It took Zhang Yu less than a day to break through the city. There were about 60,000 troops in the city, but Zhang Yu and his casualties totaled more than 4,000.

On the first day, the casualties were a little bigger, and on the second day they couldn't hold on without attacking the enemy two rounds.

At the same time, the casualties of the archers were greater than that of the rushing team, which is also very rare in a siege.

After entering the city, Zhang Yu let the 20,000 harassed troops stationed here, resting and controlling the city.

Zhang Yu and the others rested in it for a long time before they rushed towards a nearby county town.

Conquer the city in the same day.

In this way, the county towns around Chaohu were taken by Zhang Yu and the others, and the rest of the county towns were far away, so Zhang Yu had no plans to attack for the time being.

On the way, Sun Ce and the others received news that Zhang Yu and the others were the first to launch an attack.

"Bo Fu, it's cheaper for us, Zhang Yu actually attacked so early." said the veteran Huang Gai.

Zhou Yu on the side remained silent.

Sun Ce turned his head and asked Zhou Yu and said, "Gong Jin, this Zhang Yu doesn't make a surprise attack after we launch an attack, but instead creates opportunities for us. But what's the conspiracy?"

Zhou Yu shook his head and said, "Yuan Shu knew that we were going to attack him, and he was also prepared, but we secretly sent troops this time, and Yuan Shu didn't know the specific time when we sent troops."

Cheng Pu on the side asked, "So what?"

"Whoever attacks first has a chance to attack. Zhang Yu first attacked Yuan Shu and took advantage, and we lost the chance to attack." Zhou Yu said.

"Hey, this Zhang Yu is really treacherous." Huang Gai said.

"Otherwise," Zhou Yu said in a deep thought, "Zhang Yu takes the lead in the attack, and Yuan Shu will naturally send a large army to encircle and suppress. This has also shared a lot of pressure on us."

In short, there are pros and cons, but Zhou Yu still doesn't understand Zhang Yu's purpose for doing this. If Zhang Yu chooses to attack when both sides are anxious, he can definitely get the most benefit. Zhang Yu's attack at this time is definitely not the most advantageous time.

Sun Ce and the others didn't figure out what Zhang Yu was going to do, they could only continue to attack.

And Zhang Yu and the others, captured the county people next to Chaohu, and then disappeared.

"Move fast. You must set up within a day, and build camps in the other two places."

"Have the arrows from the rear been delivered? Let them speed up and bring more arrows to come."

"Erase all the traces on the road, and all scouts will be sent out to monitor a radius of thirty miles."

Zhang Yu repeatedly gave orders and nervously began to arrange.

Zhang Yu and the others left after they captured the city and went to Chaohu Lake.

Chaohu Lake has many water systems and complex terrain.

In many jungles, reeds, and other places, it is too simple to hide a hundred thousand people.

Zhang Yu and the others set up a camp after they arrived here, and brought a large amount of supplies from the rear.

Zhang Yu and the others have been here for two days.

"Report to the lord, the military division has sent a message that General Ling Cao can reach the designated location tonight." The soldier reported.

Zhang Yu immediately spread out the map in his big tent, and then looked at it.

Ling Cao was on the other side, dozens of miles away from them.

"Okay, keep in touch, just wait for Gao Shun to arrive." Zhang Yu said.

Zhang Yu wants to set up an overall situation here and win Jiujiang County in one fell swoop.

When Yuan Shu's site was attacked, he was undoubtedly very anxious and angry, and immediately ordered the army to kill him.

His main focus was on the Xuzhou part. In Xuzhou, Yuan Shu also occupied Huaiyin and other places. Yuan Shu himself was in Shouchun and was planning to attack the sites of Cao Cao and Liu Bei, but Zhang Yu and the others invaded.

Yuan Shu reacted quickly and immediately organized a 300,000 army to go south, and the soldiers and horses of other counties also moved.

A million army, Yuan Shu has a million army.

Zhang Yu paid close attention to all developments.

"Paper, Lord, General Ling Cao has taken people into Chao County fifty miles to hide." The soldier reported.

"Where is General Gao Shun?" Zhang Yu asked again.

"Master, according to the distance, General Gaoshun and the others still have two days away." The soldier asked.

"Immediately let the scouts keep an eye on Sun Ce, I need to know their progress."

According to Zhang Yu's calculation, Sun Ce should have been fighting with them long ago.

At this time, Sun Ce and the others were progressing very smoothly. Although Yuan Shu made preparations, they did not complete the preparations. The army was still training in Huaiyin and other places.

This was Yuan Shu's estimation error. They all thought that Sun Ce had just acquired weapons and equipment and would have to train for three months to half a year. What they didn't know was that Sun Ce's soldiers and horses started training when they did not have weapons and equipment.

And Zhang Yu was even earlier, making preparations a long time ago.

In this way, Yuan Shu was under-estimated and was hit by a time difference.

However, the place in Poyang Lake is also the place Yuan Shu focuses on defense. Yuan Shu bought it from Zhang Yu at a high price, and the place is a large grain producer. The grain alone is enough for Yuan Shu to use, so the place is set up. Nearly half a million troops.

Instead, Yuan Shu deployed more than 200,000 troops in Jiujiang County, most of which were second-line troops.

Zhang Yu and the others attacked suddenly, attacking three-way, and soon captured half of the county.

Three soldiers and horses slowly gathered around Chaohu.

Two days later, Gao Shun arrived and immediately surrounded Chao County.

Chaoxian County is just beside Chaohu Lake, which is also a place where grain is produced, and the water system of Chaohu Lake is also developed.

Gao Shun surrounded Chao County and was not in a hurry to attack.

Zhang Yu and Ling Cao were on both sides, dozens of miles away from Chao County.

It is not difficult to capture Chao County. Although Chao County has a good defense, there are more than 50,000 soldiers and horses, and they are all equipped with well-trained troops.

But Zhang Yu didn't want to take Chao County like this.

It is not difficult to capture Chao County. Zhang Yu set up the next round for their troops in Jiujiang County.

Gao Shun surrounded Chao County, but instead of besieging Chaoxian, he let go of a gate.

After arriving outside Chaoxian County, Gao Shun asked the soldiers to camp and rest there.

Most of Jiujiang County has been captured by Zhang Yu.

Chaoxian was besieged by a large army and was very frightened.

Kuaima immediately reported the nearest city of Hefei.

In Hefei, General Yuan Jun led a They were arguing over whether to save Chaoxian.

"You must save Chao County, otherwise Zhang Yu will drive straight into Hefei."

"Can't save, Sun Ce is attacking from the south. Once we dispatch troops, Hefei will be empty."

"The lord has already sent a large army to support him. Starting from Shouchun, you can reach Hefei City in three days. We should save Chao County first."

Several generals had different opinions, the quarrel was endless, and in the end they did not reach a unified opinion.

However, they immediately reported the news to Yuan Shu, letting Yuan Shu decide.

Yuan Shu was also anxious at this time. He had long received news that Sun Ce and Zhang Yu might jointly attack him, so they have been training troops recently and have been preparing, but Yuan Shu thought they would attack after two or three months. Unexpectedly, before he was ready, Zhang Yu and Sun Ce had already killed them. The strongest system to dominate the Three Kingdoms

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