The Strongest System To Dominate the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 321: Yuan Shao wants to vomit blood

After hearing what Guo Jia said, Cao Cao didn't react for a while.

"You said Zhang Yu occupied Chang'an? How could it be possible." Cao Cao was shocked.

"It is true that Dong Zhuo should send an army to attack Chang'an at this time, so I led tens of thousands of army to rush to support." Guo Jia confirmed again.

"No, no, no, when did this happen? Your army has not been in the barracks all the time." Cao Cao still couldn't believe it.

So Guo Jia simply recounted the process.

"How could this be possible, going around such a big circle, not to mention the others, 30,000 horses, they need massive amounts of food and grass, and they can't survive after going deep behind the enemy line and cutting off supplies." Cao Cao asked suspiciously.

Of course Guo Jia didn't know how Zhang Yu solved the food and grass problem, but they did solve it.

"General Cao, now that Dong Zhuo's back road is broken, the military will definitely be shaken. At this time, the onslaught will surely achieve full effect." Guo Jia said.

Cao Cao looked excited, he wanted to kill Dong Zhuo, and now the opportunity finally came.

After being excited, Cao Cao said: "With our tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, it will be difficult for a time to work. I will immediately report to the lord and let him send troops. When the time comes, Dong Zhuo's death date is not far away."

Guo Jia sneered in his heart, Cao Cao thought too simple.

"The lord said that these princes didn't really want to kill Dong Zhuo, and they couldn't rely on them." Guo Jia thought in his heart.

Cao Cao immediately sent a Cao general to personally send Yuan Shao out.

But Cao Cao and Guo Jia joined forces and continued to move forward carefully.

The news soon reached the Allied Camp, and swept the entire Allied Camp like a twelfth-level gale.

"Impossible, how did Zhang Yu do it."


"How is this possible, can Zhang Yu fly?"

"Is this Zhang Yu crazy."

Everyone was amazed.

Not long after, in the outskirts of Luoyang, all the princes received the news.

Yuan Shao immediately summoned all the staff.

Yuan Shao's face was very bad, and the news hit him like five thunders.

"Everyone, Zhang Yu unexpectedly attacked Chang'an and broke Dong Zhuo's back. What should we do?" Yuan Shao said.

Tian Feng immediately stood up and said, "Lord, you should immediately gather the army of the princes and attack Dong Zhuo together. You will surely be able to destroy Dong Zhuo and rescue your Majesty."

"No." Guo Tu immediately came out and said: "Lord, if the fame is all yours today, you are the greatest hero in defeating Dong Zhuo. If we succeed in attacking Dong Zhuo at this time, then Zhang Yu will take most of the credit, even Zhang Yu. Yu became the greatest contribution to this battle."

Feng Ji also came out and said, "Master, this Zhang Yu must die. Have you forgotten the crusade book written by the Alliance before? This document has been sent out for many days, and soon the world will know that if Zhang Yu is alive, you will be in the world. Shame in front of people."

At this time, everyone remembered that Yuan Shao had summoned all the princes in a spirited manner a few days ago and asked them to jointly name Zhang Yu's charges.

And now, Zhang Yu is about to become Dong's greatest hero, what a sarcasm.

This face slap not only came quickly, but also hit hard.

After listening to Yuan Shao, his entire face became darker and his face was fierce.

How powerful and prestigious was that Zhang Yu was accused of slandering together at the beginning.

But now, Yuan Shao is in a dilemma.

If he didn't attack Dong Zhuo and watched Zhang Yu's defeat, he was sure that the guilt was inevitable. If Dong Zhuo was destroyed, most of the credit would be taken away by Zhang Yu.

Both left and right, Yuan Shao's hatred for Zhang Yu cannot be expressed in words.

Tian Feng and Ju Shou urged Dong Zhuo to summon the princes to attack Dong Zhuo.

However, others, including Guo Tu and Feng Ji, refused to let Yuan Shao attack Dong Zhuo.

"Zhang Yu must die." Yuan Shao's strongest voice told him that if Zhang Yu is not dead, he will never have peace.

Before, Zhang Yu had confronted the Yuan family several times and caused the Yuan family to suffer.

Today, he is the leader of the Allied Forces, holding a large army of hundreds of thousands, and Zhang Yu is still slapped in the face several times.

Therefore, Yuan Shao can't wait to let Zhang Yu be destroyed by Dong Zhuo.

Zhang Yu is not dead, and Yuan Shao's document condemning him is his eternal shame.

Yuan Shao hesitated, sometimes walking around, sometimes sitting still.

"Can't play, Dong Zhuo is a trapped beast at this time, and there are three million people in his hand as hostages, and he must not attack rashly. Although Zhang Yu has occupied Chang'an, he will stimulate Dong Zhuo. If Dong Zhuo treats three million people Start, that Zhang Yu is a sinner."

Yuan Shao deserved to be born in a family, and soon figured out the charges for Zhang Yu.

"Master, three million people, Dong Zhuo can kill a few, he has so many troops, so much time to kill? Dong Zhuo's army is either held by us or held by Zhang Yu, and..." Jushou unwillingly continued to persuade Yuan Shao.

"Enough, I have made up my mind, I definitely don't dare to go crazy for Zhang Yu, I want to think for the three million people." Yuan Shao roughly interrupted Jushou's words, and then asked a few counsellors not to persuade him.

Jushou went out with Tian Fengxing, while Guo Tu and others were very proud.

Yuan Shao was angry in the big account. Zhang Yu suddenly came here this time, making him very Shao cares about face most, but this time he lost his face.

It is not only Yuan Shao who feels embarrassed, but even the three brothers Liu Bei feel very embarrassed.

The difference is that Guan Yu and Zhang Fei are mainly embarrassing Liu Bei.

When Yuan Shao summoned everyone to crusade against Zhang Yu, Liu Bei tried **** Hei Zhang Yu.

Even Zhang Yu is said to be a treacherous and evil person.

But now, Zhang Yu unexpectedly attacked Chang'an and broke Dong Zhuo's back.

"Brother, you were deceived and misunderstood General Zhang before, but now he is in deep siege, we should raise troops immediately." Guan Yu said.

"Eldest brother, second brother is right, who killed him, chopped off Dong Zhuo."

Liu Bei didn't say a word, pacing back and forth.

At this time, he was extremely entangled in his heart, and wanted to let Zhang Yu die just like that, but he couldn't say it clearly, and couldn't show it.

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei have always had a good impression of Zhang Yu. If they fell into trouble at this time, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei would oppose them, and there would be a gap between the three of them.

"Okay, I'll go to the leader immediately and persuade him to agree to send troops. You two should prepare first. Once the leader orders, we will go west to rescue."

Liu Bei said that he was out of the camp, and Guan Yu and Zhang Fei were also very active and went to prepare immediately.

"Yuan Shao shouldn't even want to rescue Zhang Yu." Liu Bei thought secretly in his heart.

Liu Bei was determined that Yuan Shao would not go to the rescue, so he retreated and pushed the matter to Yuan Shao.

Sure enough, as soon as Liu Bei spoke, Yuan Shao dismissed Liu Bei using the excuse he had previously sent Jusui and Tian Feng.

Liu Bei did not entangle him, and soon got out of Yuan Shao's tent, and then went back slowly.

On the way back, Liu Bei thought a lot. In addition to thinking about how to deal with Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, he also thought about how to deal with the next situation.

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