The Strongest System To Dominate the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 364: Ning'er, let's dig the treasure

The order for the reorganization of Liaodong's soldiers and horses was issued, and the soldiers and horses of Kuaiji County must naturally be adjusted, but this will be discussed after Zhang Yu returns.

Now Zhang Yu is about to reorganize and expand the army, it is Huang Zhong and Zhao Yun, and his own guards are also to be reorganized.

These three legions directly expanded their army to 20,000 horses.

In this way, Zhang Yu can be said to have carried out a large army expansion.

The number of troops has been flipped up directly.

Zhang Yu certainly won't just be a corner.

Whether it is Liaodong or Kuaiji, they are all on the fringe, but Zhang Yu has a lot of room for development. For the time being, he can develop the economy first without having to fight for territory with the princes.

After dealing with military affairs, Zhang Yu began to pay attention to the construction of Liaodong.

"An Yuan, now appoint you as the prefect of Xuantu County, and continue to preside over the construction of Shenyang City." Zhang Yu said.

The prefect was not appointed before, because the big man was still there and Zhang Yu had no power, but now, Zhang Yu doesn't need to care about the big man, he can completely treat it as non-existent, and directly decide everything within himself.

"Yes, Lord Xie." An Yuan directly got up and worshiped.

Zhang Yu nodded and began to inquire about the situation of Shenyang City.

Now that the city wall of Shenyang is built together with the inner city, half of the city wall has been built, and most of the main structure of the inner city has been built.

"Time waits for no one. I immediately added 50,000 more hands to speed up the progress. As for the money, don't worry about it. This time I brought back a lot of property in Jizhou."

After listening to Anyuan's report, Zhang Yu immediately decided to speed up the construction, especially the city wall, which must be completed within two months. Except for some important warehouses in the city, they must be built first, and the rest can be put away first.

Zhang Yu didn't know when the enemy from the north would come, so it was always right to build the city first.

Then Zhang Yu learned about the economic development of Liaodong.

"Yuan Tan, the economy of Liaodong must develop greatly, because in the future Liaodong will rely on its own strength to develop, rather than relying solely on the support of Kuaiji County."

Nowadays, the development of Liaodong is largely dependent on the continuous support of Kuaiji County, but this situation cannot last long. Liaodong must develop on its own.

"The lord can rest assured that now Liaodong has made considerable progress. If there is no other foreign aid, it can also be self-sufficient." Gu Yong said with confidence.

Zhang Yu's face became serious, and he said in a deep voice, "No, this is far from enough. It must not only be self-sufficient, but also rapid development. Before Liaodong had a huge population burden, I can’t do otherwise. This year I will invest a lot in the middle of next year. , Must realize the great development of self-sufficiency."

Gu Yong is ashamed and only thinks about self-sufficiency, while Zhang Yu's ambitious goal is not only to be self-sufficient, but also to develop rapidly.

In the next two days, Zhang Yu compiled the development plan of Liaodong in detail.

The plan is the same as the five-year plan for later generations, except that Zhang Yu currently has a one-year plan except for a few long-term plans.

At present, the situation is changing too fast to make too long-term plans. Many plans need to be changed according to changes in the situation.

A longer-term plan formulated by Zhang Yu is to expand the territory.

But where else can you expand the territory here in Youzhou?

To the east, Liaodong continues to the east to reach the peninsula.

The peninsula is divided into two parts. The northern part is Lelang County and Obifang County in Youzhou, while the southern peninsula is the Mahan area.

Zhang Yu wanted to occupy Lelang County and Daifang County.

But to accept these two sites, sufficient forces are required.

It’s not that these two territories are not easy to fight. The two counties currently do not have too strong strength. It is just that Zhang Yu has to face the threat of Wuhuan. In addition to defending Wuhuan’s soldiers and horses, Zhang Yu really can’t draw troops and horses. .

Therefore, we must wait for the city of Shenyang to be built, and then the army will have sufficient strength.

However, at the current pace of development, it will not be long before the expansion of the site.

Zhang Yu directly asked the army to prepare and train outside Shenyang. There were no enemies in other directions for the time being. The army was prepared and trained here, ready to respond to the threat of the grassland.

Once stabilized, Zhang Yu intends to develop a stable stage first, and then make other plans after the strength is strong.

After finishing the arrangement, Zhang Yu was idle for a while, but only temporarily, because the threat of the grassland was too great, Zhang Yu had to consider how to deal with it.

However, the grassland strategy must be planned in detail, and Zhang Yu currently has no overall consideration. This can only be considered after a while.

"Ning'er, I want to die as a husband." Zhang Yu, who was free, naturally found his wife to pass the time.

In the past few days, Zhang Ning knew about Zhang Yu's many things, so he never came to bother Zhang Yu.

"Husband, Ning'er, too." Zhang Ning said.

Zhang Yu laughed cheaply and looked up and down Zhang Ning with his eyes.

"Husband, why are you looking at people like this?" Zhang Ning saw Zhang Yu's eyes drifting up and down on his body, and knew that there was nothing good.

"Ning'er, you are full of treasures, of course your husband is here to dig for treasures."

Hearing the words digging treasure, Zhang Ning knew that Zhang Yu was going to do bad things.

Ever since Zhang Yu knew that Zhang Jiao gave Zhang Ning a Zhang Yu would look for Zhang Ning to do the task as long as he was free.

This task is naturally to have a child, as long as the child is born, then the conditions of the angle of opening will be completed.

In fact, even if there is no task, Zhang Yu will do what they like to do when he has time.

There is no one in the big tent, and no one will bother Zhang Yu unless there are important things.

Besides, none of his subordinates were free, so they went to work on their own.

So Zhang Yu didn't care about the broad daylight, and hugged Zhang Ning.

"Ning'er is so fragrant, let's dig for the treasure." Picking up Zhang Ning and placing it on the couch, Zhang Yu first smelled Zhang Ning.

Zhang Ning was shy and gave Zhang Yu a push.

"Let me see if Ning'er has gained weight or thinner recently." Zhang Yu put his hand into Zhang Ning's clothes and explored Zhang Ning's towering size.

"Well, it seems to be a little fatter." Zhang Yu said while holding Zhang Ning's focus.

Zhang Ning blushed when Zhang Yu touched him, and said slightly, "Husband, it's too bad."

Zhang Yu is too bad, but he should do bad things to his wife.

Zhang Yu began to move both hands together, still exploring inside the clothes with one hand, and disarming Zhang Ning with the other.

Soon, Zhang Ning became a little white sheep, a cute little white sheep.

And Zhang Yu is of course a big bad wolf at this time, staring at Zhang Ning with greedy eyes.

"White and tender, smooth and delicious." Zhang Yu said, touching the key parts of Zhang Ning's body.

At this time Zhang Ning was really white and tender, because Zhang Yu also gave Zhang Ning a lot of cosmetics, and his wife had to spend his points.

So Zhang Ning is a cute little white sheep at this time.

Zhang Yu could not help but see the fire all over his body, and went down with a mouthful.

The war broke out like this, no matter what daylight, Zhang Yu relieved the pressure in the battle for more than half a year.

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