"Okay, come here, see me off, next time you come, the price must increase by 10%, and you must buy more than 12 million."

Zhang Yu stood up and said.

After speaking, the representative of Yuan Shao was still very proud, and then said: "Well, you want to keep me."

The representative of Yuan Shao had heard what Zhang Yu said clearly, but he did not react.

"Puff puff~"

Someone present burst into laughter on the spot, and only then did Yuan Shao's representative remember and know what Zhang Yu meant.

"You, you..." Feeling the great humiliation, representative Yuan Shaofang's face flushed, and he couldn't tell Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu smiled and looked at him.

There was a cold behind the person. If things were messed up, the consequences would be very serious.

Forcing myself to calm down, and then said: "Zhang Yu, what good is it for you to speak so loudly? Most of the time we won't buy it this year, and next year, you won't even earn a penny."

Indeed, if they don’t buy it, they will find someone else to buy it next year, and they can buy it at a very cheap price.

"Haha, then you go back to report the funeral to Yuan Shao and tell Yuan Shao how much food you have caused Jizhou to lose. Anyway, I don't know how to calculate it, but it is more than ten times the amount of money to buy seeds."

Threatening Zhang Yu?

It's useless, even if Zhang Yu really doesn't make this money, he won't be threatened by them.

Besides, Zhang Yu was sure of the opponent, and the opponent could not give up.

Nowadays, the population is soaring. Although the princes do not know why, they also know that there is a shortage of food, without food, and the territory is very unstable.

Therefore, Yuan Shao sent people to find Zhang Yu.

"Get off~" Seeing the other person standing there still and shaking, Zhang Yu directly shouted and let him go out.

What else did the other party want to say, Zhang Yu waved his hand and asked the soldier to hold the other party and pull it out directly.

The representatives of the princes sighed, Zhang Yu clearly wanted to slaughter them, treating them as fat sheep.

But they were helpless, food was too important for them, and they had to ask Zhang Yu.

In the end they could only keep silent.

"Well, if you have an opinion, you can go if you don't accept it, and never force it to do business underneath." Zhang Yu sat down on behalf of Yuan Shao who drove away.

Everyone complained, this is also called not to force, or shameless.

Zhang Yu was really shameless, but wanted money.

Where will everyone leave? It will be even more difficult for Zhang Yu to come back after this walk.

Zhang Yu glanced at the people and saw that they were very satisfied with their performance. He had some opinions on himself, but he had nothing to do with him.

"Dong Zhuo's representative, the price starts at 10 million yuan, the price rises by 30%, it is kind enough, it is much cheaper than Yuan Shao and others, Xiliang and Chang'an, the grain output is not originally required, I advise you to buy more and go back." Zhang Yu Said.

Dong Zhuo is a super fat sheep. He must be slaughtered, but he can't be slaughtered too hard, otherwise the other party will not buy it, and he will lose a lot by then.

Dong Zhuo's representative stood up angrily, just about to start cursing, but saw Zhang Yu looking at him with half-smiling eyes.

"I'm not fooled, Zhang Yu must want me to scold him, so as to take the opportunity to raise the price, I am not fooled." Dong Zhuo's representative endured, and then sat down without saying anything.

Sure enough, Zhang Yu didn't say anything, his face still showed a trace of disappointment.

The representative of Dong Zhuo glanced at Zhang Yu with an expression that had already seen you through.

Zhang Yu was amused. He was slaughtered as a fat sheep, and he was still proud of it.

Zhang Yu didn't show anything, and then Zhang Yu read the next list, and everyone listened carefully.

"Wei family, the price remains the same, you must buy 8 million big money." Zhang Yu said.

The representative of the Wei family took a breath, eight million, they took it out, and it was easy. After all, they are the top family, but they are just unhappy.

Zhang Yu called them here alone, definitely for Zai Wei's family.

"This Zhang Yu really bears a grudge." Wei Jia was helpless, both sides had grudges, Zhang Yu must slaughter them.

In fact, the Wei family had already prepared for it, because when he came here, only his family were representatives of the family, and the rest were representatives of the princes.

It was strange to call the Wei family over and not slaughter them, but they were also fortunate that Zhang Yu didn't take the opportunity to raise the price, but the quantity requirement was relatively large.

Not to mention other things, the strength of the Wei family is better than that of the Mi family. The Mi family needs five million, so the Wei family must also need that much, but Zhang Yu just wants them to have some extra.

Wei Jia didn't have any opinion, so he acquiesced directly.

Zhang Yu nodded and didn't say anything. The feud with Wei's family was not enough to endure endlessly.

Zhang Yu went on to say: "Yuan Shu, this stupid lack, starting at 8 million, the price rises by 30%."

"You, how can you insult my lord." Yuan Shu's representative also imagined that Dong Zhuo and Wei Jia's representatives directly acquiesced, but Zhang Yu directly scolded Yuan Shu for being stupid, and he really couldn't sit still.

Zhang Yu squinted at him and said, "Well, Yuan Shu is stupid."

Zhang Yu didn't raise the price, but confirmed it for the other party.

"Zhang Yu, how can you insult my lord casually~www.readwn.com~ Is this going to fight my lord?" the other party angered.

Zhang Yu was not angry, but several of Zhang Yu's men stood up, and the surrounding soldiers stared at him with sharp eyes.

The other party was shocked, after all, this was Zhang Yu's territory.

But he must also do the same, otherwise the news will go back, and it will still be a matter of losing face, and Yuan Shufei will not eat him at that time.

"Well, good, don't insult Yuan Gonglu."

The man was proud that his protest was still effective. Although Zhang Yu did not apologize, he was also subdued.

He thought that when he went back this time, he must tell Yuan Shu that he had risked his life to protect his dignity, and that he would definitely be valued by Yuan Shu at that time.

"Then Yuan Shu's silly lack has no opinion, so it's settled." Zhang Yu said again.

Just now he said that he would not insult Yuan Shu, but he turned his head and criticized Yuan Shu for being stupid.

The man was dumbfounded, and this good wish was immediately shattered.

"Zhang Yu, deceived people too much." The man was about to cry.

Zhang Yu shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, but I still think Yuan Shu is stupid. Would you like me to talk about Yuan Shu's stupidity?"

The other party directly misfired and did not dare to say a word.

If you continue to speak, Zhang Yu will definitely continue to curse, and Yuan Shu will know that he will be cut off by Yuan Shu.

But this time he went back, no matter how good Ren was done, Yuan Shu would definitely not make him feel better.

Yuan Shu’s representative was sweating behind his back. This Zhang Yu was terrible.

Zhang Yu was very satisfied with this result. He was an enemy at the beginning and will be an enemy from now on. There is no need to save face.

Zhang Yu took a sip of wine quietly, and everyone looked at him to see who he was going to deal with next.

"Liu Bei."

Zhang Yu said a name.

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