Zhang Yu's appetite is not a question of money, but a direct request for a site. What he wants is not a small site, but a county when he opens his mouth.

Liaoxi County, next to Liaodong County, has developed better than Liaodong County before.

It is also a relatively well-developed county now.

And Zhang Yu directly wanted the site of a county.

At this time Liaoxi was an important county under Gongsun Zan's control.

"General Zhang, you can do nothing. I will tell my lord that I will give you 10 million yuan first, and then I will give you 10 million yuan later. What do you think?" Gongsun Fan said.

Zhang Yu shook his head and said: "I said, I am not short of money, and someone has just sent me a large sum of money."

Gongsunfan's face changed slightly, and Zhang Yu must be Liu Yu's messenger.

Before, Gongsun Fan had guessed that Liu Yu was here for help, and that was the case.

"General Zhang, even if you intervene, you may not be able to change the situation, and in the end you may lose out. You don't have to do anything. As long as you don't help each other, you can get a lot of benefits. Why not do it?" Gongsun Fan is neither overbearing nor overbearing. , Half threatening, half persuading.

"Haha, I'm not even afraid of Wuhuan and the Xiongnu in Liaodong, and Zhang Yu is afraid of whom. If you can't come up with a price that makes my heart beat, I don't need to talk about it. "Yes." Zhang Yu laughed.

Gongsunfan's mouth twitched, did he use 20 million big money to send beggars?

You know, it takes a long time for them to collect the 20 million yuan for Zhang Yu, but when they get to Zhang Yu, they are not satisfied at all.

Gongsun Fan wanted to threaten Zhang Yu, but Zhang Yu was very direct and threatened.

If you don't give it, hit it so that they won't even get it in other counties.

Gongsunfan was very embarrassed.

Before coming, both Gongsun Zan and Gongsun Fan had carefully studied Zhang Yu's character, but Zhang Yu loved money, so long as he gave enough benefits, he would not interfere. As a result, Zhang Yu had such a big appetite and directly asked a county to pay him.

Gongsun Zan was completely sure to kill Liu Yu.

Zhang Yu wanted to get a share of the pie at this time, so he was naturally very reluctant.

It’s just that Zhang Yu sent troops to threaten Liu Yu, and Gongsun Zan was afraid of two situations. One was that Liu Yu compromised and asked Zhang Yu for help. The other was that the two sides negotiated. Zhang Yu took the opportunity to invade Liu Yu’s territory, and then Gongsun Zan would rob Zhang Yu of You. State.

And Gongsun Zan knew that Zhang Yu was not a short-sighted person, so he would definitely look for opportunities to grab the site.

Zhang Yu also really wants to grab the site, and who doesn't want the site.

However, if it could be obtained in another way, Zhang Yu would not fight Liu Yu desperately.

It's really nothing to fight Liu Yu, Zhang Yu completely fights.

However, in history, Gongsun Zan was quickly defeated, one of the main reasons was that he killed Liu Yu, which caused him to quickly lose popular support in Youzhou, so he was quickly defeated.

Zhang Yu knows this history, so he will not directly attack Liu Yu and grab Liu Yu's territory.

The two sides were deadlocked, and Gongsun Fan could not accept it at all.

But if you don't accept it, huge obstacles will surely arise.

After a stalemate for a while, Zhang Yu first said: "Liaoxi County, I can pay for it. I can use it for military materials worth 20 million yuan. War horses, weapons and armor can be used."

Gongsun Fan was taken aback, but Zhang Yu was willing to pay for it.

What Gongsun Zan is most afraid of is Zhang Yu being involved. Now that Zhang Yu looks like he is unwilling to be involved, but he is still stubborn to take the place.

Zhang Yu was willing to spend 20 million to buy Liaoxi County, and Gongsun Fan knew that it was useless to spend more money on things.

"General Zhang, give me five days, and answer you in five days."

Gongsun Fan really couldn't call the shots, and he knew he couldn't subdue Zhang Yu, so he could only let Gongsun Zan pay attention.

Zhang Yu asked with one hand to let him go out.

Gongsunfan's arrival was completely unexpected.

Zhang Yu immediately realized the benefits, so he immediately asked for the site.

And Zhang Yu is sure to go to the site.

If you don't give it to yourself, you will immediately send troops to threaten Gongsun Zan.

Zhang Yu would not directly do it against Liu Yu, but he was not afraid of doing Zhang Yu against Gongsun Zan.

"Lord, Liu Yu's messenger wants to see you." Dian Wei came in and said to Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu laughed, very happy.

"Haha, now someone has paid for the money to buy West Liaoning." Zhang Yu didn't expect that Liu Yu's messenger hadn't left yet, wasn't this sent to the door to be slaughtered again?

"Please, invite our rich man in." Zhang Yu said jokingly.

After a while, the soldiers invited Liu Yu's messenger in.

"General Zhang, I don't know what Gongsun Fan is doing? The matter you said before has been revealed, but it still counts." The messenger said.

"Count, count, 15 million, I will never mention Liu Yu dealing with me before." Zhang Yu said.

Zhang Yu agreed so readily, but Liu Yu's messenger was not at ease at all.

"Then General Zhang, that is, you will not use troops against our lord in the future?" the messenger asked.

This matter is too serious, he dare not have any loopholes to let Zhang Yuzuan.

"Have I promised you this way?" Zhang Yu asked back?

"You?" The messenger was anxious, and Zhang Yu had to pay Liu Yu even after he received the money~www.readwn.com~ Then why did he pay the money?

"General Zhang, how can you agree to never use soldiers against our lord?" said the envoy Liu Yu.

"Of course the bid is higher than the opponent." Zhang Yu said with eyes open when he saw the money.

"How much does the other party pay?" the envoy Liu Yu asked.

"Thirty million, I will directly send your offer to Gongsun Fan, and they will double it directly," Zhang Yu said.

"Impossible? Thirty million, absolutely not promised." Liu Yu's messenger said with a shock.

Directly doubled, this is too costly.

"You are wrong, not 30 million, but the other party bid 30 million." Zhang Yu corrected.

Liu Yu's messenger took a few breaths before calming down.

Now it is very difficult for Liu Yu to deal with Gongsun Zan's family. If Zhang Yu is added, the situation is even more difficult.

Liu Yu absolutely cannot deal with two at the same time.

"Give you 40 million, you help my lord to destroy Gongsun Zan." The messenger said.

"Go away, treat me as a fool. Gongsun Zan's condition is 30 million. If you don't help each other, he is fully capable of defeating you." Zhang Yu cursed directly.

This Liu Yu's messenger was also whimsical and wanted to deal with Gongsun Zan.

Gongsun Zan's military strength is not weak, and Liu Yu can defeat him, but his own loss is definitely not small. When Liu Yu defeats Gongsun Zan, how can Zhang Yu use troops against Liu Yu.

It was because Liu Yu occupied the righteousness that Zhang Yu would not use soldiers against him. Otherwise, if Liu Yu was so weak, Zhang Yu would directly kill Liu Yu by himself. Wouldn't it be more profitable?

"Okay, 35 million, you don't help each other." Finally, Liu Yu's messenger said helplessly.

Zhang Yu said: "Thirty-five million people, plus 200,000 people. Anyway, you have so many refugees now, so I kindly helped you to collect them."

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