The Strongest System To Dominate the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 498: It's better to buy

Although everyone does not know how Zhang Yu was exhibited, several of Zhang Yu's products have already aroused the interest of many people.

Many businessmen are calculating and thinking.

Both local forces and friendly forces are thinking.

Some small businessmen and some small families are even more active, and they all want to develop through this.

Zhang Yu announced two heavy news, and the news spread out again.

Some people know that Zhang Yu was surrounded by the army before, and what he was playing in it, it turned out to be an exhibition.

This caused a large number of people to start thinking again, and felt that they had come to Jiangdong.

Jiangdong's wealth also exceeded their expectations.

I thought that Zhang Yu's character should be used to exploit the people, because Zhang Yu wanted to scrape the ground wherever he went, but this trip to Jiangdong changed everyone's view of Jiangdong.

The people in Jiangdong turned out to be the richest in the entire Dahan.

This is incredible.

Since the people of Jiangdong are so wealthy, wouldn't it be easy to make money to do business in Jiangdong?

Many people think so, and some people think, why does Mi Zhu want to marry her younger sister to Zhang Yu?

It turned out that Zhang Yu had long been optimistic about Zhang Yu.

However, there are still some people who are not tempted, and some people come to watch the ceremony and participate in Zhang Yu's wedding with other purposes.

Especially the representatives of several princes.

Zhang Yu asked everyone to rest, eat food and drink, and changed them a few new dishes.

After that, Zhang Yu came out again and said: "Next, let me introduce you some new products. These products are special. Although they are also on display, they are separated from other products."

Special merchandise?

Everyone was mobilized by Zhang Yu again.

Zhang Yu waited until everyone noticed him here, and then said, "Why are these products special? Because these products are not used by ordinary people. They are all killers, weapons and equipment for fighting on the battlefield. From spears and swords to shields. Armor, bows and arrows have everything."

Zhang Yu added: "If you want to buy it, no matter who you are in Jiangdong, you can buy it. And as long as you pay, there are no additional conditions. Even as long as you pay, our Zhang's Escort can still The goods are delivered to the location designated by the customer."

"Shameless. Zhang Yu is really shameless."

"This stuff is too bad."

"Who doesn't know how to do such a wicked thing in Youzhou."

Many representatives of the princes cursed in their hearts, Zhang Yu's Zhang's **** was too bad.

Everyone scolded them, but they couldn't do anything to Zhang Yu. Zhang Yu just dared to do it publicly.

Some people may not need it now, but no one can guarantee that they will not need it in the future.

The open sale of weapons is a matter of rebellion, and Zhang Yu is so unscrupulous now.

However, no one would be ignorant of himself. When he came out to talk about Zhang Yu, all the princes knew in their hearts that the court of this great man had already had little prestige and could no longer restrain the princes.

It's just that no one dares to do such a public approach like Zhang Yu.

The representatives of the princes became active at this time. It was not that they wanted to buy weapons and equipment, but that they reflected the problems behind them.

This has proved that Zhang Yu's strength is beyond their estimation, Zhang Yu can openly sell a large number of weapons, and promised to pay for it.

If someone wants to target Zhang Yu, who has a lot of weapons and equipment in his hands, wouldn't he be able to pull out an army soon?

This is a bit scary, everyone felt that Zhang Yu was hiding too deeply.

In their eyes, weapons and equipment are far more precious than people.

With weapons and equipment, there is an army.

Zhang Yu can sell a large number of weapons and equipment, so Zhang Yu can arm a large number of troops.

How many troops does Zhang Yu have now?

The princes began to guess.

"After going back, the lord must send more people to spy, Zhang Yu has hidden too deeply."

"Is Zhang Yu's army 300,000 or 500,000?"

"How could this be? Jiangdong is obviously a border land, not much population, not much wealth."

Many people are not calm, the products Zhang Yu wants to sell are too special.

What is the concept of selling a large number of weapons and equipment.

After everyone thought about the key to this, Zhang Yu raised his glass and said: "A toast again, there are some activities below, but let me sell it first."

Everyone heard that Zhang Yu hasn't finished yet, and there are more important things below?

"Let me settle an account for everyone first."

Zhang Yu wants to settle accounts for them, what kind of accounts?

"The quality of my Jiangdong weapons and equipment is definitely better than what you are using. It can withstand the test of the battlefield, but the price is cheap. You build it yourself. You need to raise workers, take time, and consume a lot of resources. I buy it here, and it’s definitely cheaper than what you built yourself."

Zhang Yu calculated the cost of building several weapons, and then quoted his own price.

"So, I'll do the calculations, you might as well buy, buy from me, you don’t have to raise so many workers, or you need to raise a few workers, buy a batch from me, and continue to buy when it’s almost used up. Jiangdong guarantees For sale, unless we are at war with Jiangdong, the price will be doubled, otherwise it will be sold at a fair price."


"A lunatic with money eyes open."

"Even the enemies who are at war with him have to sell it. Who dares to buy it."

"But if Zhang Yu's price is real, then a lot can be saved. I have taken care of this issue and know the cost of equipment manufacturing."

"I just don't know if Zhang Yu's price and quality can really be as promised."

The representatives of the princes are thinking.

If it is really like Zhang Yu's calculation, it is indeed better to buy than to make.

However, everyone knows that this matter is sensitive, and they dare not make any statements, so they can only calculate silently and plan to watch it later.

"Master Zhang, can you sell warships or ships?" Cai Hao stood up and looked at Zhou Yu and said to Sun Quan.

"Haha, I don't build warships in Jiangdong. They are all merchant ships. Our merchant ships are also sold. We guarantee that you can travel quickly on the Yangtze River and have a large cargo capacity." Zhang Yu said.

In fact, how could Zhang Yu have no His warships have been updated for several generations, and even 10,000 naval forces have been cultivated.

It's just that there is no opponent at the moment. Zhang Yu doesn't train troops in the Neihu or rivers, but directly trains the navy around Taiwan.

Zhang Yu said this in order not to irritate the princes.

If everyone knows that Zhang Yu has battleships, powerful battleships, then the suddenness will be lost, and Zhang Yu will let the navy play a big role when it is critical.

Zhou Yu and Sun Quan looked at Cai Hao. Cai Hao's targeting was too obvious.

Sun Ce has risen, and they have made great progress after they bought Dongting Lake, and Sun Jian's death has a certain relationship with Cai Hao, because Huang Zu is Cai Hao's subordinate.

Cai Hao and Sun Ce have clashed in several places, and now take this opportunity to test Zhang Yu.

As long as Sun Ce doesn't have a navy that can match him, Cai Hao is not afraid at all, and can even go to Dongting Lake. The strongest system to dominate the Three Kingdoms

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