The Zhen family can still be relatively calm. After all, it is a family of four major businesses, with industries spread across many states and counties. Although the loss is not small, it hasn't hurt the bones.

The Zhao family was not good enough, the losses exceeded the average assets, and they are still in continuous losses.

In the Zhao family mansion, the Patriarch of the Zhao family was anxious to go round and round.

"Patriarch, Patriarch, it's not good." A servant of the Zhao family ran in to report.

"What's going on, tell me quickly." The Zhao Family Patriarch asked eagerly.

"Patriarch, according to the news, Zhang Yu and the others left Yuanshou County and captured Qingyang County, and now they are heading towards Longhu County."

"Oh." The Patriarch of the Zhao family yelled and fainted unexpectedly.

He fainted because the Zhao family had a lot of property in these places. If they lose, then the Zhao family will really be hurt.

The intelligence of the Zhao family turned out to be much faster than that of Yuan Shao. The Patriarch of the Zhao family fainted for a long time, and Yuan Shao didn't get the news until he woke up.

It's no wonder that these aristocratic families have their own intelligence systems, and these places are the center of their industries, so they naturally have complete intelligence systems.

The Patriarch of the Zhao family woke up and said: "It's over, it's over, it's over, struck by Zhang Yu, our Patriarch's property will lose at least 70% to 80%, Yuan Shao mistaken me."

A family loses 70% to 80% of its assets. It will take many years to recover.

And now Zhang Yu is still wandering around in Changshan County.

Soon news from the front line continued to spread to Yecheng, and many families in Yecheng put pressure on Yuan Shao through various methods.

Yuan Shao was very sad.

If others attack Jizhou, even if they occupy Jizhou, these aristocratic families are not afraid.

Because other people occupy Jizhou, they will not only not move their industry, but also draw them in. Zhang Yu is different. Zhang Yu does not rely on the family to manage the place, nor to rely on the family to provide money and food, so being occupied by Zhang Yu is to capture .

What they didn't know was that Zhang Yu had already scraped several places.

In the next few days, Yuan Shao was in a bad mood every day, and several bad news came in succession.

Zhang Yu captured three county towns within four or five days and swept the surrounding areas, which made him very passive.

In Jizhou, rumors spread. Zhang Yu entered Jizhou for more than 20 days. The situation became more and more serious. Yuan Shao sent an army to solve it.

In order to cause trouble for Yuan Shao, Zhang Yu and other princes spread rumors in Jizhou, making rumors everywhere.

Yuan Shao had the best face, and immediately furious, mobilized 30,000 elite soldiers from the front line, and mobilized 5,000 soldiers and horses from other places, a total of 80,000 soldiers and horses, and killed them in the direction of Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu naturally did not know this series of changes at this time.

As for Zhang Yu, they were lying in ambush outside a town, waiting for Gao Lan to come.

Gao Lan is the four pillars of the court in Hebei. He has a strong force. The battle against Xu Chu and Xu Huang is irrelevant, and the force is comparable to Zhang Fei.

Gao Lan stopped outside the town. They had to replenish food, otherwise they would not be able to fight for a long time.

However, the town is relatively small, Gaolan only sent 10,000 troops to enter, and the rest planned to wait on the side of the road.

In the distance, Zhang Yu sighed secretly when he saw this situation.

"If Gao Lan's entire army comes over, they will surely be wiped out."

Now only 10,000 horses have come here, and the ambush has been done, and there is absolutely no possibility of giving up.

However, the plan has to be changed. Zhang Yu said to Dian Wei next to him: "When the evil comes, you will bring 10,000 horses to drag Gaolan, and when I solve the 10,000 horses in ambush, I will support you."

Dian Wei nodded in response.

After the ten thousand horses entered, Zhang Yu led them to kill.


Outside the town, soldiers ambushed all around and slew towards the town from three directions.

Suddenly the people neighed, as if there were a hundred thousand soldiers and horses around.

Dian Wei, who was next to Zhang Yu, immediately separated 10,000 horses and slew towards Gao Lan, who was three miles away.

When Gao Lan heard the movement, so many soldiers and horses appeared around him.

After the battlefield, he was immediately taken aback.

"Where is this ten thousand men and horses? There are more than 30,000 men and horses here. When will Zhang Yu have an extra 20,000 soldiers and horses?"

Gao Lan didn't understand why Zhang Yu suddenly had so many soldiers and horses in his hands.

"Kill, we must rescue them." Gao Lan made a decisive decision and rushed into the town, trying to rescue the 10,000 soldiers and horses that had been besieged.

Looking back at Zhang Yu's side, after the ambush came out, he led the soldiers and horses to besieged and killed.

The three-way siege is all generals.

There are Zhang Yu, Huang Zhong and Zhao Yun.

When he rushed forward, he immediately opened three holes in the enemy's army.


Zhang Yu led people to rush, to open the enemy's army.

As long as they pierce through the enemy's army, the enemy can only be slaughtered by them.

These Jizhou soldiers did not have generals, and they quickly became confused.

After all, Zhang Yu and the others had twice as many soldiers and horses as they, and there were three generals who quickly broke their formation.

On the other side, Dianwei confronted Gao Lan.

The two played against each other for more than a dozen rounds.

Then the two armies began to fight.

Gao Lan was anxious to save the trapped soldiers, but was firmly blocked by Dianwei.

"Haha, your skill is good, but it's a pity that under Yuan Shao's hand, it is better to surrender and be a co-founder with our Patriarch." Dian Wei said loudly.

Gao Lan's face was did not answer, and attacked Dian Wei with all his might.

But who Dian Wei is not just a fame, in the Three Kingdoms, he is definitely a first-class master.

The two sides fought for more than 30 rounds, but Gao Lan did not find a chance.

Looking at the other side, the enemy's army has been disintegrated by Zhang Yu and the others. At this time, they waited for the entire army to be penetrated, and then began to massacre.

Gao Lan was shocked to see, the speed was too fast, Zhang Yu and the others were too aggressive.

Especially Zhang Yu completely ignored the casualties at this time, while Dian Wei also ignored the casualties.

As long as they can entangle the enemy and wait for Zhang Yu and the others to free up, they can eat all the enemies.

"No, if we continue to fight like this, we have to explain here." Gao Lan was shocked, both sides were 10,000 horses, and he attacked with all his strength, but he couldn't shake the Zhang Yu army.


Gao Lan didn't dare to continue the fight. He already knew that the trapped army could no longer escape, and he couldn't trap himself at this time.

Gao Lan retreated decisively, and Dian Wei chased him up.

Zhang Yu discovered this situation and immediately stepped up his attack to wipe out the enemy as soon as possible.

After half an hour, Zhang Yu and the others smashed through the enemy's army, and then the three sides began to kill.

After another half an hour, all the surrounding enemies were wiped out.

Except for the accident of more than two thousand people surrendering, the rest were killed in battle.

Killing the enemy 10,000 soldiers and horses, Zhang Yu asked Zhao Yun to take 10,000 people to support Dian Wei.

"Lord, we suddenly have so many more soldiers, now Yuan Shao should panic." Huang Zhong said with a smile.

"Since Yuan Shao despised us, he only sent 50,000 soldiers and horses to encircle and suppress us." Zhang Yu said very proudly.

Zhang Yu was naturally proud. Not only did he increase his troops and horses a lot in the past few days, but he also took away nearly 10 million assets.

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