Zhang Yu took out the map and studied it.

"This time, Yuan Shaoqi must be ill." Zhang Yu said while holding the map.

He already has a plan, anyway, it's the right thing to make trouble in the hinterland of Jizhou.

His next goal is to go directly south and then to the hinterland of Jizhou.

This is very dangerous, after all, Zhang Yu and the others go deep alone.

But at this time, the military deployment in Jizhou has been chaotic, and all the troops have been transferred to the warring area.

One part confronted Gongsun Zan, and the other hundreds of thousands of troops went to encircle Huang Zhong and Zhao Yun, but the hinterland of Jizhou was relatively empty.

Recently, Yuan Shao was in a good mood, because he sent troops to kill "Zhang Yu" and they backed back again and again, and now they were almost able to drive out of Jizhou.

In Yecheng, Yuan Shao once again called a group of officials to a banquet.

"Recently, Jizhou has not been peaceful. Thanks to everyone's help, now there is no major problem." Yuan Shao said.

Yuan Shao held this banquet specially for the sake of saving face.

Last time he banqueted the officials, Zhang Yu suddenly entered, leaving Yuan Shao very shameless.

Now Yuan Shao believes that Zhang Yu has basically been driven out of Jizhou. Although they are still "fleeing" in Zhongshan, they are no longer a problem.

Yuan Shao's judgment was that Huang Zhong and the others had not captured a city for more than ten days.

In addition, Huang Zhong and the others lost thousands of soldiers and horses in the battle for several days.

In this way, Yuan Shao believes that it will be a matter of time before they are driven out of Jizhou. If they don't quickly flee Jizhou, they will be easily surrounded by Yan Liang.

"Thanks to the lord's wise man, that Zhang Yuxiao's junior can only be sneaky, how can he compare with the lord and king's teacher." Guo Tu stood up and said respectfully.

Yuan Shao was humble and smiled in his heart. He said, "Zhang Yu is not worth mentioning. Before, Zhang Yu was shamelessly attacking while we were at war with Gongsun Zan."

Speaking of Zhang Yu's shamelessness, Yuan Shao gritted his teeth and felt personal pain.

But now Yuan Shao feels very comfortable. Zhang Yu's army is chased and beaten by himself, and he can't fight back anymore, so he specially calls a group of officials to celebrate.

After Guo Tu finished speaking, the prosecution also stood up and said: "Lord, Zhang Yu has short-sighted vision and is insignificant. Now that we in Jizhou are prospering, it will be sooner or later to unify Youzhou. By then, Zhang Yu will not be ruled by the lord."

After the audition was finished, the people underneath started to cater.

It is true that Jizhou is thriving now. Yuan Shao has a lot of money and food, and he builds weapons day and night to equip a large number of troops at any time.

This time, Jushou, Tian Feng and others did not dare to persuade Yuan Shao, who said Yuan Shao was happy now.

Party officials feasted, and good news spread frequently.

In the past few days, Yan Liang sent back several "good news" in a row.

Although the victory report only eliminated Zhang Yu and hundreds of soldiers and horses, it was also a victory, and it was often reported once a day, or even several times a day.

In fact, it was Huang Zhong and Zhao Yun's one hundred thousand soldiers and horses in order to stick Yuan Shao.

Otherwise, they would be one person and two horses, there would be no need to fight at all, and it would be perfectly fine to run away.

But Zhang Yu was still in Changshan County, and Huang Zhong and the others couldn't let Yuan Shao's 100,000 soldiers escape.

In this way, hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses were led by Huang Zhong and Zhao Yun.

Moreover, at least half of these 100,000 horses are infantry.

No way, even though Jizhou is rich, he can't afford to raise a huge war horse.

The cost of a war horse is more than that of a few infantry.

During the banquet, the emperor and his ministers were happy, and Zhang Yu was already on his way to the south.

Before heading south, Zhang Yu asked several county magistrates to issue official letters to the counties along the road to prepare food and grass.

Although Zhang Yu and the others crossed the county but didn't enter, they had to eat forage.

Although these counties are strange, how come there are so many soldiers and horses suddenly appearing in the wrong direction.

However, there is an official letter from the county magistrate of Changshan County, and their place is inside Jizhou, so they have not aroused suspicion by others.

Although Zhang Yu kept a low profile along the way, more than 20,000 soldiers and horses did not hide anything, and walked on the road in broad daylight.

A few days later, Zhang Yu and the others passed through three county towns, and Zhang Yu and their soldiers on the road were gradually equipped.

Most of these equipment were equipment that Zhang Yu and the others had seized from the Jizhou army before, and they were hidden in the army's baggage, and they had not been equipped before.

Along the way, Zhang Yu also asked those counties for some equipment.

Although Zhang Yu can be exchanged for points, the exchanged items are obviously not the same as Jizhou's equipment.

"There are still 8,000 sets of equipment, it seems that we have to find another way." Zhang Yu solved more than 10,000 sets of equipment, and there was no other way but to leave it empty.

A few days later, Zhang Yu and the others arrived in the middle of Leping County.

After entering Leping County, Zhang Yu and the others did not pass through the county seat, and went far away.

"Master, there are several counties along the road, why don't you go in and looting." Dian Wei said on the road.

Zhang Yu shook his head and said: "If we want to do it, we will do a big one. As soon as we do it, we will expose it immediately, and then it will be difficult to sway like this."

Zhang Yu led his troops towards Leping City, which was the seat of Leping County.

If you want to do it, you need to make a big deal, and the government will be knocked down.

Two days later, Zhang Yu and the others arrived outside Leping City.

"Please help pass the prefect~www.readwn.com~ I will pass by here and need food and grass supplies." Zhang Yu sent a smart soldier to the city gate and shouted.

At this time, the city gate was not closed. If Zhang Yu and the others attacked, they could completely break through, but Zhang Yu still wanted to take a risk to see if he could deceive the city.

The other party had no doubts, and immediately reported what the soldier said.

The county guard can't compare with the county magistrate. Yuan Shao will be attracted to him. The prefect is definitely Yuan Shao's chief official in Xinjiang, so you don't need to look at Zhang Yu's face at all, but will show Zhang Yu's face instead.

There are only a few prefects under Yuan Shao now, and they can definitely be registered in Yuan Shaona.

Therefore, the prefect of Leping County cannot be like the county magistrate.

When the soldiers notified the prefect, the prefect only found it strange, but did not doubt it, and sent several officials to receive it.

Zhang Yu didn't mean to enter the city, but stationed ten miles away from the city.

"Lord, let's fight directly. It won't take a long time. We will definitely fight." Dian Wei said.

"It's okay, our plan should have not been seen through. If the plan can be successful, there will be huge benefits." Zhang Yu said.

Strong attack means that the enemy will know their existence earlier, if they can be won quietly, then the benefits will naturally need not be said.

The prefect sent a few people to see Zhang Yu. Zhang Yu stated his identity and also produced several official letters issued by the county magistrate.

Without being suspected, Zhang Yu was half relieved, and then he looked at his own operation.

On the same day, Leping City sent a batch of grain to Zhang Yu and the others.

Using Dianwei's words is to eat the enemy and use the enemy, and in the future, he will fight the enemy in reverse.

Zhang Yu and the others temporarily settled down outside the city.

"It's evil, the other party didn't doubt us. Tomorrow will begin to arrange people to enter the city quietly." In the evening, Zhang Yu called Dianwei and said.

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