Diao Chan's soft words made Zhang Yu bewitched.

The claws immediately stretched into the clothes of the two of them.

"Zhang Yu, why didn't you realize that you were a big pervert, and still thought you were a great loyal minister?" Empress He said with a smile.

At this time, the Queen Mother has been relieved from the pain of losing her son.

Facing her with nothing, she no longer thinks about the Han Dynasty.

Zhang Yu loves her and is her only concern. She has no relatives anymore and her only reliance is Zhang Yu.

"Hey, He Fang, I'm a great loyal minister, I won't take care of you for your majesty." Zhang Yu said shamelessly. (Tentatively, what is the name of the Queen Mother He Fang.)

Zhang Yu couldn't help being shameless in his mouth, and even shameless in his hands, and began to explore the body of Queen Mother He.

Zhang Yu was not in a hurry to eat the two of them, there was a lot of time.

"Cicada, your skin is more delicate, and my husband likes it so much." Zhang Yu touched and said.

"He Fang, you are more fragrant, I really want to eat you in one bite."

Zhang Yu hugged two beauties and talked about love.

The two have indeed changed a lot. This is because Zhang Yu was willing to invest and used better cosmetics for several wives, which was a better grade than before.

Previously poor, now I can get a lot of development points every month.

You can't treat your wife badly.

So several of his wives became more and more straight up.

However, Zhang Yu was also cheaper in the end.

The three of them fought for a while, adjusted the atmosphere well, Zhang Yu couldn't help it.

Kissing Diao Chan, touching the Queen Mother, there is nothing more enjoyable in life than this.

"My wife, here I am."

Zhang Yu removed the three men's arms and started the most primitive battle.

One pick two, fearless.

Da was slept together, and went to the sky several times.

Diao Chan was defeated, and the Queen Mother entered.

The Queen Mother was defeated, and Zhang Yu fought Diaochan again.

I was able to eat Wan'er and Xiang Xin last night, and I couldn't persuade the two tonight.

Of course not, Zhang Yu faced the difficulties.

In the room not far away, Wan'er and Xiang Xin hugged each other.

"Sister Wan'er, the husband can really toss, you can hear how loud their voices are." Xiang Xin said with a blushing face with a different red light on her face.

"You also said that you called loudly last night." Wan'er squeezed Xiang Xin's chest and said.

"I blame my husband, it's too much trouble." Xiang Xin was shy and pushed everything to Zhang Yu.

Wan'er felt the same way, Zhang Yu was too able to toss.

Both of them didn't want to go out, so they stayed in the room all day.

"Sister Wan'er, do you think we can be pregnant with our husband's child?" Xiang Xin said with some yearning.

Wan'er was also distressed. She was the first to talk to Zhang Yu, but she hasn't found out yet.


The two of them were in sorrow and heard Diao Chan yelling in the room not far away.

Both of them knew what was going on and felt extremely shy.

The sound of fighting came to them, but fortunately, there were no outsiders in the backyard of the prefect.

After tossing until midnight, the voice became quieter.

Wan'er and Xiang Xin also listened for half a night.

Not to mention Zhang Ning, this was caused by her effort, and it was also very uncomfortable.

After tossing until dawn, Zhang Yu hugged the two people to sleep.

"It turns out that being a drunk is also tired, maybe Liu Hong was exhausted alive." Zhang Yu also felt a little tired after fighting for two nights.

Three rods on the sun, Zhang Yu got up.

After getting up, I went to the main hall of the Taishou Mansion to prepare to handle some official duties.

Zhang Zhao and others happened to be there.

"My lord, all the financial data you want have been counted. The original domain has more than 1 million big money. This time you brought back about 20 million. This is the money that can be used immediately, and we will have it when we finish the seed transaction. More money can be used." Zhang Zhao reported.

Zhang Yu silently calculated that more than 20 million dollars is still a bit small for a huge site.

But it doesn't matter, he will have another big income soon.

"Well, since you have money, you have to spend it. The army has a budget of 30 million, and first give 10 million." Zhang Yu immediately made a decision, and whoever treats it badly must first ensure that the army has sufficient funds.

The army of Kuaiji County has not yet been reorganized, and now it must be reorganized as soon as there is not much fighting.

Zhang Yu decided to reorganize the army.

The army in Kuaiji County reorganized two legions, one with Ling Cao led 30,000 infantrymen, and the other with Gao Shun's 20,000 soldiers and horses.

Then Huiji County and Wu County each deployed 20,000 garrisons.

In this way, Kuaiji and Wu Jun have 90,000 soldiers and horses, and now Dianwei's 10,000 soldiers and horses, there are 100,000 soldiers and horses.

In addition, Zhang Yu set aside five million yuan separately, preparing to start training the navy.

Zhang Yu recruited and trained naval forces in Taiwan, not in Kuaiji County.

I don't want to build a huge navy here because Zhang Yu's combat goal is not in the country, and at the same time he doesn't want to stimulate the domestic princes.

The navy is very important, but not very important at present, because Zhang Yu has not found the enemy yet.

Then Zhang Yu began to lay out a few more places.

The first is to arrange county towns in Shenzhen, Shantou, Guangzhou and Haikou in later generations. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Nowadays, there is almost no population here, and it is a wild land.

There are ethnic minorities such as Shanyue in the inland areas, but Zhang Yu still doesn't want to fight.

These places have not been developed, and there is still an empty space with few people.

To develop this large-scale territory, I don't know how much energy it will take, and huge financial resources must be invested in it.

Large tracts of wild land cannot be developed in less than ten years, and there is still a huge population to develop.

Therefore, Zhang Yu could only go from the coast to the inland, first establish a stronghold and develop slowly.

Wujun in Kuaiji is the focus of Zhang Yu's business. It is fully developed here and can quickly improve its strength.

Zhang Yu sent tens of thousands of people to the south to establish counties in these places and prepare to develop slowly. When the time is right, or the development reaches a certain level, then increase investment in development.

For these three items, a lot of money will be spent, especially the army, whether it is the army or the navy, a lot of money is needed.

After getting these three major events, the others will be much easier. Zhang Yu didn't make specific arrangements, but just got a general direction.

Zhang Zhao, Guo Jia and others are capable people, Zhang Yu gives specific directions, and they can handle the others.

Zhang Yu’s plan is a bit like a five-year plan for later generations, but Zhang Yu is a simplified version, which can be said to be a one-year plan.

After drawing up the general direction, Zhang Yu doesn't care. Zhang Zhao is a prime minister-level talent and can be dealt with.

After formulating these policies, Zhang Yu will be free.

However, someone refused to let Zhang Yu Ansheng, and within a few days he received a secret message.

"Heh, Yuan Shao is going to do something? I'm just idle, but I want to see how many people dared to jump out."

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