The Strongest System To Dominate the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 260: Cai Tao's warning

Zhang Yu stayed with Lord Pound for three days. During the three days, he made tea and chatted with them, and passed quickly.

Although there is no real benefit from them, it is also very important to have a good relationship with them.

What Zhang Yu didn't know was that immediately after he left, Pound and Sima Hui gave Zhang Yu benefits.

The two revealed the news at the same time, and Zhang Yu talked with them here for three days.

Apart from other things, the two control the public opinion in the Jingxiang area, and the news they said to the outside world is undoubtedly very heavy.

It is foreseeable that two people can affect many people.

With the recognition of the two, many people will reposition Zhang Yu and re-evaluate him.

And Sima Hui secretly sent several of his disciples to Huiji County.

"Paper, Lord Lord, someone sent a letter." Zhang Yu received a letter just as soon as he came out of Lord Pound and went outside Xiangyang City.

Zhang Yu was puzzled, and took the letter and opened it.

"Cai Hao's invitation?" Zhang Yu was puzzled. He had barely any contact with Cai Hao, and Cai Hao would invite him.

"I want to see what kind of abacus Cai Tao is playing." Zhang Yu took the letter and planned to go.

Cai Hao suddenly invited him, and it was really strange that Zhang Yu had been to Xiangyang and made a lot of noise in Xiangyang.

But it has nothing to do with Cai Wei.

Zhang Yu decided to go, and the time was set for the next night.

Zhang Yu rested outside the city for a whole night, and the next day he ordered hundreds of soldiers to sneak into the city quietly, ready to meet him.

Zhang Yu knew that with his official position there, he was no longer the same Zhang Yu as before. He knew that no one would dare to do anything to him.

Bring a gift, and Zhang Yu will enter the city the next afternoon.

Zhang Ning did not follow him in, but Dian Wei never left him.

Entering Xiangyang City, Zhang Yu found that Xiangyang was quite prosperous.

The war situation in the north caused many people to move to Xiangyang.

As soon as the time came, Zhang Yu appeared at the gate of Cai Mansion.

"It's Master Zhang, my Patriarch is already waiting inside." At the door, someone like a housekeeper took Zhang Yu in.

Zhang Yu followed the butler in, and handed the gift to the servants of Cai Mansion.

This Cai Mansion is very big and very grand.

Cai Hao is the biggest force in Jingzhou. Liu Biao hasn't come to Jingzhou yet, even if he does, he will have to rely on Cai Hao to gain a foothold.

It can be said that Cai Hao controls half of Jingzhou's power, as well as Jingzhou Kuaijia, who is also a powerful Jingzhou.

Following the housekeeper, Zhang Yu was taken to the main hall of a courtyard.

Wine and food are already placed inside, and Cai Tao is sitting on the main seat.

Only Cai Hao can take the lead in Cai Mansion. Zhang Yu walked in to see that he was a middle-aged man who was almost forty years old.

"Patriarch Cai is polite."

"It's Cai's honor that Master Zhang can appreciate his face, and let Master Zhang sit in his seat."

After Zhang Yu took the seat, both left and right backed away. There were only two of them here, not even a maid who poured wine.

"The visitor is a guest. Since Master Zhang can admire his face, I will offer Master Zhang a glass. This is still Master Zhang’s Immortal Stuff, an authentic Immortal Stuff." Cai Hao picked up the wine jar in front of him and said.

Zhang Yu also picked up the wine jar in front of him and poured wine into his glass.

As soon as Zhang Yu came in, he saw two bottles of fairy brew on the table, because the bottle was the fairy brew that he put into the palace, not the ordinary fairy brew on the market.

When the wine fell, the aroma wafted out, and Zhang Yu knew it was a real fairy brew when he smelled it.

Cai Hao smiled and looked at Zhang Yu, her face uncontrollably smug.

"This Cai Tao is not to show good, but to show off."

Looking at Cai Wei's eyes, Zhang Yu understood that the immortal brew on the table was not a sign of goodwill.

Just ask, how much energy is needed to get the tribute wine in the palace.

If it wasn't for Zhang Yu's own production of the Immortal Brew, it would be very difficult for him to get the Immortal Brew from the imperial palace.

And Cai Tao can, that's strength.

For example, in later generations, even high-ranking officials have to take a high-level look at someone who can treat the panda cigarettes specially confessed.

This is the show of strength. If you take out a special cigarette and ask a mayor, if he knows the goods, he will be very polite to you.

"Have I offended Cai Tao in any way?" Zhang Yu asked himself secretly.

Can't think of why Cai Hao showed off his strength, Zhang Yu can only see the trick.

After toasting a few cups to each other, Cai Hao said: "A few years ago, Master Zhang also came to Xiangyang, but he couldn't entertain Master Zhang well at that time. Now Master Zhang must have a few more glasses."

Zhang Yu's heart trembled. Why did Cai Hao bring up this matter?

A few years ago, Zhang Yu made a big fuss in Xiangyang City, but at that time he was not well-known and few people knew him. How could Cai Hao know that he did it.

"Haha, Patriarch Cai is polite. I was just an unknown person back then. Patriarch Cai is worried about it."

"The Cai Geng's family is also considered as a side branch of my Cai family. Offending Master Zhang, they are not open to them." Cai Tao took a bite of the dish and said.

Zhang Yu's eyes narrowed, and Cai Hao even raised the grievances of the year.

Not to mention whether Cai Geng’s family is an offshoot of Cai’s family, even if it’s not, Cai Tao can still say yes, which is interesting Patriarch seems to have something to say. "Zhang Yu put down his chopsticks, put down the wine glass, and said, "Patriarch Cai should say it all together, otherwise there will be no way to drink this wine." "

Cai Wei smiled and looked at Zhang Yu for a long time before saying: "Then I'll just say that this Jingzhou is Jingzhou, not elsewhere. Don't stretch your hands too long."

This is a warning, Zhang Yu heard it.

"Please quote from Patriarch Cai."

Cai Hao put the wine glass heavily on the table and said loudly: "It's very simple. From now on, your ships and goods are not allowed to enter Jingzhou."

Zhang Yu realized in an instant that his fleet had moved Cai Tao’s interests with the cargo.

Zhang Yu also knows that many products from Kuaiji County are shipped to Jingzhou, some are sold, and some are transferred to Luoyang and other places.

And Zhang Yu and his fleet also went deep into all parts of Jingzhou, and Cai Hao regarded it as a threat.

Zhang Yu didn't say a word. Jingzhou was wide in scope and above the Yangtze River. Although Zhang Yu had a reason to pass through Jingzhou on the clear, it would be difficult for them to do anything in Jingzhou if the Cai family spoiled it in secret.

"Maybe we can cooperate." Zhang Yu is unwilling to give up Jingzhou. Jingzhou is not only rich, but also convenient.

Zhang Yu thought quietly, but Cai Hao didn't urge it.

"If you don't know anything, I will make it difficult for you to walk in Jingzhou." Cai Hao secretly said in his heart.

The two of them had their own thoughts, and the meeting room was quiet.

"Cai Patriarch, maybe we can cooperate." Zhang Yu said.

"Haha." Cai Hao said with a sneer: "Cooperation is not necessary. As long as Master Zhang can live in Jingzhou and everyone is in peace, wouldn't it be better."

Cai Hao despised that the Cai family was deeply rooted in Jingzhou, and no one could shake him. How could he look at Zhang Yu as a "upstart".

Cai Hao's serious contempt made no secret of it, and Zhang Yu's heart burned with anger.

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