhang Yu's camp, it was Dian Wei who was talking to him.

"Well, you are wearing inner armor, and you are wearing civilian clothes outside. Weapons are all hidden in the car. Our cars are wrapped in cowhide~www.readwn.com~ I believe the enemy can't see any flaws in the distance. "Zhang Yu said to Dian Wei.

"Lord, don't worry, if the enemy dares to come, they will definitely come back and forth." Dian Wei said.

Zhang Yu shook his head gently and said, "Killing the enemy is not our main goal. Protecting these books is our primary goal. Let others do the killing."

Dian Wei was depressed, but he didn't dare not listen to Zhang Yu's words.

In the middle of the night, Zhang Yu quietly replaced the people outside with Dian Wei and the others.

Otherwise, Zhang Yu and their five hundred people alone would not be able to protect this team.

The next day, early in the morning, Zhang Yu and the others began to clean up the camp as usual, and then set off.

When we set off, there was no change at all from a distance, and the number of people did not change.

But from a close point of view, there are obvious differences. The 2,500 civilians have been replaced with 2,500 soldiers. The difference is too obvious.

Cai Yong also saw the problem, but seeing Zhang Yu's arrangement gave him a lot of peace of mind.

The team continued to advance.

When Zhang Yu and the others left for half a day, another team appeared in a dense forest next to them.

In this team, there are two thousand five hundred people who disappeared.

"The lord and the others have already gone far. Let's start from another road and set up these civilian husbands first." Ling Cao said to Zhou Cang.

The two thousand five hundred people who disappeared out of thin air should also be arranged, otherwise they will be easily discovered.

This Ling Cao and Zhou Cang led a thousand teams for this.

They hid the people first, waited for Zhang Yu and the others to go far before they came out, and then detoured from another way.

These people were finally arranged by Ling Cao in the surrounding road construction team. The road construction team often recruited people, and it was not surprising that more than two thousand people joined.

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