The reports of the soldiers made everyone nervous. There were Xiongnu cavalry here. Although the number was small, it was hard to guarantee that there were no other troops in other places.

"Ning'er, you took five thousand people to leave things to protect us, and the others followed me out."

After thinking about it for a while, Zhang Yu decisively ordered, no matter what, let's fight first.

Zhang Yu took 20,000 people and outflanked it from two directions.

This Huns cavalry is a veritable Huns cavalry, but at this time it feels a little panicked.

Zhang Yu and the others don't care about this, and kill the enemy if it is the enemy.

Because they came from the south, Zhang Yu thought that they had just gone to Dahan's territory, and as long as they went to Dahan's territory, they were enemies.

Zhang Yu followed Dianwei all the way, Huang Zhong followed Zhao Yun all the way, outflanking the past in two directions.

At the beginning Zhang Yu and the others moved forward slowly, and when they were within a few miles, they began to charge.


Wanma collapsed and the ground shook.

Zhang Yu's Overlord Halberd gleamed in the sun.

When Zhang Yu and the others started to run, the Huns on the opposite side also found them, but what Zhang Yu didn't expect was that the other party was panicked.

No matter how much, since the attack has already begun, it cannot be stopped.

Zhang Yu led the army and crashed into the enemy's formation.

When the two cavalry collided, it was bound to be a big movement, and immediately people shouted and shouted on the battlefield, and the collision continued to sound.

Zhang Yu's Overlord Halberd waved and began to harvest the enemy's head.

In the formation of the murderous enemy, Zhang Yu commanded the army to separate again, he let Dian Wei attack one direction, and he attacked another direction himself.

Flower in the enemy's formation, cutting the enemy's formation apart.

The two quickly entangled the Huns and began to cut their formation.

"Quick, block, block."

"Offensive, offensive."

"Children, kill."

The Huns began to resist.


At this time, their side killed another army, it was Huang Zhong and Zhao Yun.

Zhang Yu separated from them and didn't attack at the same time. Zhao Yun and Huang Zhong waited for Zhang Yu to entangle with them before rushing in from the side.

Attacked the middle of the Xiongnu all at once and cut them off.

The army that broke out suddenly gave the Huns no confidence to resist, and soon collapsed.

"Surrender, we surrender."

"Don't fight, misunderstanding."

"We surrender."

Without killing for a while, the enemy actually called for surrender, which made Zhang Yu a little strange.

Strange to strange, they did not resist, Zhang Yu accepted their surrender.

"Who is your leader?" Zhang Yu said.

"I am Yu Fuluo, the prince of the Xiongnu court." After Zhang Yu finished speaking, a young man walked out of the Xiongnu.

When the other party came out, he did have the aura of a superior. It was not fake that the other party was the prince of the Xiongnu court, but at this time he should be regarded as the prince in trouble.

The reason is simple. When Yufro led the army to help the man fight the war, the Southern Huns rebelled. Yufro's father was killed and he was also homeless.

Yu Fuluo took people to help Yuan Shao before, but later regretted it, and fled back with them. He was chased by Yuan Shao's subordinate Ju Yi. He was defeated and escaped in embarrassment. He didn't expect to meet Zhang Yu and the others here.

This was unlucky enough for Yuvro. He was originally a prince, but now he is a bereaved dog.

No wonder Zhang Yu and the others find it so easy to deal with.

"Very well, I accept your surrender."

Zhang Yu certainly knew about Yuvro. The intelligence did not come from the history of later generations, but his own intelligence system. He naturally knew that the Southern Huns rebelled.

This encounter, unexpectedly ended simply now.

Zhang Yu lost hundreds of people, while the Huns killed 3,000 in battle.

If they don't have a head portrait, they will all be killed on the spot in another half an hour.

"Yu Fro, you used to be the Zuo Xian King of the Southern Huns Court, that is, the prince, do you know about this area?" After they surrendered, Yu Fro was brought over by himself.

"Understood, my tribe used to graze in this generation." Yuvro said, with deep nostalgia in his eyes.

"What tribes are there around? How far is it from Jizhou?" Zhang Yu asked two questions in a row.

Yuvro was a little frustrated. Now he changed from a royal prince to a prisoner. He thought about it and said: "A few hundred miles away is the main place of activity for the Southern Huns. There are not many tribes active here, and this place is far from Jizhou. Ten days' journey."

Zhang Yu probably calculated the distance and moved forward quickly. It would take them more than 20 days to reach Liaodong.

But at this time he was not very anxious.

Zhang Yu asked Yuvro about the situation of the Southern Huns.

Although Shan Yu of the Southern Huns has changed, there are still some tribes loyal to him.

It's just that the other side's power is huge, and the population of the entire Southern Huns can now exceed one million.

With millions of nomads, Zhang Yu is terrible thinking about it.

But there is no way, the production population of your own system is the whole world.

Millions of Southern Huns, plus one million Northern Huns, plus one million Xianbei, and hundreds of thousands of Wuhuan.

The situation in the grasslands is more complicated.

Nowadays, the North and South Huns are not offensive. The reason is that the population has soared ~ Many tribal leaders have increased in strength, and they have begun to merge small tribes. Once the merger is completed, a strong fighting force will erupt.

Zhang Yu was also afraid, afraid that he would bring catastrophe to China, and Wu Huluhua would advance.

"What should be done." Zhang Yu thought.

"Yuvro, I can help you seize the throne, provided that there are many people who are loyal to you. If there are not many people who are loyal to you, then this is impossible to talk about." Zhang Yu thought for a long time and made a decision.

"This general can rest assured, Xu Buguduhou just ascended to the position of Khan, and he has not yet subdued all my tribes." Yuvro said.

This Zhang Yu believed that not long after Xubugu Duhou had just launched a rebellion, he had caught up with Zhang Yu's great change in population, and his population had soared. He really did not have time to conquer all the tribes.

"This is also the last chance." Zhang Yu didn't hesitate, intending to help Yuvro.

Helping Yu Fu Luo, of course, was not how kind Zhang Yu was, but because he wanted to make the Huns fight internally, and was unable to attack China.

At this time, China is divided and very dangerous. If there is an invasion by foreign enemies, and it is still a powerful nomad, it will be very dangerous.

So Zhang Yu handed out weapons to them and re-armed them.

"I have 25,000 warriors here. They are more powerful than yours. With your army, we have 30,000. We have captured several tribes. With your prestige, we will soon be able to pull up an army to follow. Fight against Du Hou Xu and Bone and regain your sweat position." Zhang Yu said to Froe.

"I am very grateful for the general's help, but why should the general help me?" Yuvro asked.

"It's very simple. When you inherit the position of sweat, I will fight for the world with the princes of the Central Plains. Then you will help me." Zhang Yu said.

Yuvro believed Zhang Yu's words and no longer doubted it.

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