Zhang Yu and the others rested all night, and then continued north.

Not long after Zhang Yu left Chang'an, the princes also sent troops.

It is not surprising that the princes sent troops. They thought that after more than ten days, Zhang Yu should have died long ago. At this time, they sent troops just to behave. If they can pick up the cheap ones, they can pick up the cheap ones.

Cao Cao and Guo Jia were still looking for Xu Rong's flaws and planned to attack them, but Xu Rong's defense was very good, and they never succeeded.

And Liu Bei also led the army slowly marching towards Chang'an. According to Liu Bei's estimation, it has been delayed for so many days, and he should be able to receive news of Zhang Yu's defeat on the road, and it will not be too late to retreat.

All the princes made their own ideas and killed in the direction of Chang'an.

Two days later, Guo Jia received the news.

"Brother Meng De, my lord is out of trouble. We are going to retreat soon. Brother Meng De, let's go together. Dong Zhuo is still very strong, and the hearts of the princes are not aligned, so nothing can be done." Guo Jia said to Cao Cao.

Cao Cao fell into deep thought and did not answer.

After Guo Jia went back, he had to arrange his own affairs, and he had to give Cao Cao time.

However, Guo Jia believes that Cao Cao is a smart man and will make the right choice.

Guo Jia would persuade Cao Cao. First, Zhang Yu gave him the advice, and Zhang Yu gave him a chance to pit the princes. Second, Cao Cao has been fighting side by side with him in the past few days, and it has indeed helped them a lot.

After Guo Jia left, several of Cao Cao's ministries surrounded him.

"Meng De, Zhang Yu is out of trouble, it's incredible."

"Zhang Yu, the true hero, is in a heavy siege, and he can get out of trouble."

"Meng De, so it doesn't make much sense for us to continue to attack, and we can't beat it either."

Everyone began to ask Cao Cao what he meant.

Cao Cao was silent, and said for a long time: "If you don't fight, it will be meaningless to fight. Now these big Han officials have become vassals. Even Sun Jian has begun to plan for himself and flee south with Yuxi. For self-interest."

Cao Cao also understood that now that no one sincerely attacked Dong Zhuo, it was nothing more than accumulating capital for himself.

Cao Cao intends to retreat. He also didn't want to tell those princes that he had lost so much, and these princes still wanted to take advantage of it.

So Cao Cao and Guo Jia reached a tacit agreement, and they planned to detour and leave instead of returning the same way.

Zhang Yu retreated, Dong Zhuo suffered such a big loss, so naturally he wouldn't go around talking, and Guo Jia and Cao Cao didn't plan to talk.

The princes continued to move forward, and of course the first one was Liu Bei, who set off first.

Although Liu Bei's speed was relatively slow on the road, he set off a few days earlier and was relatively close to the battlefield at this time.

Overnight, Guo Jia and Cao Cao both retreated and disappeared on the battlefield. They will detour and leave.

Liu Bei didn't know, and plunged into the battlefield.

"Second brother, third brother, there are a lot of people on the roadside here, watching them suffer, it is really uncomfortable for the brother." Liu Bei paused and said.

"Brother, can we do anything for them?" Guan Yu said sadly.

"When the war is over, as long as I, Liu Bei, are still alive, we must settle them down." Liu Bei said bitterly.

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei were very touched, and they didn't realize that they were moving very slowly now that they stopped and stopped.

Liu Bei is good at calculations. People who have done business and sold straw mats naturally calculate the approximate itinerary and time.

After another three days, he was close to the place where Cao Cao and Xu Rong fought.

But they never heard the news of the fighting between the two sides. Liu Bei thought that Dong Zhuo's army had retreated and was very happy.

"Second brother, third brother, these people are really suffering. They must beat Dong Zhuo back as soon as possible, let them settle down again, and plan to attack quickly for the brother." Liu Bei said to the two.

"It's all about Big Brother," Guan Yu said.

Zhang Fei also said: "Kill him a grandma bear."

Liu Bei was secretly happy, and immediately led the army forward quickly.

Along the way, I did not encounter Dong Zhuo's army.

After two days of walking, there was no trace of Dong Zhuo's army, which made Liu Bei think that his guess was completely correct.


The sudden shout of killing disrupted Liu Bei's thoughts.

An army rushed out on both sides of the road and killed them.

"Impossible, how could I meet Dong Zhuo's army first." Liu Bei was stunned, and suddenly encountered Dong Zhuo's army, he was not prepared at all.

It should have been Cao Cao or Zhang Yu’s army first, but I didn’t expect to encounter Dong Zhuo’s army.

"Quick, retreat, retreat." Liu Bei shouted in panic.

Xu Rong's army immediately surrounded him halfway, and then rushed to kill.

Although Liu Beijun's related Yu Zhang was flying, the enemy was several times theirs, and he couldn't resist it for a while.

Can only retreat while fighting.

With the efforts of Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, Liu Bei's army was not surrounded, and a **** road was broken.

Just waiting for them to come out, Liu Bei almost cried.

The army, which used to be nearly 10,000, now only has more than 2,000.

Liu Bei's heart was dripping blood, it was all his painstaking effort.

Liu Bei hated Zhang Yu to death. Without him, the Allied forces would have been able to retreat without him doing things and occupying Chang'an. There would not be so many things ~www.readwn.com~ but Liu Bei's hatred could not be expressed.

Liu Bei didn't know if he would be squeezed out of internal injuries.

"Brother, what shall we do? How come there are Xiliang army here." Zhang Fei asked.

Liu Bei has thousands of horses galloping on his head. He doesn't know why.

"The enemy is powerful, we will retreat one after another, and then make plans."

How could Liu Bei care about Zhang Yu at this time? He didn't want to care about it at first, so he couldn't wait for Zhang Yu to die immediately in Chang'an City.

You know, Zhang Yu is strong, if you let him know that he was described as a treacherous man in the allied camp, he still doesn't know how Zhang Yu will retaliate.

You know, if the Yuan family offends Zhang Yu, Zhang Yu still retaliates. What is he like Liu Bei.

Liu Bei led the people to retreat hurriedly, retreating for dozens of miles.

Xu Rong didn't pursue him. He had gathered two hundred thousand troops. He was going to ambush Guo Jia and Cao Cao here. Unexpectedly, they would retreat long ago. At this time, the hapless Liu Bei ran into him.

After running for dozens of miles, Liu Bei and other talents dared to stop and rest.

"Brother, Dong Zhuo's army is in ambush, has Zhang Yu's army been in trouble?" Guan Yu said worriedly.

"Damn Dong Zhuo, killed so many people." Zhang Fei also said angrily.

Liu Bei almost vomited blood, and his two younger brothers didn't even care about the loss of so many soldiers and horses, but instead cared about Zhang Yu.

Liu Bei suffocated his breath and had not set off yet.

"Zhang Yu, Zhang Yu, are you really my nightmare, I hope you die in Chang'an." Liu Bei thought in his heart.

Liu Bei and the others found a concealed place to hide first. One day later, Liu Bei detected Yuan Shao and the Allied forces also set off towards Chang'an, preparing to continue attacking Dong Zhuo.

"Hmph, let you suffer a loss, too." Liu Bei thought, so he didn't inform the allies of the ambush ahead.

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