The Strongest System To Dominate the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 485: Threats on the prairie

After Zhang Yu returned, he asked them to protect the mountain and not to cut trees. At the same time, he asked them to repair the road while protecting the hot spring.

Zhang Yu also asked them to pave the bottom of the hot spring with stones and make some smooth pebbles.

Also, Zhang Yu asked them to build some pavilions on the mountain, but not too big, too luxurious.

Xiang Xin and Wan'er found out, so they came to Zhang Yu.

"Husband, how can you waste it like this? We won't come often." Xiang Xin said.

"Haha, come here often from now on. Even if we don’t go there, we can let others go, but there must be a place for our exclusive use. It doesn’t cost much. My husband, I’m sitting on a thousand miles away, don’t even enjoy this little bit of enjoyment? Can you have it?" Zhang Yu said.

Xiang Xin nodded when he heard it. Zhang Yu usually advocates thrift and is not extravagant, but he is very good to his wife, and he must give his wife the best of everything, which also moved them.

Xiang Xin suddenly felt that Zhang Yu was really tired when he was fighting abroad all year round, and it was normal to be ridiculous occasionally.

Zhang Yu accompanied Xiang Xin and Wan'er for a few days, and Lin Qi came to report that Zhao Hai had docked in Taiwan with a fleet of ships.

Zhang Yu hurried over immediately.

Zhao Hai and the others went to Southeast Asia, and they came back early this time.

Zhang Yu saw Zhao Hai and the others at the port, and they wanted to rest and supply them here.

As usual, they will stop here for two days.

Zhang Yu ran into Zhao Hai on the road.

"Farewell to the lord." Zhao Hai saw Zhang Yu step forward excitedly to meet him.

"Zhao Hai, please, you have worked hard, what can you gain this time?" Zhang Yu said.

Zhao Hai said with a bleak expression: "This time I went out, hit the waves, overturned a big boat, and lost a lot of people. We came back, but when we came back, we brought back a lot of copper and silver mines that were mined on the island. These are urgently needed by the lord, so he brought a few big ships full of them."

Zhang Yu was also very sad to hear that the ship capsized, all he could do was to give a high amount of compensation. But to dominate the world, a price must be paid.

Zhao Hai took Zhang Yu to take a look, and it was true that several large ships were slowly carrying a large amount of ore.

Unfortunately, no gold mine has been discovered yet.

However, Zhang Yu believes that there are a lot of resources overseas, and with his own development, there will be a lot of resources that can be used for development in the future.

"Zhao Hai, you have done a great job again. The ore of these big ships can produce tens of millions of copper coins." Zhang Yu said.

It costs tens of millions every time, and of course the cost is not small.

Add the cost of mining and the cost of forging.

But in the end there was still some profit, especially now that the population is soaring, a large amount of copper coins are urgently needed to develop the economy.

Zhao Hai is modest and dare not even claim it.

Zhang Yu thought that they must be very tired when they wandered on the sea for a long time, so he took them to the hot springs to relieve fatigue.

There are many natural hot springs on the mountain. Except for Zhang Yu's scheduled place, Zhang Yu wants these crew members to go to the bubble.

This time Zhao Hai brought back a lot of silver mines, which could increase Zhang Yu's financial income a lot, otherwise the huge overseas plan would not be able to sustain it at all.

Two days later, Zhao Hai went back first. This time Zhang Yu asked them to rest for a few months before going out to sea.

Zhang Yu stayed in Taiwan for more than half a month and went to many places, but Zhang Yu took the two girls to the hot spring twice.

Zhang Yu in hot springs is naturally not just a hot spring, for the two women exhausted all kinds of positions.

Zhang Yu spent a total of about 20 days in Taiwan. Although he didn't go to many places, he knew Taiwan thoroughly.

He helped Lynch formulate many development strategies, and he also knew what Taiwan needs.

Taiwan is an important forward base, and two ports must be built.

To this end, Zhang Yu intends to immigrate to two more ports with 100,000 each and establish two port cities in the north and south of Taiwan.

Zhang Yu went back, but this time he went ashore in Quanzhou, Fujian, which is closer to Taiwan, which only takes more than a day.

Zhang Yu will also inspect the development situation in Fujian.

In the Fujian region, that is, the southern part of Huiji County, Zhang Yu has also been put into development very early.

All the way to the north, Zhang Yu made a careful inspection. Except for a few key cities, there are still only 10,000 or 20,000 people in many places. Although it is called a county, it is similar to a small town.

The south is underpopulated and the level of development is too low.

But there is no way, you can only take it slowly.

Zhang Yu returned to Kuaiji County after leaving for almost two months.

When Zhang Yu returned, he received a lot of news.

"My lord, there is news from the north that Yufro defeated the Northern Huns, beheaded more than 200,000 of their troops, and surrendered more than 800,000 tribes of the Northern Huns. Their strength has greatly increased and they are far stronger than the Northern Huns." Zhang After Yu arrived, he received an urgent message from the intelligence department.

There was Guo Jia's suggestion in the news. He had already proposed that the northern side should reduce its support for the Southern Huns, and suggested that Zhang Yu should sever the support of the Southern Huns, so that they would not be able to unify the Huns in the short term.

Zhang Yu knew that the grassland people were so powerful that they really couldn't be unified, otherwise they would be too aggressive.

Zhang Yu immediately ordered that on the one hand, Youzhou actively prepared for war, and then cut off the supply of grassland ironware, but continued to sell them food, salt, tea, and immortal brewing.

In addition to the limited supply of food and salt, which cannot allow them to have reserves, the tea and fairy brew should be given as much as possible. Of course, they have to pay.

Without giving them food and salt, it is estimated that hundreds of thousands of troops will be invaded southward with Yuvromoma, but with food, they may not necessarily take risks.

Zhang Yu felt that time was pressing, and the northern grassland peoples became stronger and stronger.

This is the first-class news. Just a few days after it was sent, Zhang Yu was about to step up to send it to Zhang Yu, and Zhang Yu was back.

Zhang Yu also ordered Guo Jia to be the military commander of the Northern Army and sit in Shenyang City.

At the same time, let the Northern Army step up its military training and reserve various supplies.

War may break out, and once it breaks out, it will be an unimaginable battle.

Fortunately, as winter is now entering, there will never be war in the north in the short term.

Then Zhang Yu began to learn about other Zhang Yu asked Zhang Zhao to understand the situation.

"My lord, we have a good harvest this year. We have collected a lot of grain. At the same time, some people have the money to pay taxes. Not many people used copper money to pay taxes. However, subordinates are the masters. Using copper money to pay taxes can give you a certain concession. There are many, but it is beneficial to the people, so many people use copper coins to pay taxes." Zhang Zhao reported.

Zhang Yu nodded, there is nothing to give the people a little discount.

He collected the copper coins and spent them on them again.

No wonder Zhang Zhao is so happy, because he has money in his hands.

Zhang Yu asked again: "Does the recruitment order have any effect?"

Zhang Yu pays more attention to talents than money.

Zhang Zhao said with joy again: "There are indeed a lot of people coming to our Jiangdong area, not to mention anything else, the merchant ships that are going to and from there are often people coming to our Jiangdong." The strongest system to dominate the Three Kingdoms

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