Chen Wen was very happy because it was determined that Huang Ren would return.

"General Huang Ren is not bad. He had only 15,000 soldiers and horses when he left. Not only did he have no losses when he came back this time, he also gained more than 5,000 soldiers and horses."

"Yes, with infantry, it is really rare to be able to safely escape Zhang Yu's pursuit repeatedly."

"General Huang Ren, a famous general, with his return, this battle will be easy to fight."

"I heard that General Huang Ren is very keen on the situation."


Huang Ren didn't expect that he was already famous.

Although he is a general, he is not powerful, and he is not a family of generals, and he has not led a war yet.

Unexpectedly, after going out once, he will become a famous player when he comes back.

Huang Ren had a very bad life these few days. He ran all the way, fearing that Zhang Yu would catch up again.

Although it was later discovered that Zhang Yu did not catch up, he was also afraid and led the army on the road day and night.

He wants to return to Danyang County, because there are many soldiers and horses here and it is safer.

He finally came back, he felt that what others said was right, he was amazing.

How about Chen Li? Take him out with 15,000 soldiers and horses, but the whole army is destroyed.

How about several cities?

Under Zhang Yu's blow, he perished in minutes.

However, he not only preserved his strength, brought all the soldiers back, but also rescued many soldiers along the way.

Therefore, Huang Ren also felt that he was great.

The governor Chen Wen came to greet him personally, which made Huang Ren feel very proud.

I believe in the potential of a very famous player even more.

And Chen Wen's intention is obvious, it is to boost morale.

Just imagine, our side is not without capable people, and there are not only capable people, but also people who escaped from under Zhang Yu's hands. Zhang Yu can't help it.

In this way, the governor Chen Wen naturally wanted to vigorously promote Huang Ren and let Huang Ren boost his morale.

"General Huang, this time for assistance, he will definitely be able to break through Wu Jun." Chen Wen said, taking Huang Ren's hand.

Some other prefects and officials also hurried over to congratulate.

For a time, Huang Ren became a great savior, a sweet potato.

Huang Ren also feels that he is very important.

The crowd won Huang Ren back to the county town, but they didn't seem to notice that Huang Ren's army soldiers were already skinny and in poor condition.

They have been chased by Zhang Yu for almost ten days, and they haven't had a good night's sleep in these ten days.

I can't rest for a few hours every day, and I have been on the road, day and night.

So, on the way, wherever the soldiers can eat.

Therefore, the soldiers are in very poor condition.

But Chen Wen and others didn't care, how could they care about ordinary soldiers.

What they care more about is Huang Ren, as if Huang Ren is there, everything is not a problem.

When the crowd entered the city, the morale seemed to stop there.

When Huang Ren returned, Chen Wen took advantage of this wind and immediately sent troops to attack Dantu and Qu'a.

He asked Huang Ren's 20,000 soldiers and horses to guard the city, while he took the rest of the soldiers and horses to the front line, and he wanted to personally supervise the battle.

Huang Ren suddenly received unprecedented attention.

And Zhang Yu has already planned a route.

They sent troops to attack the old nest of the coalition forces, and from another direction, they also cut off their food passage.

Zhang Yu and the others attacked and attacked the city all the way, quickly.

On the other side, Guo Jia is also actively responding.

At this time, the enemy army still has 150,000, and Guo Jia has more than 60,000 soldiers and horses. The coalition is still the absolute advantage.

Chen Wen led the people to the front line and immediately launched an attack. This time he personally supervised the battle, and it seemed that the effect was a little better.

The morale of the coalition was slightly boosted, and the generals did not dare to be too negligent.

"Where is Zhoucang." In the big account, Guo Jiasheng accounted.

"The end will be here." Zhou Cang heard it and called out.

"Immediately rectify the soldiers and horses and go to the robbery camp tonight." Guo Jia said.

"No." Zhou Cang replied.

Then, Guo Jia issued several military orders.

After several military orders went down, the camp began to get busy.

At the same time, Gao Shun and Ling Cao also received the news.

Chen Wenzheng attacked for a day. Although the effect was not great, the army was in good condition.

Chen Wen was very satisfied, and came with his army, in order to break the two cities in one fell swoop, and thus enter Wu Jun.

At night, the coalition forces withdrew and camped and entered their camp.

They built a large camp ten miles away to facilitate the attack on Zhang Yu and the others.

When the night was high, Guo Jia gave an order, and Zhou Cang quietly walked out with 10,000 horses.

After the two cities at the same time, Gao Shun and Ling Cao also sent troops at the same time.

The trio of people, like three sharp swords, went to the coalition camp at the same time.

After the three armies converged, Ling Cao took over the command.

"I attacked the left side, Gao Shun attacked the right side, Zhou Cang suspends the attack, after they are in chaos, choose weak places, in one fell swoop into the enemy camp." Ling Cao ordered.

More than 30,000 soldiers and horses marched quietly, but the enemy did not arrange enough guards to allow Ling Cao to approach them smoothly.

Within one mile, Ling Cao waved, and the soldiers began to charge.


The soldiers shouted with great momentum.

In the darkness, the shouts of killing were loud, like a thousand horses.

The camp of the coalition forces immediately broke into chaos.

"Enemy attack."


"Kill out with me."

"Ah, the enemy is coming, so many."

The coalition forces will be in chaos because they come from different forces and are very mixed.

Once attacked, they lost their direction and suddenly became confused.

Ling Cao and Gao Shun successfully entered the camp, and then began to fight horizontally.

The enemy does not have a unified command. Some people ran away timidly, and some people faced the battle but were overwhelmed by their own people.

Zhou Cang saw all this and joined the battlefield.

He detoured around the edge and rushed in.

The rear was also in chaos, suddenly the fire blazed into the sky, Ling Cao started killing and setting fire.

"Go, go quickly."

"Quickly, protect me from leaving."


The fire ignited, and the enemy did not want to fight the fire, but wanted to escape.

Especially some who want to make money, how can they bear the loss of their soldiers and horses, they ran away with them first.

The night attack was surprisingly smooth, Ling Cao and the others rushed for a while, with fewer and fewer enemies. Gradually it ran out.

Joined with Gao Shun, leaving Zhou Cang to clean up the enemy, and Ling Cao led people to chase after him.

At night, the soldiers rushed to flee, led by people of different forces and groups.

Without a unified command, it is simply a mob.

They may be able to fight downwind, and once they are suddenly attacked, they immediately lose their squareness.

Zhou Cang cleaned up the remaining enemies, put out the fire, and seized large piles of materials.

Ling Cao and Gao Shun chased them for twenty miles, and then retreated.

"The military expectation is correct, they are mobs, and their morale is low, it is easy to blow up camps." Ling Cao said to Gao Shun when he returned.

"In this battle, the enemy is on the surface, but in fact, the enemy has been hit by the lord to the point where the distance collapses. It's just one battle away." Gao Shun said.

Ling Cao nodded, and the two went to the enemy's camp.

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