Zhang Yu and the others went out of the city, and a fire broke out in the city.

However, Zhang Yu was naturally well-measured and did not harm ordinary people.

The fire did not burn anyone to death, but the impact was very large.

Because this fire burned the prefecture and animal husbandry.

The State Shepherd House in a state is like the capital of a country.

Zhang Yu stopped after they left the city.

Then Zhang Yu made people come forward and shout.

"Our lord has said that burning the prefecture and animal husbandry mansion can only be regarded as interest. Tao Qian has no faith. When our lord returns, he will raise the army to fight against Tao Qian, and then share Xuzhou with Cao Cao." The soldier shouted.

After the soldiers were finished, Zhang Yu took the soldiers and horses and left.

Someone in the city naturally informed Tao Qian of this news.

But Tao Qian had already cried and fainted, and was resting in another courtyard in the city at this time.

Liu Bei also had a gloomy expression. Zhang Yu had already told him to burn the prefecture, and he started to be Zhang Yu only to cover people's eyes.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Yu really led the troops to burn the prefecture.

Zhang Yu went back, this time was not long, but also more than three months.

He came with 30,000 soldiers and horses when he went south, and returned with nearly 50,000 soldiers and horses when he returned.

The most important thing is to train soldiers, to train a new recruit into a good soldier who has gone through several battles.

And Zhang Yu also made a lot of money.

Zhang Yu also made a lot of the previous military expenditures plus the 10 million yuan he helped condemn Cao Cao.

After returning with a full load, Tao Qian still owes him a lot of money.

On the way back, Zhang Yu sent people to promote it and listed the bill.

He threatened that Tao Qian had no faith and would not give money, and then threatened Tao Qian again, and wanted to invite Cao Cao to attack Xuzhou and divide Xuzhou equally.

The changes in Xuzhou can be said to have shocked the world.

Cao Cao sighed again and again, just so close that he could break Xuzhou himself. In the end, because of insufficient food and Zhang Yu, Cao Cao could not break Xuzhou.

Cao Cao assessed that if they join forces with Zhang Yu, the two can easily destroy Xuzhou.

Cao Cao called Cheng Yu and other counselors, and then asked, "How likely is it to join forces with Zhang Yu to destroy Xuzhou?"

Cheng Yu silently calculated and said: "Zhang Yu has always been unprofitable and can't afford it early. He will definitely do what is beneficial. But last time it was obvious that if the two sides cooperated, we could win Xuzhou, but Zhang Yu refused to cooperate with us. "

Cheng Yu stroked his beard, and then continued: "It can be seen that Zhang Yu is rational. He still can't eat Xuzhou, so he won't cooperate with us. He threatened to cooperate with us to win Xuzhou, just to use us. "

Cheng Yu's analysis dispelled Cao Cao's idea of ​​cooperating with Zhang Yu.

Obviously Zhang Yu just used Cao Cao to intimidate Tao Qian.

But Cao Cao couldn't say clearly that he couldn't claim that he would not attack Xuzhou.

Cao Cao had long regarded Xuzhou as his own territory, otherwise he would not attack Xuzhou forcibly when there was insufficient food and grass.

Tao Qian was angry and anxious when he received the news from Zhang Yu.

Tao Qian reluctantly supported his weak body, and then called his staff.

"Xuzhou is in distress, Zhang Yu threatened to destroy me Xuzhou, what good do you have to do?" Tao Qian said.

Everyone was silent for a while, this matter is not easy to handle.

Everyone really didn't dare to say more, they were afraid of offending Zhang Yu.

Offending Zhang Yu has nothing to do, maybe the next time he attacks Xuzhou, he will be liquidated by them.

At the beginning, several family children clashed with his soldiers, and they were finally killed by Zhang Yu. Some family members became scared and asked Zhang Yu privately to apologize.

Everyone was silent, but Mi Zhu stood up and said, "Master, Zhang Yu's subordinates know best. As long as he is given enough benefits, that is, the amount owed to him, he will definitely not do anything to Xuzhou."

Mi Zhu hesitated for a while and said: "The subordinates are willing to go to Yangzhou to persuade Zhang Yu in person. Although the subordinates and Zhang Yu are related by marriage, they will never betray Xuzhou's interests."

Tao Qian didn't express his attitude. He looked at everyone, and everyone was silent.

"Oh, it's just my current situation in Xuzhou, and I owe Zhang Yu a lot. What kind of money should I give him?" Tao Qian said with a sigh.

Mi Zhu stood up again and said: "Master Zhou Mu, there will always be something Cocoa will have, and you can discuss with Zhang Yu to use other methods to pay. His subordinates are willing to invest three million yuan from other families, and first stabilize Zhang Yu. Yup."

"Okay, you will go to Yangzhou and discuss it with Zhang Yu."

Tao Qian had no choice but to negotiate with Zhang Yu, even without a bargaining chip.

Mi Zhu said again: "Master Zhou Mu, if you don't have enough sincerity on your mission to Yangzhou, you will annoy Zhang Yu instead. He also asked Master Zhou Mu to authorize him. What conditions can be promised."

Speaking of this, Tao Qian is a while again.

After discussing for a while, Tao Qian had to promise to raise 30 million yuan to Zhang Yu within a month, and replace the rest with other methods.

In this way, Mi Zhu was ordered to negotiate.

When Zhang Yu returned to Yangzhou, he did not return to Kuaiji County, but stationed in Jiangdu on the north bank of the Yangtze River.

Moreover, Zhang Yu also deployed another 50,000 soldiers and horses here, threatening Tao Qian with one hundred thousand soldiers and horses.

Whether it's a play or a real fight, always show up.

The various news that Zhang Yu had released before was indeed a threat to Tao Qian.

Zhang Yu understood that Xuzhou had been targeted by Cao Cao a long time ago. Once he won Xuzhou, the battle line was very long and could not be held at all, so Zhang Yu didn't want Xuzhou at the beginning.

However, if Tao Qian did not submit, Zhang Yu would definitely attack, but he would not destroy Xuzhou, but would strike the next two counties.

It is impossible to estimate how much a county is worth.

However, Zhang Yu was not in a hurry. Although the troops were stationed in Jiangdu, Zhang Yu was still mainly training troops.

Zhang Yu asked Dianwei and Gao Shun to train in Jiangdu, but he went back to find his wife.

Several wives are separated for a long time.

Every time Zhang Yu went out for a year and a half.

Zhang Zhao did a good job and developed the entire Jiangdong very well.

At this time, the Jiangdong area was very prosperous.

The Jiangdong area, later generations, is the most prosperous place.

In ancient times, although the geographical conditions were superior, the population was sparse.

Nowadays, the population is very large, so the development is very fast.

It is no exaggeration to say ~www.readwn.com~ The Jiangdong area at this time is definitely the most economically active place on the planet.

On the Yangtze River, merchant ships travel frequently.

In particular, Zhang Yu did not pursue the ranks of scholars, agriculture, and industry, but all were equal.

Rich businessmen do whatever they like as long as they don't break the law.

However, Zhang Yu also stipulated how much land a family can only own.

Land can never be merged.

Ancient China is a history of land annexation.

In the late dynasty, land annexation was serious and the people could not survive, so the dynasty fell.

For example, in the late Ming Dynasty, the land of a prince was as big as a province, which shows how serious land mergers are.

And Zhang Yu just wanted to avoid such things. The strongest system to dominate the Three Kingdoms

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