The Strongest System To Dominate the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 384: Evil come, ransack home

As soon as Zhang Yu and the others were ready, Sun Ce and the others went down to the city. Dian Wei didn't care about ransacking his home, and followed Zhang Yu to the city.

Zhang Yu stood proudly on the head of the city.

Sun Ce and the others have surrounded the city.

Last night, Zhang Yu and the others surrounded the city. As a result, the family opened the city to offer the city before it dawned. However, as soon as the day broke, Sun Ce slammed into the city and surrounded Zhang Yu and the others.

The change was so fast that Zhang Yu hadn't even started to scrape.

Under the city, Zhou Yu's face showed a pity, they came quickly, but one step too late, let Zhang Yu occupy the city.

"Brother Sun, I didn't expect that we would meet again in this way." Zhang Yu shouted from the top of the city.

Sun Ce sighed secretly, and then rode out slowly by himself.

"Brother Zhang, I have been fighting with you as my goal before, and I look forward to competing with you, but the world is changing too fast." Sun Ce said with infinite emotion.

Yes, Sun Ce is actually very helpless, so in his position, there are not many choices.

"It's okay, now each is the master, and there is no room for the slightest affection." Zhang Yu said generously.

"Well, if that's the case, we don't have to be hypocritical, you and I will fight for the hegemony of the world by our own ability." Sun Ce said.

Zhang Yu was chatting with Sun Ce there, while Dianwei urgently arranged city defense behind him, and at the same time sent several troops to patrol the city to prevent the enemy from causing chaos.

Sun Ce did not attack, Zhang Yu and the others were ready, but they rushed in without carrying any siege equipment, it was difficult to break the city in a short time.

Sun Ce retreated a few miles and set up camp.

"Gong Jin, Zhang Yu's speed is too fast, we rushed over when we found the signs, but they still broke Shouchun." In the big account, Sun Ce said worriedly to Zhou Yu.

Zhou Yu's handsome face also had a trace of sadness. He held a teacup in his hand and took a sip and said: "The city of Shouchun has been breached, and all parties in the front line must be excited. It is very difficult to stabilize the military. , But if we can hold Zhang Yu tightly, then we can persuade them to attack, there is still a chance."

Now Zhou Yu is afraid of the collapse of the coalition forces. If Zhang Yu is not brought down by that time, everyone will suffer Zhang Yu's subsequent revenge.

Sun Ce shook his head and said with a sigh: "Zhang Yu's soldiers are all cavalry. If he wants to go, it will be difficult for us to stop him. What can Gong Jin do?"

"It's okay. If Zhang Yu is gone, we will occupy Shouchun, help them defend the city, and then let them protect the Liangdao. There will be no big problem at that time. Although some of them have different intentions, as long as most people are with Chen Wen Persevere, there will be no collapse." Zhou Yu said.

Sun Ce relaxed, and then let the soldiers begin to deploy their defenses.

Zhang Yu and the others spent a day arranging defenses, re-reinforcing the city, and replenishing supplies.

At night, Zhang Yu was in the Cishi Mansion.

"Lord, Sun Ce and the others just came, let their subordinates take a cavalry out, and they will definitely be able to beat them to find the North." Dian Wei said to Zhang Yu after he had arranged the city defense.

Zhang Yu shook his head and said: "No, we have to stay in the city for a few days, how can we leave after the enemy's heart is shaken on the front line."

Zhang Yu went on to say: "There was a lot of noise in the evening, he ransacked the house all the way, copied all the hostile families, and then released some of their servants."

Dian Wei became excited again when he heard the copy of the house.

The excitement is not because of how much money can be robbed, but because of the exasperation in these families.

Dian Wei went to prepare immediately.

Soon the aristocratic families in the city began to jump around, and those hostile families, or those who had not had time to make a decision to participate in opening the city gate, began to suffer.

Zhang Yu and their soldiers rushed in, arrested people and ransacked them. They moved quickly and seemed to have strong business capabilities.

Yes, Zhang Yu and their soldiers seemed to have strong business capabilities for looting this kind of work.

Many soldiers participated in multiple looting, breaking doors, controlling the scene, and digging three feet in the ground. They were definitely not embarrassed.

Moreover, they have a fine tradition of not killing people easily after entering, and preferential treatment to the elderly and children.

As long as there is no resistance, nothing will happen.

For those who still want to curse, part of it is gagged, and part of it is a severe beating, which seems very human, and does not commit a murder.

And those families who participated in opening the city gate were also in panic. They were afraid that Zhang Yu would not speak credit.

"Our father-in-law said, hand over half of the property and nothing will happen." Soon Zhang Yu's soldiers came to inform them.

They just breathed a sigh of relief, and then hurriedly ran through the cabinets to collect money for Zhang Yu and others.

Zhang Yu didn't intend to touch them, nor did he check whether he had been targeted at him before.

Now that they have spoken out, they must be creditworthy, and they also obediently handed over half of their property.

Dianwei checked it for a long time, and saw the boxes of wealth returned by the soldiers yelling at him again.

"These cheap bones, ugly."

"Don't get into my hands."

Dian Wei bit his teeth with anger It was their counsel that made Dian Wei lose the bet, and the ten carts of wine were gone.

The investigation continued until dawn, and the entire city fell into a sleepless night. The family was panicked, and ordinary people were afraid that soldiers would suddenly rush in.

Just before dawn, hundreds of people were suddenly driven out of the city, and then the city gate was closed again.

Soon Sun Ce and the others understood the situation.

"Gong Jin, the aristocratic families in the city are really miserable. These are difficult to deal with. Many aristocratic families still have hostages in Zhang Yu's hands. If we are here, if we don't handle it well, I'm afraid they will be hated by these families." Sun Ce said.

Zhou Yu sighed and said: "Zhang Yu's move is really poisonous. Some people are released. If these people go out, once they are exaggerated, the coalition forces will be even more afraid."

"Why don't we detain these people?" Sun Ce asked.

Zhou Yu shook his head and said: "The news of Zhang Yu's breach of Shouchun City has been spread a long time ago, and it doesn't make sense to detain them. On the contrary, it will make the coalition suspicious of us. What we can do now is to send the news back quickly."

Zhou Yu and the others took the initiative to pass it back, which could dilute the matter a lot.

Zhou Yu said again: "In addition, we secretly spread the gossip that Chen Wen was copied by Zhang Yu, and Chen Wen would definitely smash to the end with Zhang Yu."

A trace of cruelty appeared on Zhou Yu's handsome face, and this strategy was a bit vicious.

Sun Ce didn't have a better way, he could only do so.

A few days later, the news spread, and Yangzhou was shaken.

The coalition forces were in chaos immediately, and even the troops besieging Gao Shun and Ling Cao retreated.

The news was too sudden and too shocking.

When the news reached the Danyang County County Shou's Mansion, Chen Wen fainted immediately after hearing it.

My old nest was even handed over, or it was handed over by Zhang Yu, who is a fierce name.

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