Mi Zhu was still more alert, and discovered the situation from Zhang Yu's abnormal state.

Mi Zhu has a lot of cooperation with Zhang Yu. It is impossible for him not to pay attention and not study Zhang Yu. He has collected a lot of Zhang Yu's situation, so Mi Zhu does not believe that Zhang Yu cannot attack Huaiyin City.

After Mi Zhu returned, he immediately sent someone to investigate.

But Zhang Yu had taken precautions long ago. He sent a large number of cavalry to wander around and arrest all suspicious characters.

"hurry up."

"Follow up and help the old man and the child."

"Don't mess up, one after another."

On the road, there are migrating crowds everywhere.

The people were panicked and afraid, but faced with the cold weapons, they had to give in.

Fortunately, no killings occurred along the way.

Zhang Yu's soldiers were strictly forbidden to beat and scold the people, let alone kill people at every turn, like other soldiers and horses of the princes.

These people were unwilling to leave, or deliberately delayed, the soldiers used weapons to scare them.

There are old people and children on the road who have difficulties, and these soldiers will go up to help.

In this strange scene, many people didn't think so much, and they were in turmoil. This is their destiny.

In Guangling County, dozens of places are performing this scene at the same time.

In order to migrate these people, Zhang Yu had to transfer troops again, and there were many administrative staff to help.

In five days, Zhang Yu has transferred more than 300,000 people, and there are still a large number of people on the road.

The soldiers drove the people forward, and there were teams that brought in dry food on the road, which ensured that the people had food.

Mi Zhu sent someone to investigate. Nothing came out on the first day, and the news went back the next day, which shocked Mi Zhu.

"This Zhang Yu is terrible. I dare to do everything, how can I always do things that I can't even think of." Mi Zhu was about to collapse, but Zhang Yu did not expect this to be a design.

It didn't break Huaiyin City for five days. It wasn't because they didn't break it, but because they didn't want to break it.

Five days, plus Mi Zhu's receipt of the news, seven days have passed.

In the past seven days, Zhang Yu has been transferring population. If it is discovered later, it is estimated that the population of the entire county has been transferred by Zhang Yu.

Mi Zhu hurried to find Tao Qian.

"Shijun, Shijun, this Zhang Yu, is simply a super robber. If he provokes him, he will always do stunned things." Mi Zhu no longer knows how to describe Zhang Yu.

After Tao Qian knew the situation, his face was also black.

He wanted to use Zhang Yu, but Zhang Yu gave him something like this.

"No, you can't let Zhang Yu stop immediately. The population has been transferred by him. What is the use of that large piece of land I want?" Tao Qian said anxiously.

Tao Qian walked around anxiously, things were not what he had imagined at all.

Before Tao Qian wanted to use Zhang Yu to help him get rid of Zhu Qian, but in the end things developed like this, which was not what he wanted at all.

"Zizhong, go find Zhang Yu right away and tell him to stop." Tao Qian almost roared out.

Tao Qian is a well-known "honest person", but as a prince, there is no honest person.

Mi Zhu went to Zhang Yu again.

Although Mi Zhu had been on the way, it was only two days later that he saw Zhang Yu.

"Zhang Yu, my lord is willing to give out 15 million, as long as you immediately stop all activities and withdraw from Guangling County." Mi Zhu said when he saw Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu smiled and said: "Send the beggar, thirty million, don't bargain, it wouldn't be the case if you didn't bargain last time."

Seeing Zhang Yu smiling and looking innocent, Mi Zhu cursed in his heart.

Do you have fifteen million big money to send you a beg.

But Mi Zhu also knew that Zhang Yu seemed to be really offended this time, and there was no good result if he continued to struggle.

Mi Zhu could only leave in a hurry and return to his life.

In the meantime, Zhang Yu naturally continued to transfer the people.

Population is an important strategic resource, and these princes also understand now, that's why Tao Qian is so angry and anxious.

Zhang Yu's transfer of population is not fast. The first few days will be fast because of the short distance.

Later, Zhang Yu had to provide tents along the road and food and so on. Some people were sick and the elderly and children had to take care of them. The speed of the long-distance march was very slow.

If the population is violently transferred, the speed will be accelerated blindly, and there will be no idea how many people will die on the road.

Zhang Yu wouldn't do that. He is a modern soul. How could he tolerate himself killing so many people.

But once Mi Zhu came back and forth, Zhang Yu also transferred hundreds of thousands of people.

After returning to tell Tao Qian, Tao Qian was furious.

"Too much deception, Zhang Yu deceives too much." Tao Qian became furious.

Zhang Yu regards Tao Qian as a triumphant son, and kills him as he pleases.

As a prince on one side, or a powerful prince on the other side, how could he tolerate it.

"If you still want money, I will raise 100,000 soldiers immediately and drive Zhang Yu out so that he can't get a penny." Tao Qian did not compromise this time and decided to send troops to attack Zhang Yu.

Tao Qian was confident, with sufficient troops, and could completely deal with Zhang Yu.

Before, I just wanted to use Zhang Yu, but Zhang Yu didn't cooperate, and even bite himself ~www.readwn.com~ Tao Qian couldn't tolerate it immediately.

He decided to send troops, but Mi Zhu did not persuade him.

Zhang Yu demanded thirty million at once, and Tao Qian naturally couldn't tolerate it.

Zhang Yu also received the news soon.

"More than half a million people have been transferred, and it is more profitable than anything, but Tao Qian, you don't know how to praise, don't blame me for trouble." After receiving the information, Zhang Yu was not nervous at all.

He immediately gave an order and said: "Immediately stop the transfer of people, give enough food to those on the road, and let them go back. Our soldiers and horses will immediately retreat to the Yangtze River."

"Order the city on the Yangtze River to be ready for battle and be available to support at any time."

Zhang Yu finally said: "Evil comes, and we will leave two days later. This Huaiyin won't fight anymore, leaving Tao Qian to get a headache."

Tao Qian's army came over. If Zhang Yu and the others dispersed their forces to transfer the population, they would be easily defeated by each, so Zhang Yu could only stop.

In addition, Zhu Qian has already had a bad relationship with Tao Qian, but it shows that Zhu Qian has not made any mistakes. Tao Qian wants to move him directly, but the two sides have already had a bad relationship. How Tao Qian should deal with Zhu Qian is definitely a problem.

Tao Qian was angry and thrived, and a hundred thousand army set off in the starry night.

In fact, he had prepared the army of 100,000 a long time ago and only waited for Zhang Yu to leave, but Zhang Yu gave Tao Qian something like this, which completely disrupted his plan.

Originally wanted to talk to Zhang Yushan, let him help himself get rid of Zhu Qian, and then give him some money to settle the previous things, but now it is impossible to settle.

Although Tao Qian is an "honest person", he cannot be bullied casually.

A hundred thousand army came to Zhang Yu, Zhang Yu did not rush, and the day before they approached, Zhang Yu left Huaiyin City with soldiers and horses, and then disappeared.

Yes, Zhang Yu disappeared, some people said he evacuated, some said he went elsewhere.

Xuzhou did not receive specific information.

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