Zhang Yu gave Mi Zhu too many surprises.

When he saw the busy port, he knew what extent the Jiangdong would develop in the future.

In addition, Zhang Yu also took him to the shipyard.

There are tens of thousands of workers in a shipyard working in different areas, which shocked Mi Zhu.

A large ship is being built on the slipway, and more than a dozen large ships are being built at the same time.

"Brother Zhang, how much does it cost?" Mi Zhu was shocked not by how big the ship was, but how much money it would cost.

"It costs millions of dollars to build a ship, but tens of millions of dollars to build a dozen ships."

Zhang Yu said it lightly, but Mi Zhu was dumbfounded.

I don't know, Zhang Yu actually spent more than a billion dollars on the ship.

This is more than Mi Zhu's total net worth.

How could this make Mi Zhu not shocked.

Mi Zhu thought, what would happen if the money was used to develop the army?

Zhang Yu's military might be too big to be scary.

The army must have its own law of development, and a large number alone is useless.

Sufficient backbones must be trained for such an army to have combat effectiveness.

Mi Zhu was completely convinced and decided to follow Zhang Yu.

After reading this, Zhang Yu took Mi Zhu to some workshops.

Mi Zhu was shocked again when he saw Zhang Yu's assembly line for processing military equipment.

Mi Zhu has no idea how many times he has been shocked.

Only then did he discover that Zhang Yu's strength completely exceeded everyone's imagination.

After shopping around, many of Mi Zhu's ideas have been subverted.

When Mi Zhu came back, he asked a question.

"Brother Zhang, you have such strength. Wouldn't it be better if you help your Majesty unify the world." Mi Zhu said. .

Helping Liu Xie to unify the world is only a cryptic statement. Everyone knows that all the princes want to stand on their own feet, and Zhang Yu is no exception.

"There is still a shortage of basic talents and administrative talents. The backbone of the army is also insufficient. Blindly internal friction will not develop faster. I have a vast space. I only need to slowly eat away. In the future, no one can match." Zhang Yu said a vague but ambitious strategy that can be achieved.

Mi Zhu was dumb, Zhang Yu's approach was right.

If you try your best to expand your army to fight for the Central Plains, you will only get more land, and Zhang Yu will lack land most.

Therefore, gradually solidify the foundation, no one can match in the future.

By the time they went back, it was already a few days later, Yangzhou was not very far from Xuzhou, and Kuaima could go back and forth soon.

At this time Tao Qian's letter has arrived.

Tao Qian agreed to Zhang Yu's request.

In Tao Qian's view, tens of millions of money can be waived, which is a very cost-effective thing.

"Haha, Tao Qian's thinking is too simple."

How could Zhang Yu suffer? Many of his industrial products can quickly occupy Xuzhou and turn Xuzhou into his own market.

He had prepared Zhang Zhao before, and he expected Tao Qian to agree.

Tao Qian also thought that with Liu Bei, he could develop the military, and when he became stronger, he was overthrowing everything.

But Tao Qian didn't have that time, he almost died.

Even if he is alive, Xuzhou is destined to fail to develop.

Not to mention Cao Cao, Yuan Shu also killed him not long ago, occupying Huainan and part of Yangzhou.

With these, Zhang Yu and Yuan Shu became neighbors.

Xuzhou is simply surrounded by several great princes, waiting to be divided up at any time.

And Zhang Yu's first move was to sell salt on a large scale.

Zhang Yu's selling salt is not a small amount.

He is now hoarding a large amount of salt. Once it is sold, it will definitely scare people and even defeat all the salt merchants in Xuzhou.

After Tao Qian agreed, Zhang Yu began to formulate the contract.

The contract was simple. Zhang Yu organized several firms to do business in Xuzhou, and Xuzhou must protect the fairness of these firms.

The so-called fairness means that the government shall not interfere. Of course, Tao Qian also stipulates some things that cannot be done.

However, Zhang Yu usually does not pay taxes. He pays Xuzhou a fixed amount of taxes each month. The profits and losses during the period are counted as his own, and he signs a ten-year contract.

After signing the contract, Zhang Yu began to execute it.

At this time, Mi Zhu has not yet returned to Xuzhou.

"Brother Zhang, what are you doing? Are you crazy to transport such a large amount of table salt?" Mi Zhu came to Zhang Yu when he saw Zhang Yu order a large amount of table salt to Xuzhou.

"It's not crazy, Xuzhou is so big and the population is so large. It is estimated that these salt can only be used for the entire Xuzhou for a few days." Zhang Yu said calmly.

Mi Zhu felt that Zhang Yu was crazy. In a state, tens of millions of people have used it for several days. What a huge amount this is.

But Zhang Yu was very calm.

Zhang Yu said: "From now on, Xuzhou only needs a salt merchant."

Yes, Zhang Yu used massive amounts of high-quality salt to attack Xuzhou, and all of the salt merchants in Xuzhou were swept away.

Zhang Yu's table salt has no impurities and is of high quality. Cai Tao quickly controlled the market in Xuzhou through the salt provided by Zhang Yu and defeated all salt merchants in Xuzhou.

This time Zhang Yu made a low-price sale.

The quality is good and the price is low. Under such an impact, it is strange that the local salt merchants in Xuzhou are not broken.

Zhang Yu and the others were drying salt on the beach all year round, and they stocked a lot of table salt. They couldn't digest it by themselves, so they sold it to other places.

In order to save some money, Tao Qian probably lost even more.

However, it will take some time before the salt merchants in Xuzhou are completely destroyed, and Zhang Yu has to discuss other matters with Mi Zhu at this time.

Zhang Yu took out a few gold and silver coins, and handed them to Mi Zhu, "How do you think about these gold and silver coins?"

Mi Zhu took the gold and silver coins in Zhang Yu's hand and watched them carefully.

"Exquisitely crafted, several gold coins are almost the same as silver coins, and they have a high collection value." Mi Zhu commented.

Zhang Yu did not speak, but shook his head.

Mi Zhu was puzzled~www.readwn.com~ asked: "Brother Zhang, these gold coins and silver coins are indeed very good. I weighed and weighed them. The weights are very large, and the colors are almost the same. It is not easy to be able to cast such coins, and the lines are Obviously, the design is exquisite and it does have a high collection value."

"Perhaps hundreds or even thousands of years later, it will have a high collection value, but currently there is not much collection value, only use value." Zhang Yu said.

If these gold and silver coins can be put in the 21st century, it is indeed possible to sell at sky-high prices, but it is currently impossible to have much collection value.

Mi Zhu looked puzzled, but Zhang Yu said: "At present, there are hundreds of thousands of gold coins of this kind and millions of silver coins. How much collection value do you think they have."

Mi Zhu's mouth grew wide. He thought it was made by a craftsman, but Zhang Yu told him that he still had more of these coins.

However, Mi Zhu reacted quickly and stammered: "Brother Zhang, is this going to be used as a coin?"

You must know that gold and silver are also valuables in this era, but they are all calculated on the basis of jinliang. This is the first time that they have been cast into coins. The strongest system to dominate the Three Kingdoms

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