The Strongest System To Dominate the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 401: Slaughter Xuzhou first

The news spread further and reached Yuan Shaona. Yuan Shao didn't know how many bottles and jars he had dropped that day. No one in his room dared to approach him.

This time, it was a terrible defeat.

Moreover, it was initiated by his Yuan Shao organization. At the beginning, it was so powerful, and the result was too miserable, leaving him faceless.

Yuan Shao's anger can be imagined.

Not only didn't destroy Zhang Yu, but also let Zhang Yu take the opportunity to grow bigger.

When Cao Cao received the news, he was much calmer, not too surprised.

In fact, a long time ago, he saw that Zhang Yu was bound to win.

The mere comparison of forces is meaningless, Cao Cao sees more than others.

The news of course also reached Xuzhou.

Tao Qian had trouble sleeping and eating, because Xuzhou and Zhang Yu were separated by the Yangtze River.

Now that Zhang Yu has won, his strength has grown again. According to Zhang Yu's habits, he will inevitably retaliate.

"What to do? It's not easy to be stared at you by this great devil." Tao Qian thought.

Tao Qian was afraid, mainly because Zhang Yu's reputation was too great, and he was too close to Kuaiji County.

And Tao Qian is very self-aware, knowing that he can't beat him.

"Yes, look for Mi Zhu. The Mi family has a good relationship with Zhang Yu, maybe you can intercede from it." Tao Qian thought of Mi Zhu and asked Mi Zhu to intercede.

An hour later, Mi Zhu was invited to Tao Qian's study.

"Zizhong, Zhang Yu will inevitably retaliate. I don't want Xuzhou to be bloodied. Can you go to Huiji County to test Zhang Yu's attitude?" Tao Qian said after explaining the situation.

Mi Zhu was slightly despised in his heart, he was also opposed to sending troops at the beginning, but the prefect of Guangling County wanted to send troops, but Tao Qian acquiesced.

Tao Qian thought that he had no clear support at the time and that he could shift the responsibility to the Guangling prefect, but Zhang Yu was a murderous man and would not care so much, so Tao Qian worried that Zhang Yu would take the opportunity to send troops to Xuzhou.

Although Mi Zhu despised in his heart, he did not show it. Instead, he said to Tao Qian: "How dare you not follow me if you have a life, but Zhang Yu will surely break his blood."

Tao Qian was in pain for a while. Yes, they sent Mi Zhu to express their guilty conscience. At this time, Zhang Yu's lion's big opening was smoothly completed.

Tao Qian hesitated, whether or not he should be sent to the door to be slaughtered.

But he didn't hesitate for a long time, because two days later there was news that Zhang Yu wanted to use troops against Xuzhou.

Tao Qian did not doubt, because Xuzhou was indeed Zhang Yu's best target.

The news was indeed released by Zhang Yu. The purpose was to make the other princes obediently submit, so he released the news.

Zhang Yu did plan to use troops against Xuzhou in order to completely control the mouth of the Yangtze River.

All kinds of news are flying all over the sky, and one is more explosive than one.

The princes were stunned, Zhang Yu was trying to blackmail everyone's rhythm.

It seems that this guy is not afraid of anything and dares to do everything.

Yes, Zhang Yu wanted to blackmail them.

It is also to let them know that they are not easy to provoke, and that they must pay a sufficient price.

Zhang Yu was adjusting his soldiers and horses, and there was no way to send troops immediately before the adjustment of the soldiers and horses was completed.

However, various preparations have already begun.

The impact of this war also affected Youzhou.

Liu Yu from Youzhou sent troops to threaten Liaodong. Although he did not attack, he undoubtedly offended Zhang Yu to death.

According to Zhang Yuqiu's must-reported character, he should be attacked.

Zhang Yu has always had deep concerns about Youzhou.

Because the spring is beginning, the nomads in the north are showing signs of invading south.

Although the construction of Shenyang City has been completed, and the soldiers and horses of the various armies are also complete, if there is a big battle, huge losses are inevitable.

But Zhang Yu is not afraid, even if the two fronts go to war, Zhang Yu will not compromise.

In the north, Zhang Yu believed that they could protect themselves.

Ten days after the war, Zhang Yu's soldiers and horses were adjusted.

No one responded to the news he released.

"Having beaten me, I still want to be safe and beautiful. When my family finds it, you will be miserable." Zhang Yu said while holding the Overlord Halberd on the school field and looking at the soldiers and horses after the reorganization.

"Haha, Lord, it should have been this way, let's kill it." Dian Wei said happily.

When there is a battle to fight, Dianwei will boil.

Zhang Yu also knew that a battle must be fought, otherwise these princes would not take him seriously.

"Cross the river in three days and attack Guangling County." Zhang Yu ordered.

Dianwei was happy and went to make arrangements immediately.

At this time a soldier came to report and said: "Report to the lord, don't drive Mi Zhu to visit Xuzhou."

Zhang Yu waved his hand to let the soldier go down, and then handed the Overlord Halberd to the soldier next to him.

He was not surprised at Mi Zhu's arrival.

Zhang Yu personally greeted Mi Zhu, and then greeted him into the city.

"Brother Mi, I haven't seen you for a long time, you come to my Jiangdong, I will do my best as a landlord." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

Mi Zhu smiled bitterly and said, "He came with a mission, Brother Zhang, let's talk about business first."

Mi Zhu also received that Zhang Yu was going to send troops to Xuzhou, so there was no idea to talk to Zhang Yu about entertaining or not.

Zhang Yu didn't shy away either, he said bluntly: "I just came back from the school, and I plan to send troops to Guangling.

Seeing Zhang Yu so directly really fits Zhang Yu's consistent domineering style.

Mi Zhu knew that Zhang Yu was not joking. He stretched his brows and said: "It is possible to resolve this grievance. Of course, our envoy is also willing to pay the price."

Zhang Yu said blankly: "He naturally has to pay the price. We will take it personally if he doesn't want to pay."

Zhang Yu is very tough.

Mi Zhu was also helpless, Zhang Yu dared to do this to anyone.

"Brother Zhang, don't use swords if you can resolve it. This is good for both parties."

Zhang Yu nodded after hearing Mi Zhu's words, making Mi Zhu think that Zhang Yu agreed and was waiting for Zhang Yu to make a price.

Zhang Yu thought for a while and said, "Tao Qian gives out 10 million, so I won't bother him."

Mi Zhu breathed a sigh of relief. He knew about Xuzhou. Xuzhou was richer than many places, and there were few richer places than Xuzhou.

Ten million Mi Zhu can come out, let alone Tao Qian.

However, Zhang Yu went on to say: "Since Guangling has sent troops, I can't fight without fighting. I will only fight Guangling and tell the people of the world that Zhang Yu is not just talking."

Mi Zhu vomited blood, and spent 10 million on feelings just to buy other places to be safe, and Guangling County had to count separately.

Yes, Zhang Yu meant that.

"Brother Zhang, I want to make you willing to pay more..."

Zhang Yu stopped Mi Zhu before he finished speaking.

"Guangling County must fight, you can continue to add money, I will leave after the fight."

Mi Zhu vomits blood, Zhang Yu wants to fight and still asks for money. Not giving money means that the occupation will not go away.

This Zhang Yu is really asking for money, changing the law to ask for money.

Finally Mi Zhu hurriedly came and hurried back.

He couldn't take charge of this matter, so he had to go back and tell Tao Qian.

As for Zhang Yu to send troops soon, it doesn't matter, because no matter how he talks, Zhang Yu will attack Guangling.

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