The Strongest System To Dominate the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 388: "Famous General" Huang Ren

Huang Ren and the others flee to avoid the fate of being destroyed.

Zhang Yu stopped chasing them, and didn't pay attention to their whereabouts.

After coming out of Shouchun City, Zhang Yu went directly south to attack Chengde.

Chengde County is not very far from Shouchun, it can be reached within two days.

Zhang Yu and the others did not hide their whereabouts this time, and led people directly to Chengde County.

In the middle Zhang Yu packed up the weapons and equipment that the enemy had thrown on the ground as well as food.

These are all money, and the quantity is large, Zhang Yu and the others take them away, and they cannot leave it to the enemy to equip the army.

Zhang Yu's whereabouts were quickly discovered, but there was no large army around, so they couldn't be helped.

Zhang Yu originally wanted to put himself on the bright side and threaten the enemy.

Two and a half days later, Zhang Yu and the others approached Chengde County. This is because Zhang Yu and the others slowed down, otherwise they could arrive in two days.

In Chengde County, Huang Ren and the others had just arrived three hours later, when he was lying in the county office panting like a dead dog.

Fleeing all the way, there were some towns on the road, but Huang Ren felt unsafe and had to go to the big city before stopping to rest.

In more than two days, they rested three times in between, each time only three hours.

They rushed all the way, and they dared to rest assured after they arrived in Chengde County.

Huang Ren was as tired as a dead dog. He was carried by the soldiers and collapsed directly on the bed, not wanting to move.

And their soldiers are not much better, they lie down everywhere before they reach the barracks.

Chengde's defender and other officials were also terrified.

"It was defeated, it was defeated, it was such a terrible defeat."

"Yes, 30,000 troops, only half of them escaped, and all the weapons were lost."

"General Huang Ren still has some abilities. After all, he can escape. Unlike Chen Li, he heard that he was defeated and lost his life."

"I heard those soldiers say that General Huang Ren found something wrong, and felt that he had asked the soldiers to discard their weapons and luggage. Zhang Yu loved money like his life, staying and picking up these things, they escaped."

"General Huang Ren is wise, after all, they are infantry, and they can escape the chase of the cavalry."

The officials in Chengde City actually recognized Huang Ren very much and gave him no hesitation in praise.

Turning his escape behavior into great wisdom and bravery, Huang Ren's image immediately rose to the top.

And Chen Li was demoted to be worthless.

If Zhang Yu knew, he would be dumbfounded, and things would turn out to be like this.

He didn't know Huang Ren, and Chen Li was really useless, but the images of the two would definitely not be so subverted.

Huang Ren had collapsed, and he didn't know that he would get such a high evaluation for fear of running away.

But Huang Ren didn't want to pay attention to anything at this time, just like what he said about love.

However, Huang Ren didn't have happiness for long, because Zhang Yu and the others were approaching Chengde County after all.

When the scout received the news, he hurried to report to the city.

The officials in the city were immediately terrified. Zhang Yu was a great demon. He killed him and no one was not afraid.

"Quick, quick, go to General Huang Ren, not let's go together." The county magistrate was also frightened when he heard the soldiers' report.

A group of officials hurried to find Huang Ren.

"General Huang, wake up soon, the big thing is not good."

"General Huang, the sky is falling down."

"General Huang, get up quickly."

"General Huang, Chengde County depends on you."

The officials in the room kept calling Huang Ren, but Huang Ren slept like a dead pig, even if they said the sky was about to fall, they were indifferent.

The crowd also asked the soldiers to push Huang Ren and push Huang Ren around, but they couldn't wake him up.

"Master county magistrate, what can I do, Zhang Yu is about to kill him." The county prime minister said anxiously.

"What!" Huang Ren jumped up suddenly and said loudly, "Zhang Yu is about to kill."

Everyone was frightened, and their faces were dumbfounded, what's the situation?

They kept yelling just now, and they kept pushing him, they couldn't wake him up.

And the county Cheng said from the side that Zhang Yu was about to kill him. Huang Ren actually woke up by himself and jumped up.

The county magistrate reacted quickly and hurriedly said: "General Huang, this Zhang Yu's soldiers and horses are almost under the city, what do you think?"

"Run, run quickly. Run."

Huang Ren turned over from the bed, and then hurriedly shouted.

Everyone was stunned again, what is the situation?

"Run quickly, Zhang Yu can't beat them, they are too cruel, too cruel, and Shouchun City was easily attacked by them." Huang Ren saw that they were still not running, so he added.

After that, Huang Ren ignored them and ran out by himself.

The county magistrate and other officials also reacted.

"Yes, Shouchun City can't stop it. We don't even wait for death in the county town," an official said.

Everyone was shocked, and even people as wise as General Huang Ren had to run, so naturally they would run too.

Many officials also rushed out, planning to go back and leave, and quickly ran away.

It is said that Huang Ren was very exhausted a moment ago, but at this time he was alive and well.

When he arrived at the barracks, he shouted and yelled everyone.

"Quickly, Zhang Yu is here to kill, and he must be directed at us."

When the soldier heard it, he ran away regardless of

This time the assembly was very fast, much faster than usual.

After half an hour, the army was assembled.

"General Huang Ren deserves to be a famous general, the army gathers so quickly."

"Yes, the military order is like a mountain, also known as the wind of generals."

"General Huang is so wise, it must be right to let us run."

"Yes, running with General Huang will definitely have a better chance of survival."

When the crowd saw that General Huang managed the army so well, they no longer doubted, and immediately rushed back to pack their things, and they were also ready to run with them.

Huang Ren and the others moved very fast. Although they had only rested for three hours, they were still able to run at this time.

"Zhang Yu is afraid that he is staring at me. I am afraid that ordinary cities can't stop them."

"Go, let's run in the direction of Hefei." Huang Ren made a decision immediately after leaving the city.

Hefei is also a big city, perhaps it can stop Zhang Yu.

Two hours later, Zhang Yu and the others arrived outside Chengde City.

"Report, General, the guards in the city ran away and no one was guarding the city at this time." The soldier came to report and said.

"Counsel, stubborn seed." Dian Wei heard that after running for so long, there was no battle to fight.

"Go, advance to the city." Zhang Yu led people into the city first.

Entering the city for some understanding made Zhang Yu very speechless, because the army they were about to ambush actually ran here, and they ran away two hours ago.

Dian Wei was even more furious when he heard about it.

"He's a fool, let me catch him, he must be skinned." Dian Wei was furious, causing him to occupy the city without opening.

In Chengde County, there are also many aristocratic families. Many aristocratic families received information late, and there was no time to escape. Even if there was time to escape, they would not take much property with them.

Zhang Yu was naturally not welcome and accepted them all.

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