Zhang Yu and the others surrounded Yuanshou County with a fierce beating, completely defeating the defenders on the front of the city.

After fighting for half an hour, Zhang Yu and the others killed more than a thousand defenders in the city, which was extremely intense.

If it is so intense, it can definitely be captured in a day and a half.

The main reason is that Zhang Yu and the others have no infantry and no siege equipment. Otherwise, if someone climbs into the city, they will be able to conquer the city in just half a day.

The defenders on the city were able to counterattack at first, but later they just randomly fired arrows at the lower side, with limited lethality.

Half an hour after Zhang Yu and the others attacked vigorously, some of them retreated, leaving only about 5,000 people to continue the attack.

There were five thousand people left, unable to maintain a strong siege intensity, so they attacked after a while.

And Zhang Yu now hid with nearly fifteen people, preparing to ambush.

"Master, this is not the ideal place to ambush. There are several places where we came to ambush, enough to wipe them all out." Dian Wei asked puzzledly.

Zhang Yu and the others did have many places to ambush the army, but Zhang Yu did not choose, but chose to stay here.

There are dense forests on both sides, where Tibetans can be Tibetans, but the forests are small and the terrain is not dangerous. The enemy can completely break through the encirclement.

Zhang Yu said: "This is just right. According to the calculation of the distance, the enemy arrived here almost at night. In addition, we don't require the enemy to be wiped out, as long as the enemy is hit hard."

It is very difficult to wipe out Di Renjie, because Zhang Yu and the others do not have the advantage of forces, but may be entangled by the opponent.

But it is perfectly fine to attack them and severely damage the enemy.

Zhang Yu and the others went deep behind the enemy. The most important thing was to survive. They had to keep a distance from the enemy, so that they could calmly deal with various problems.

Zhao Yun and Huang Zhong quietly listened to Zhang Yu's analysis and nodded from time to time.

"So, we chose to attack the enemy here, and we can retreat calmly. After a wave of attacks, we immediately retreat, not giving the enemy a chance to entangle us." Zhang Yu said.

"Master, it's too cheap for them, why don't you wipe them out." Dian Wei was upset when he heard that he couldn't wipe them out.

Zhang Yu smiled and said: "There are opportunities. Since we are in Jizhou, we will not leave easily. When we have a disturbance, if Gongsun Zan can seize the opportunity and hurt Yuan Shao, some Yuan Shao will suffer."

In fact, Yuan Shao is very uncomfortable now, because many aristocratic families approached him and cried and called for Yuan Shao to be the master for them. Some of the more powerful families even asked Yuan Shao to compensate for the loss.

Yuan Shao had a big head, but he couldn't offend these aristocratic families. After all, he didn't take Jizhou well.

"Zhang Yu must die, he must die." Yuan Shao said with a gloomy face after sending away a group of visiting families.

Guo Tu and the prosecutor accompanied Yuan Shao. Guo Tu said: "Lord, with the two generals Yan Liangwen Chou personally leading the army, Zhang Yu will definitely be taken."

The trial also said: "Lord, Zhang Yu dared to advance with the army. It is true that we have no one in Jizhou. We must stay in Jizhou this time."

After listening to Yuan Shao, his expression improved, and he continued: "When I defeat Gongsun Zan, I will personally lead my troops to level Liaodong."

Yuan Shao’s hatred of Zhang Yu was a matter of years ago, and this time the battle against Dong has made the two of them already enemies of life and death.

Yuan Shao was about to kill Zhang Yu. Zhang Yu and the others had been in ambush at this time, and they were waiting for Yan Liang to come.

On the second night, Zhang Yu and the others set up the ambush and entered a state of battle at this time.

Yan Liang had been chasing with his soldiers and horses. He was very happy when he heard that Yuanshou County was attacking.

"Haha, Zhang Yu died early. At this time, he still wants to attack the city. Don't let me catch up. Let me catch up. None of you can run away."

Yan Liang was very fast, constantly urging the soldiers to speed up.

They gradually moved away from Wen Chou and Gao Lan, but the distance was not very far, only tens of miles away, and the cavalry would be able to arrive at full speed in just over two hours.

For more than two hours, Yan Liang was not afraid, even for half a day, he felt that he could block the attack.

At night, Yan Liang did not rest, and was still on his way.

"Quick, more than 30 miles ahead is Yuanshou County, we must wipe out the enemy under the city." Yan Liang exclaimed in excitement.

"Zhang Yu, the battle of Luoyang made you all the limelight. Our brothers were not there at the time. Otherwise, when you are prestigious, you will definitely be wiped out in Jizhou this time to complete our brothers." Yan Liang thinks about it, happier. The speed is much faster involuntarily.

Hearing the sound of horses' hoofs, Zhang Yu was also excited, he had already given the order to prepare to attack.

"Here." Zhang Yu yelled, clenching the Bawang Ji, "Offensive."

With an order, the arrows were like locusts, rushing to kill Yan Liang's army.

"No, there is an ambush." ​​Yan Liang was startled, but he was not afraid or panicked.

"Quickly, fight back." Yan Liang ordered again.

Soon, three waves of arrows fell on Yan Liang's army, killing and wounding thousands of people at a time.

The arrows continued, and after shooting two more arrows~www.readwn.com~ Zhang Yu roared.

"Kill, hit the army."

Zhang Yu directly led people to rush out and went straight to the enemy's army.

Yan Liang didn't expect that there would be an ambush here. He was always careful before, but the enemy did not set up an ambush along the way. For this reason, Yan Liang still despised the enemy. He did not expect that the enemy would ambush here.

"I really dare to ambush me, or I will kill you all here." After Yan Liang stabilized the army, he showed a cruel smile, planning to entangle Zhang Yu and the others, waiting for Wen Chou and Gao Lan to arrive.

"The soldiers immediately went to inform Wen Chou and Gao Lan that they were going, and the others counterattacked with me." Yan Liang ordered the people, and then led them to kill.

The two armies collided and immediately started fighting.

Zhang Yu led the people to break through the enemy's army and began to charge inside.

At the same time, Dian Wei and Zhao Yun and Huang Zhong also began to rush into the battle, making several openings in the enemy's army one after another.

In the darkness, the two armies fought together.

Splashing blood, the iron horse Jin Ge.

Zhang Yu fought hard, and the number of enemies who died under his Overlord Halberd had already been over a hundred.

The attack power of several powerful generals was very high, and Yan Liang's army immediately suffered heavy casualties.

"I underestimated you, the attack power is so strong." Yan Liang was shocked.

Although he is frivolous, he has the ability to fight against the enemy, and immediately knows that the opponent is not good to deal with.

"Shrink the forces and entangle them." Yan Liang had to change his strategy and turn to defense.

"This Yan Liang has done twice again." Zhang Yu, who was fighting, did not smash through the enemy's army as expected, but was blocked by Yan Liang's army.

Failing to penetrate the enemy's army, then you can only slowly kill.

"Evil, come and help me." Zhang Yu shouted and asked Dian Wei to come and help.

Dian Wei heard it and killed him in Zhang Yu's direction.

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