In the end, these walls not only blocked the Wuhuan people for three days, but blocked them for four full days.

And they consumed hundreds of thousands of arrows in these four days.

Many of these arrows were recovered by Zhang Yu and the others, so Zhang Yu and the others not only did not lose their arrows, but they also made some.

The army of 250,000 consumes huge amounts of grain and grass, especially horse feed.

Why did they dare to go south after the beginning of spring?

Because a lot of horses have nothing to eat.

Hundreds of thousands of people were consuming. Although there were only four days, Qiu Liju felt a little unable to support it.

For the sake of safety, they brought a month's worth of food and grass.

One month's food and grass have been consumed here for almost ten days.

Qiu Li was stuck in a ditch, but not many people died. The total number of people died was less than two thousand.

For the army of more than 200,000 people, the death of more than 2,000 people has no effect at all.

But the consumption of food and grass made Qiu Li flustered.

As he sent someone back to deliver grain and grass again, he wondered how to break through the predicament in front of him.

Qiu Liju must break the city in front of him and rob him.

If they can't plunder enough food, their unifying tribe may collapse.

"This king decided to send a team to Liaoxi and other counties to find food and grass, and the army will continue to attack Shenyang City." Qiu Liju's opponents said several generals and tribal leaders.

No one objected, and this is the best way at present.

At this time, all counties in Youzhou knew that the Wuhuan people had come.

Gongsun Zan quickly withdrew his troops and returned to defense, instead of continuing to fight Yuan Shao, at the same time he launched a public opinion attack on Yuan Shao, preventing him from attacking himself.

Yuan Shao did take care of it. At this time, if you beat Gongsun Zan to help the Wuhuan people, you would lose a lot of people's hearts.

And Liu Yu also had to actively defend, and at the same time sent people to make peace.

Youzhou temporarily stopped fighting and began to prepare to deal with the Wuhuan people.

Zhang Yu couldn't control other places. Qiu Liju divided his troops to looting other places. He could only hope that they were better.

Wuhuan continued to attack Shenyang City, and Zhang Yu and the others were watching from above the city.

"It's time to fight them." Wuhuan filled the trench, and Zhang Yu began to arrange it.

"Han Sheng, Zilong, Ziyi, you three each bring 10,000 horses, relying on the low wall outside the city, to give the Wuhuan people a blow, the evil Lai leads the troops behind, and the camera makes a surprise attack." Zhang Yu ordered.

Zhang Yu had to build these walls for no reason.

These walls are arranged in a scattered pattern, and Wuhuan's enemies will not be able to rush through, and they will be blocked by these walls.

Moreover, there are many gaps of varying sizes between these walls, which seem to be arranged in a mess, but if the Wuhuan people dare to enter, it is equivalent to a small maze, dividing them.

Once they are divided, they lose the characteristics of cavalry. After entering, they have to turn. The formation between turns is scattered and the speed drops. This is the real killer.

Several generals brought people out of the city and lay in wait outside the city.

This time Zhang Yu didn't take the shot personally. He was still observing the enemy's situation from the city. He must grasp the overall situation and make the most correct judgment.


Early the next morning after filling the trenches, the Wuhuan began to attack.

Tens of thousands of Wuhuan began to charge, rushing towards the wall outside the city.

These walls are lying across there. It's not that the Wuhuan people didn't see them, but they thought that this kind of crooked and slanted wall collapsed after a hit.

The Wuhuan people howled and rushed up with their sabers.

Zhang Yu could see clearly from the top of the city.

"Stupid, I actually hit the wall. These walls are especially reinforced, and there are a few pillars on the back to support them." Zhang Yu said from the top of the city.

It can be seen that Wuhuan's collision was absolutely bloody, and it was very miserable.

The Wuhuan people suffered a big loss, and the loss was not small.

Failing to knock down these walls, the Wuhuan people dispersed and entered through the gap between the walls, preparing to kill the soldiers here.

The Wuhuan people dispersed, and scattered walls scattered them layer by layer.

At this time, several generals began to fight, and they hid behind the wall.


The spear pierced from the side and knocked down the enemies one by one and killed them.

There are many enemies, but after being dispersed layer by layer, it becomes very loose.

Zhao Yun and others began to kill them with people.

At this time, the Wuhuan’s war horses became a burden, they were not flexible in turning, and could not detect enemies coming from other directions in time.

For a time, many Wuhuan cavalry were killed inexplicably.

It was originally a group battle, but it was scattered by these walls and turned into dozens of individual battles, completely devoid of military advantage.

The generals behind Wuhuan could not see clearly what was going on inside. They could only see their own soldiers and horses continuously smashing in. As for the result, there was no way to see clearly.

A **** battle begins on every inch of the land, and the enemy will have to pay a huge price to move forward.

The three generals led people to kill each, and no matter how many enemies they came in, they would spread out.

The Wuhuan people don't know how to cooperate, but Zhang Yu and their soldiers have undergone modern training and are very skilled in cooperation.

Although Wuhuan's individual strength is stronger than theirs, dozens of them are fighting against each other at this time, and cooperation is very important.

The Wuhuan people who didn't know how to cooperate suddenly suffered a big rushed in and were easily killed.

"These walls can pit up 20,000 Wuhuan troops, which is also worth it." Zhang Yu on the top of the city saw it very clearly. The enemy had no military advantage at all, and the target was big immediately, and he was completely defeated.

The Wuhuan people outside looked very excited, because they saw their soldiers "advancing layer by layer", and the results were fruitful.

As everyone knows, these soldiers entered and became Zhang Yu's victory.


Several generals and soldiers rushed to kill, defeating waves of enemies.

Dian Wei from behind looked hot, Wuhuan was unprepared and was completely beaten up and didn't need his support.

Dian Wei became a theatergoer, but also watched with gusto.

After fighting for a long time, many Wuhuan soldiers were wrong. The soldiers fought less and were scattered. They didn't know the situation in other places.

The army lost contact and was divided and annihilated.

"There is weirdness here. Get out, notify other troops, and get out."

The Wuhuan people began to retreat.

"Kill, don't let them withdraw easily." Huang Zhong shouted, so that the invisible soldiers around could also hear it.

Liaodong's army stuck to it and kept killing Wuhuan's soldiers.

It was not easy, and the Wuhuan people withdrew.

Tens of thousands of Wuhuan people went in, and when they came out, they were less than a half.

Zhang Yu saw the truth from the above, and roughly estimated that how could he pit the enemy's 20,000 troops.

"What's going on?" Qiu Liju personally supervised the battle. At this time, seeing his army withdraw, he suddenly felt strange.

After the retreating soldiers converged, Qiu Liju and others knew what was going on.

"Cunning Han people, I will chop them all off and put their heads up as scenery." Qiu Li cursed with anger.

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