Zhang Yu grabbed a bunch of aristocratic families in the county seat.

Not only the county seat, but also the aristocratic families in Leping City were also arrested by Zhang Yu.

Originally, Zhang Yu didn't want to touch these people.

But when he heard that many aristocratic families started to run away with property, Zhang Yu decided to arrest these families.

"Zhang Yu, you have confiscated our property, why are you arresting us?" Prefect Yang Gan was also taken away by Zhang Yu, so he questioned Zhang Yu.

"Because you are valuable. For example, you are a prefect, why do you want to sell 300,000 heads?" Zhang Yu looked at Yang Gan and said.

"Hehe." Yang Gan said with a sneer, "Don't think about it, even if I die, I won't be insulted by you."

When Yang Gan heard it, Zhang Yu unexpectedly kidnapped him for a ransom.

How could Yang Gan be a scribe, and he has a good face, how could he submit to it?

Zhang Yu didn't worry, and said to him softly: "Don't worry, Yuan Shao will pay the money. If you don't pay, I will give him your head."

Zhang Yu patted Yang Gan on the shoulder and said, "The time has come to test your status in Yuan Shao's mind, and then see if Yuan Shao will give you money."

Yang Gan was stunned. He didn't expect Zhang Yu to come up with such a frantic thing.

Yang Gan was very anxious. He didn't know what to say. He waited for Zhang Yu to take a few steps before he reacted. He trembling with his hand, pointed to Zhang Yu and said, "You are also the prefect and general of the imperial court. When you become a kidnapper, you don't have to face anymore."

Zhang Yu turned around and stopped and said, "In the eyes of the aristocracy, who am I? I use all kinds of swear words on me, and there is no face to speak of."

Zhang Yu laughed at himself again and said: "Besides, how much money is face worth? Can it be exchanged for thousands of troops or what?"

Yang Gan turned off the fire completely, not knowing what to say, nothing he said was of no use.

Zhang Yu arrested all of them, just to exploit them.

In the evening, Dian Wei came back, and when he came back with him, he brought a large group of people and wealth.

These aristocratic families were crying and screaming along the way, but Dianwei became angry and let them be beaten to death.

Some who are afraid of death dare not speak, and some who are not afraid of death still want to die hard.

Dian Wei hated the yelling of others the most, so he asked the soldiers to strip their clothes naked. No one dared to yell, and obediently became a prisoner.

The city was scrapped, and with the capture of these prisoners and the seized property, Zhang Yu gained more than three million yuan in property.

"Yes, yes, Jizhou rich man, I can equip another 30,000 soldiers and horses when I go back."

These wealth, if other princes can equip one hundred thousand soldiers and horses, but Zhang Yu is different, Zhang Yu is very good to soldiers, not to mention the high salary, usually eat well, but the training mission is also high.

After hitting a county, Zhang Yu did exactly what he had done, and attacked three county towns one after another.

A few days later, the whole Jizhou got news, not only Yecheng, but the whole Jizhou was shaken.

Zhang Yu went so far as to reach the hinterland of Jizhou and took all the prefectures.

The whole Jizhou was shaken, and there were all kinds of remarks.

For a time, Zhang Yu had various nicknames.

When Zhang Yu gained his reputation, Yuan Shao's prestige was hit hard.

Although in Jizhou, major families still support him, his prestige among the people has plummeted.

At the same time, it has gradually lost its prestige to command the world.

In the past, Yuan Shao could appoint many officials to the outside world, but now many capable people start not buying his account.

Zhang Yu attacked seven or eight counties in Leping County and seized more than ten million in property.

At this time, it was several days after Zhang Yu occupied Leping City.

At this time, Yuan Shao personally led an army of fifty thousand toward Zhang Yu.

At the same time, Yan Liang and Wen Chou also hurried with an army of 70,000.

When Yan Liang and Wen Chou received Zhang Yu's capture of Leping City, they were stunned.

"Impossible, how could this be?" Yan Liang said blankly.

"Brother Yan, I really can't figure it out. We chased them all the way and did not see Zhang Yu and Dian Wei, but their soldiers and horses were not few. So where did Zhang Yu hide such a large army?" Wen Chou Said.

The two generals were ashamed at this time.

As a general of Jizhou, he caused the enemy to break through three counties in a row, and he was upset in Jizhou.

As generals, they have no face.

"Damn it, no matter where Zhang Yu's army came from, we must catch him this time." Yan Liang said angrily.

The two dared not delay, shocked and shocked, and immediately led the army to the south, preparing to encircle Zhang Yu with Yuan Shao.

Zhang Yu naturally has received the information.

At this time he was planning how to leave.

"Oh, it's a pity that it's not the cavalry. Otherwise, Jizhou will not be peaceful." After researching, Zhang Yu couldn't break through from important places in Jizhou, which was a pity.

Because the enemies in these important places have increased their forces, it is difficult for Zhang Yu to make a sneak attack.

If it was a cavalry, Zhang Yu at least dared to take people in to find opportunities, but he only had five thousand cavalry and more than two thousand horses~www.readwn.com~ The other 20,000 were infantry.

Infantry, there is no way to move quickly, it is easy to be surrounded by the enemy.

Zhang Yu led the army to the east, and then entered the country of Zhao.

Zhao State was also a county in Jizhou. After entering Zhao State, Zhang Yu did not continue to capture the county seat, but hurried with his army.

Zhang Yu took people to a place called Yuanshi County.

Yuanshi County is the northernmost county of Zhao State, close to Changshan County.

After Zhang Yu arrived here, he occupied Yuanshi County.

"Lord, don't we have to run after we fight? Why do we need to build fortifications and prepare supplies for the city." Dian Wei said in a puzzled manner.

"Yuan Shao surrounded by more than 100,000 troops. It's not that easy to run. Fight a battle and hurt them."

This was also part of Zhang Yu's plan. He was carrying infantry, and it was more difficult to run out, so he found a stronger city and planned to guard it.

In fact, Zhang Yu's defense of the city is equally harmful to Jizhou.

Jizhou must mobilize troops and horses to surround here, no matter how big the movement is, it is very harmful to Jizhou.

Zhang Yu asked Dianwei to reinforce the city's defenses, and at the same time let people collect a lot of stones and rolling logs outside the city, ready to stick to it.

Zhang Yu also called tens of thousands of people in the city and gave them food, some of whom were willing to work.

Within a few days, Zhang Yu turned a county town into an iron barrel.

At this time, Yuan Shao and Yan Liang had just two days away with the army.

Zhang Yu originally had 25,000 soldiers and horses, and then he recruited 5,000 people. At this time, there were 30,000 troops in Yuanshi County.

Thirty thousand troops defended a county seat, and the county seat had been reinforced, so Zhang Yu was confident of guarding it for a month.

Of course, Zhang Yu didn't have to stay for so long. If he achieves his goal ahead of time, he can naturally leave early.

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